OK – so this may seem like a bit of a stretch – but I’m logging this tea as my “tea with a flavor note/ingredient from a favorite Girl Scout Cookie” – because one of my favorite cookies from GS are thin mints. They’re a nostalgic favorite for me – because this was the cookie that I enjoyed as a girl scout. This was the cookie that my stepmother would always buy like 12 boxes of from both me and my stepsister and would keep in the freezer. Now, I think that I prefer Samoa – but I don’t have any more of the Calico & Black Cat tea in my cupboard so, this is gonna have to do.
Also, this tea is back in stock. (Yay!) I love it when I blend this tea, because when it’s time to taste test it, and I open the containment after the tea has cured – it smells so amazing. It reminds me of Spearmint gum which is also a nostalgic flavor for me.
Anyway, the sweet of the marshmallow & the vibrant note of spearmint evokes thoughts of thin mints to me, because they were always more mint than chocolate (the chocolate notes were always a bit waxy to me, which I didn’t hate, but a thin mint wasn’t my favorite “chocolatey” thing, but it was my favorite “minty” thing and since this tea has a wonderful mint note, that’s what evokes those thin mint vibes from me.)