Leif & I did some work in the garden, pruning out the old canes in the blackberry patch, removing weeds, & repairing the trellises. A storm came up, so we weren’t able to finish the project, but we got quite a bit done, & it already looks so much better. The blackberries are starting to flower, & they always look so beautiful. I’ll make sure & post a pic to FB later in the week.
So…it was raining, with thunder & lightening. We came in & enjoyed a couple of pots of tea together. This was the first, & it was actually pretty nice, IMO. I’m one of those people that prefers vanilla ice cream over any other flavor (coconut milk ice cream, that is). So this has a creaminess to the taste & was rather enjoyable. If I was Christopher Walken I’d say, “Needs more Vanilla”.
Otherwise, it was nice.
oh no! I just thought of “Needs more cowbell” today while I was listening to a song with cowbell.. really that happens with any song with cowbell, I guess.
Nothing like a scoop of vanilla ice cream. :)
oh no! I just thought of “Needs more cowbell” today while I was listening to a song with cowbell.. really that happens with any song with cowbell, I guess.
LOL, I actually ordered a tea from Adagio called, “more cowbell”.
Me & my son were messing around on the adagio site, & typing in random names for teas, just joking around, & there it was! Of course, I had to order it!