93 Tasting Notes
At the moment, this might be the black tea that I like the most. Topping even Golden Fleece and Yunnan fenqqing.
Its well rounded body and warming qualities are second to none. I don’t think it resteeps as well as some of the other teas, but first maybe 4 cups are absolutely great.
(the note is about original batch)
Interesting. Dry leaves smell almost identically to the tea I remember being sold in the Soviet Union as just “Indian tea”. Admittedly, the quality was so-so, but the smell was incredible (to make me remember it after 20 years). Master Han’s smells almost similar to that. Even the taste starts similarly, but next moment you are just blown away by the amount of different notes and nuances of the liquid… the tea from 20 yrs ago could not even compare…
The only problem with this tea, I think, is the lack of pronounced aftertaste which is sad, otherwise it’d be perfect.
It doesn’t smell like tea. It smells like a candy shop >_< TOO sweet. This is even worse that Vanille des lles – it’s disturbingly sweet and lacks any tea flavor at all… I doubt I will ever touch this again…
There really is a world of difference between naturally sweet honey-nectarish Huang Zhi Xiang dancong and this… abomination
surprising, generally people find this tea strong as it’s a robust assam. This assam tea base is detectable immediately even if for sure it’s a caramel & chocolate tea.
I was steeping it for any amount of time between 15 seconds and 5 minutes. The result was more or less the same…
really, you didn’t get an absolutely awful bitterness after 2 minutes ? I cannot even drink it after 2 minutes steeping :S it becomes sooooo bitter I had to throw it
Interesting but not more that that. I like vanilla, but not when it’s the entire point of the tea. And I mean it – I couldn’t even really taste much of the base tea itself. Satisfied my curiosity, now in need to pass this to some friend…