Wedding Impérial

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Caramel, Cocoa, Malt, Vanilla, Creamy, Toffee, Burnt Sugar, Cookie, Cream, Spices, Sweet, Toasty, Dark Chocolate, Smooth, Fruity, Nutty
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
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Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 323 ml

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93 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I had this one tonight – we went out to visit friends who had a baby about a month ago. He is adorable! I have pretty much not accomplished any sipdowns this weekend, which is a sad, sad, thing...” Read full tasting note
  • “The dry leaves were smelling so good ! Caramel and a hint of chocolate for sure it was so sweet…I bought it ! I met an angel… Then it was just a demon ! I struggled with this tea all day long. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is delicious cup of mostly creamy caramel, with a tiny hint of chocolate at the end. It’s really quite lovely both hot and cold, although I do prefer it warm-ish. I think (?) I bought this...” Read full tasting note
  • “thank you to sil for this gem….. i didn’t get caramel and toffee out of it (i never do) but i got SOMETHING! it wasn’t just tea…. i got brown sugar, coffee? or something akin to. vanilla. an...” Read full tasting note

From Mariage Frères

A paean to love.

This glamorous blend is steeped in the passion that weds the malty power of golden Assam tea leaves to the sweetness of notes of chocolate and caramel.

Perfect clarity.
Evidence of a peerless marriage.

Amount of tea leaves: 2.5g
Best water temperature: 95 °C
Infusion time: 3-5 min

About Mariage Frères View company

Company description not available.

93 Tasting Notes

15620 tasting notes

I had this one tonight – we went out to visit friends who had a baby about a month ago. He is adorable! I have pretty much not accomplished any sipdowns this weekend, which is a sad, sad, thing since i know i’ll be picking up a couple teas at winners/holt’s tomorrow simply because the opportunity to pick up french teas are far and few between here in canada. While that means an increase in cupboard size, i’ve been pretty good about not buying teas recently. I still love this tea, and i’m sure that once it’s gone, i’ll find some way of restocking it :)

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cteresa 11 years ago

If you get the chance, try Mariage Freres´ American breakfast – it hits a few of the same spots Wedding Imperial does (chocolatey! malty! caramelly) but is IMO even better and far easier to brew right.

JustJames 11 years ago

i’ve added this one to my list….. maybe dependent on marks after exams, assuming i don’t behave to badly in between, lol.

Sil 11 years ago

Cteresa – hmmm I don’t think that one is at holts but I’ll keep it in mind. I was going to pick up French breakfast to try

cteresa 11 years ago

French Breakfast is on my shopping list. When I was fussing around all the World Breakfast samples, it was the the only real contender to my choice – second pick for sure (Parisian Breakfast was not for me). But American Breakfast was even more wow-ish chocolatey. I am quite in love with it, and sort of replaced definetely Wedding Imperial in my affections!

Sil 11 years ago

well if i can find a way to get american breakfast in canada i will do so! otherwise it’ll go on my shopping list for someday when i get to go to france…

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I’m really enjoying this conversation! As a lover of breakfast blends (when they are good, anyway), I want to try all of these, when I get the chance.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Sil, although I can’t go with you in body, I’ll be with you in spirit when you go shopping today, :)
If you should see a tin of Pleine Lune, please grab it for me! I recall that I really enjoyed that one!

Sil 11 years ago

Will do Terri!

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408 tasting notes

The dry leaves were smelling so good ! Caramel and a hint of chocolate for sure it was so sweet…I bought it ! I met an angel…

Then it was just a demon !
I struggled with this tea all day long.

I had it this morning and steeped it 4 min but I found it strong and bitter but I drank it.

I took it with me at work because I thought I did something wrong.

Second cup at work, I have been busy and I forgot it, it steeped for 6 minutes probably : it was just undrinkable to me : bitter incredibly bitter, I just dropped the beverage.

I made a second steep and for 3 minutes and a half this time, it was nice.

I made a third steep and it was nice as well.

The tea base is an assam and it is too strong for me I think. It hides me the fantastic flavors this tea has from the second steep.

It means I should find someone to drink all my first steep cups :)

I’ll try this with milk and sugar as well, may be good even on first steep.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec
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fleurdelily 12 years ago

good grief, tea should not be that difficult, who needs a moody tea? I think maybe give Mariage Frères a short break until they can straighten up their act. That’s two disappointments in a row :(

JacquelineM 12 years ago

I have a really hard time drinking Assam bases without milk — I hope you have more success when you try it with some :)

Ysaurella 12 years ago

you know I am quite a stubborn…I think I’ll give another try tomorrow because this tea is really appreciated in general and want to try with a very short steep (2 mn) it may work …impossible n’est pas français (famous French saying…quite pretentious ;) )

fleurdelily 12 years ago

LOL, well, best of luck and may you triumph :)

Bonnie 12 years ago

Good luck. Milk and maybe sweet too would be the cure.

cteresa 12 years ago

It is better with milk – and IMO this tea is better if you use a generous ammount but skimp on time. As little as 3 minutes or even less!

It was my first MF tea, not sure if I am sentimental about it. Weirdly enough it was the tea served to me at a thai spa in Lisbon, and they had brewed it perfectly there, so it can be done!

charab 12 years ago did have a word ‘wedding’ in the name…Anyhow, hope you’ll find a way to enjoy it, my assam behaved after adding milk, maybe they are designed for that in some cases..? But then again you did get it work after few tries so maybe it’s just playing hard to get.. :3

CHAroma 12 years ago

“Impossible n’est pas français.” I love that!

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1501 tasting notes

This is delicious cup of mostly creamy caramel, with a tiny hint of chocolate at the end. It’s really quite lovely both hot and cold, although I do prefer it warm-ish.

I think (?) I bought this from Starfevre in her tea sale, and I feel badly that I bought it at a time when I’d yet to think of marking each sample with the handle of the person who sent it to me. :$ Silly MissB. So, to whomever sold this to me at a greatly discounted price because it was in a different tea’s bad – thank you!

Flavors: Caramel, Cocoa, Cream

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Tuscanteal 11 years ago

I adore this tea as well… so delicious!

MissB 11 years ago

Where do you get yours, Tuscanteal?

Starfevre 11 years ago

Nope! Not from me.

Starfevre 11 years ago

I haven’t had a tea sale.

Tuscanteal 11 years ago

When The Urban Tea Merchant carried MF, that’s where I got it… now I am SOL

Dustin 11 years ago

Dean and Deluca has it. Not sure if it is a good price or if they ship to Canada.

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390 tasting notes

thank you to sil for this gem…..

i didn’t get caramel and toffee out of it (i never do) but i got SOMETHING! it wasn’t just tea….

i got brown sugar, coffee? or something akin to. vanilla. an unnameable fruit tone…. very smooth.

thank you, sil! i’m a day behind, but it was a lovely celebration!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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Sil 11 years ago

Heh. Glad it was something to look forward too

cteresa 11 years ago

I am crazy maybe, but I always get a coconut-y vibe from Wedding Imperial. I like it nonetheless, though it is a tea which keeps me on my toes, must pay attention when brewing it!

JustJames 11 years ago

now that you say it, yes, perhaps a roasted coconut? a very decadent treat to celebrate the ending of my scariest course!!!! tomorrow i will celebrate again =0)

cteresa 11 years ago

oh, congratulations, here is to a great celebration! This sounds like a good tea to celebrate with!

JustJames 11 years ago

THANK YOU THANK YOU! i think fauchon’s naissance is the route to go…. =0)

Sil 11 years ago

i really need to try my fauchon teas…maybe this weekend…

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I really need to try Fauchon teas, period! LOL
congrats, James!

JustJames 11 years ago

i only have 2, but i can send samples terri =o)

Sil 11 years ago

justjames… i can take care of terri…we have an ongoing box that travels and maaaybe she’s getting some in the next round as my christmas treat to her and tastybrew heh

Sil 11 years ago

also..did you know that 13 teas from MF only comes to about 16$ per 100g CAD which is like the same price as bad tea from david’s tea as well lol

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Sil! 13 teas! That’s 1300g.

JustJames 11 years ago

i did! it’s the shipping that (i’m going to go the polite route here…) ‘attaches one to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.’ =0)

Sil 11 years ago

i will keep you guys posted…it’s only a matter of time before i crumble one way or another… after all there’s still my stupid “real” bonus to come this year.. in addition to the “fake” bonus they already gave me lol

TeaLady441 11 years ago

Hmmmm…. I wish I had money…

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

(Just sitting here smiling & enjoying the conversation, especially the part about people (mainly Sil) sending me tea, lol)

JustJames 11 years ago

see this is where there difference between money and credit blurs for me. mmph, financial responsibility. credit rating. tea. risk. pro/con. dammit.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago


JustJames 11 years ago

terri…. not nice to make fun of trying to be responsible mostly grown ups, lol.

Sil 11 years ago

is it bad that when i’m in the modd to splurge on something like this..the 1300g of tea that i’d be getting doesn’t phase me only because it means that i can share? lol I’ve had bags of tea i bought, love but then only have like 2 cups out of because i get to excited to share the tea lol

keychange 11 years ago

Oh yeah, I spend like a blind fool when I’m buying tea. Sil, are you ordering directly from mf? isn’t shipping going to…impale you unpleasantly?

Sil 11 years ago

keychange – both MF and the o dor have shipping that sits at about 25 euros. If i get 10+ bags, because the teas aren’t terribly expensive in the grand scheme of things, it offsets the cost of the shipping without making the price per bag exorbitant. 13 teas brings the cost per 100g to about 16 CAD, which, as i mentioned is about the same price as a number of david’s teas – a company that i am not overly a fan of. heh

keychange 11 years ago

Well I’ll be damned!

cteresa 11 years ago

Sil, that is my plan for my next order. Buy sufficiently of the loose leaf teas so it offsets the shipping, so one just big order. Though next order will be no sooner than November (ok, october, but totally definetely!) 2014! For this winter I am shamefully well stocked

JustJames 11 years ago

okay, now i read your 16$, but i didn’t realize your number included/justified/explained/finessed shipping sil, lol.

Sil 11 years ago

james..oh yes..i always look at total cost to get to my greedy little hands. my first order of DF teas arrived today and i AM SO DARN HAPPY OMG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! however i also received my verdant BF order AND teas from omgsrsly…so um i have some drinking to do before i can order lol

JustJames 11 years ago

it sounds like a day totally appropriate for the season….. enjoy =0)

Sil 11 years ago

sooo supposed to be doing work..but totally organising tea now lol

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 140. Brewed strong with milk and sugar. It’s pretty tasty this way! MF teas tend to not be totally to my taste, but often with additions I am pleased with them. This one is no exception. Thanks for letting me try it, Sil!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Sil 11 years ago

That means you’re 40 from your goal right? So I’m still ahead in the the unofficial contest that gets me going! Haha I’m at 28 I think it was…

Dinosara 11 years ago

Yeah, and I keep sabotaging myself by ordering a couple new teas here and there. But I’m still at less than 2 sipdowns/day to reach my goal.

Sil 11 years ago

Yeah I picked up two teas out here so far…bagged boring republic of tea things that I can’t get back home heh and my verdant blends of Tge month teas will be at my house when I get back….

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362 tasting notes

I could not quite decide what tea to have, nothing seemed right, this was more or less like a chance choice. And oh wow, I had been so unfair to this tea, it can be so so nice, I keep forgetting how very nice it can be.

I used a generous helping for a cup, very hot water (just a minute or two after boiling) and did not let it steep too much, I was making up for it with tea quantity, and added just a little smidgeon of sugar. I got the caramel, the vanilla and cocoa notes nice and clear, but underneath it all a very nice tea (assam? I am seriously revising my opinion on it) make it TEA. Lovely, why do I keep overlooking this?

A warning, lovely as this is, it can turn absolutely vile if you let it steep too long.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Ysaurella 12 years ago

thank you for the advice about steeping time, I just bought this one and will try it this week.

cteresa 12 years ago

I keep overlooking this actually – it was my first MF tea, am now on the second tin, poor thing keeps getting overlooked by the newer things. And now am getting seriously into Pleine Lune with milk and honey which sort of of takes away Wedding´s Imperial niche for when i want something flavourful, desserty and with milk.

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639 tasting notes

WOW! The dry leaf aroma is pure salted caramel! OMG, it smells INCREDIBLE!!! I’m brewing this up immediately!

I requested this tea from Shmiracles because I’ve heard so many great things about Mariage Frères teas. The downside is they’re so expensive and you can only buy large quantities of them. BUT, I’m going to France in October!!!! So, I figured I can save shipping costs and pick up some tea while strolling the streets of Paris! Still, it’d be best to try a few things first and figure out what I want to buy exactly.

And this brings us to today and my first Mariage Frères tea!!! Thanks Shmiracles!!!!

Wow! Have I already said wow? Well, let me say it again! WOW! The brewed tea aroma is even better than the dry leaf! It smells of black tea and salted caramel. Holy cow, this is going to be good! First sip sans additions…mmmm, malt and caramel show up first. Then a hint of bittersweet cocoa appears in the middle. Then more caramel, salted this time, appears at the end of the sip. THIS IS GLORIOUS!!!!!!!

I feel like cackling like a mad witch right now. This is a magical tea! First of all, it’s assam. And I don’t even like assam. Second, everyone finds it really strong and leaning towards bitter. I hate bitter and hardly ever drink black tea straight. But this is great straight! (Rhyme unintended). :P I’m sure with milk and sugar it would be a delicious dessert treat too. But even as is, it’s a really really delicious cup of tea!

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. I love this soooo much! I can’t wait to go to France to stock up on it. Wow! :D Thank you sooooo much to Shmiracles for sharing this amazing French creation! I am in love!!!!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Sil 12 years ago

it’s a pretty decent price at the end of the day as well if you’re there to buy it heh esp if you buy it in the bag instead of a tin

Shmiracles 12 years ago

what a heartwarming post. tea rules!!! liquid poetry. history and lyrics and nature all in a cup.
i’m totally drinking this one tomorrow morning.
go witchy poo! (ya know, cuz of the cackling…)

CHAroma 12 years ago

Hahaha, you’re awesome Shmiracles! Second steep with milk and sugar was just as delicious by the way. :)

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1353 tasting notes

I received this sample from cteresa and the following was written before I looked it up on Steepster.

I smell… coconut, vanilla and some sort of fruit.

The flavour is a bit rough, which I attribute partly to the base and partly to the heavy coconut note. There really is a little too much coconut in here for me. I get vanilla in the aftertaste and around the edges, but that fruit is eluding me. I can tell it’s there, because there is a depth to the coconut and vanilla which I get the impression wouldn’t otherwise have been there, but I’ll be darned if I can find that note on it’s own in any way at all, much less find out what I think it is. My bet is on something tropical because pineapple strikes me as something that would fit in here.

And then I looked it up to see that it’s a blend of Assam, chocolate and caramel.


Okay, caramel and vanilla can be confused so what I perceived as vanilla is probably the caramel. Chocolate? Hmmm, perhaps that has something to do with the coconut-y note, although I do still think it’s more coconut-y than anything else. I’m not really sure I’ve ever met a chocolate flavoured tea that I though was truly chocolate-y, which is kind of funny considering how often that note shows up naturally. No fruit, but an Assam base. I can’t find any Assam characteristics underneath the flavouring, but I think that accounts for the sort of rough, slightly astringent feeling of it. Perhaps it’s the maltyness that cheated me into thinking there was fruit involved?

Perhaps it’s because I subconsciously expected this one to be similar to the wedding blend from Harney&Sons?

Perhaps it’s because I’ve got so used to my flavoured black teas being on a Chinese base that it never occurred to me that it might be something else entirely?

Perhaps my tongue just needs to be calibrated?

It’s a pleasant tea, though. Even if it has caused rather a lot of confusion this morning.

Bonnie 13 years ago

Nice journey!

cteresa 13 years ago

taste is a funny thing. A natural scent/smell that we associate with something can have hundreds of compounds, in common with others. It´s interesting how different it can all vary.

And sorry, never felt any coconut there! caramel yeah, or what I associate with caramel. It´s very interesting to see it from your point of view. Totally agree about the maltiness.

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3294 tasting notes

This tea has a very strong, almost coffee like taste! I followed Ysaurella’s suggestions to only steep for 2 minutes, & I’m thinking caramel latte.

Of course, being a fan of strong teas, I like it! It’s bold, but smooth. The flavoring is deep Assam, with caramel floating throughout, and a hint of bitter chocolate to round out the cup. I drank part of the cup plain, & then added some stevia, & both were satisfying.

Thank you, Ysaurella. I’m enjoying my ‘tour’ through the teas you sent!

Ysaurella 12 years ago

I’m glad you loved it. If some tea remains, it is nice to taste it too with some milk, this is a very pleasant breakfast tea with or without milk -I often have difficulty to choice how I want to have it.

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328 tasting notes

Forgotten how much I liked this tea- chocolate and caramel. Yum! It is VERY bold and definitely needs milk and sugar.. It is so bold (and certainly not frilly, perfumy, or prissy) I am even suprised that this is a French tea.

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