Very much looking forward to this sample! Thankyou Angel and Teavivre for this generous sample
I used 4 pearls
Dry smell: like smoky hot chocolate
Appearance: golden amber
Smell wet leaf: almost like a malty milkshake
Taste: Delicious, malty, slightly sweet, smooth. Cocoa notes.
It leaves a wonderfully warm and comforting feeling throughout my body.
Delicious to have that cocoa taste but tastes so natural
2nd steep 1.5min—slight astringency in the aftertaste
I would re-steep some more but it is getting late in the day, I will have to save the leaf for tomorrow morning.
Edit: 3rd steeping from last night’s leaves, 3 minutes. This tea is starting to lose it’s sweetness a little bit but it is still delicious.
I would do more steepings, but I have so many other teas left to review!
I have noticed that people who use 3 pearls are not happy with the results so no skimping…and I used 5 and loved it! 4 seemed to have worked fine for you. I ordered this because it was the most cocoa tea I’ve found to date in the milk chocolate range.
I loved this one, so I bought some too. I use 4 or 5 pearls in a 200ml mug. Seems to give it a nice cocoa kick.
I ordered this tea…so cocoa-eeee good!
I… think I just received this one! Need to try ASAP!
I have noticed that people who use 3 pearls are not happy with the results so no skimping…and I used 5 and loved it! 4 seemed to have worked fine for you. I ordered this because it was the most cocoa tea I’ve found to date in the milk chocolate range.
I loved this one, so I bought some too. I use 4 or 5 pearls in a 200ml mug. Seems to give it a nice cocoa kick.
4 seemed to work but I think I will try 5 after hearing so many other people using 5!
I will have to add this tea to my next order! I will drink anything malty and chocolate-y :)