Thank you Angel of Teavivre for this wonderful sample! The package of green teas arrived the other day, and I just couldn’t resist it any longer. I opened this package up for a quick sniff, but it smelled so fresh and tasty that I had to let it jump the queue!

It’s the last week of school, and suitably hectic, so I made this Western-style in my travel mug. Sipping it now, I think it definitely deserves better treatment, so next time I’m going to get out my gaiwan for the full experience.

This morning I added 2tsp of raw sugar (which is actually pretty restrained for me, as I have a horrible sweet tooth) and I think that was just right. The flavor is light and fruity, with a crisp, grassy aftertaste.

I look forward to trying this again in the weeks to come!

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Feel free to browse my cupboard if you’re interested in swapping, but all the mate and pu-erh in our household is my husband’s.

For swapping purposes, please note the apple allergy. Thank you!

I tried to limit my cupboard to teas that were 1oz or larger, but that was a gorgeous failure in terms of swap communication. It’s all going back up.

Okay, I just feel wrong trying to grade things without a rubric – it’s too inconsistent! So, here is the grading breakdown:

0-50: Dump it!
50-60: I might finish the cup
60-70: Possibly finish the pot
70-80: I may keep this on hand
80-90: Cupboard space guaranteed
90-100: Poetry may be involved!


Dallas, TX


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