I had some free time this afternoon, & spent part of it partaking of this yummy oolong! I can see why it has won awards, it’s amazing!
The dry smell is sweet & fruity & there is a bit of a caramelized aroma too.
Garret (Mandala Tea) suggested preheating a Gaiwan, then dumping out the hot water, putting the tea in, cover briefly, and then smell. He was talking about puer at the time, but I decided to try it with this tea. Thank you Garret :)
Oh my!! The aromas were intensified, so that now I’m smelling fruit loops, only the best fruit loops you’ve ever had, or maybe a tropical smoothie. Yummmmmmm!
I can’t tell you how many rounds of steeping I went through, but they were so good. The early ones were especially sweet, tropical, & floral. Gradually a rocky taste & a light roasted flavor crept in as well. There was a little astringency in a few rounds, but mostly this was a mouth watering, tongue tingling delight! I also got some nice 3rd eye opening sensations, & interesting sensations in my ears, neck, sinuses, & shoulder blades.
Thank you to David & Verdant for this wonderful offering. I will savor every cup!