The 10th Tea of Christmas . . .
I’m almost caught up with this countdown! I was a little surprised at how well this tea did on the poll, not because I questioned its popularity at all, but because I felt as though I had just reblended this recently, so I didn’t expect it to do so well again. But the poll this year, interestingly – had a really nice mix of “recently blended” teas as well as teas I hadn’t blended in quite some time. I hope that the teas that appeared in this year’s box was just as fun for you guys as it was for me.
Anyway, this tea! It’s so good! Lovely, bright tangerine notes with a pleasant citrus-y sweetness & lots of fluffy marshmallow-y notes. I like how after I brewed it, I could smell that “freshly baked cupcake” note. My mouth started watering before it had even cooled enough to start sipping. Now that it has cooled & I’ve started sipping, I am so happy with this cup. A really nice cup for the early evening – like now, although it really is nice as a first cuppa of the day too!