From the queue
This one came from Auggy a looong time ago now. In summer, actually. For the last couple of years we’ve exchanged a rather large parcel in summer but not during the rest of the year. I’ve already started planning what to put in mine next time. I’ve got some candidates in my drawers.
Anyway, this afternoon when we had both come home from work Husband requested something black and unflavoured and I asked if puerh was close enough to black for him. And it was. He was just in here a moment ago commenting that it was a nice cup.
It smells quite earthy and surprisingly sweet. A bit like warm dark syrup. That’s not actually very accurate for the sweet note but it’s sort of close enough. It’s got another aspect to it though, which I can’t quite put my finger on.
The flavour is mild and smooth. Probably not the most outstanding puerh flavour in the world, but it’s got all the right elements, I think. A smidge earthy, a bit malty, a touch of grain and a great deal of Just Tea. I’m greatly enjoying this flavour profile. Husband was rather less keen the second time we had it though.
I’m in contact with her, yes. Not regularly as none of us are very good at answering emails in a timely fashion (months can go by) and frequently forget, but often enough. I follow her blog. :) They’re well. They moved house last year and have just finished building a new swimming pool in their garden. She does a lot of knitting. :)
How is Auggy? Have you heard from her lately?
I’m in contact with her, yes. Not regularly as none of us are very good at answering emails in a timely fashion (months can go by) and frequently forget, but often enough. I follow her blog. :) They’re well. They moved house last year and have just finished building a new swimming pool in their garden. She does a lot of knitting. :)