A lot has been changing quickly, my lovelies!
(1) I have more tea than I know what to do with (Golden Moon sampler, Harney & Sons tins, two series from Damn Fine Tea), and t-bags are the love of my life.
(2) Got that internship at a big NYC museum that I thought I’d failed miserably at? Herp a derp?!
(3) Still am too upfront for most men in this modern age or will become an old maid; both are distinct possibilities.
But, to the tea. I have had this tea sitting around since mid-winter, and still haven’t said a word. The first few weeks, I was a bit enamored; and found it quite comforting in soggy, dreadfully, miserably snowy and chilly Ohio. But as the days become warmer, I think my heart has changed a bit. Captures the pumpkin, but not quite the spice or baked creaminess. More watery than I remember, and not particularly strong even when I use more than the proper serving. Gets a bit bitter without sugar, and I recommend trying it with half and half. Or put a pie in the oven.
I have to say, our brick and mortar shop, Zoomdweebie’s Tea Bar, is FULL of 20-somethings who all swear they are never going to find Mr/Ms Right. I hear about it EVERY week. Don’t worry about the old maid thing, seriously.
Bet you thought I was going to say something about the tea, eh? :)
Congratulations on the job! That’s awesome news. And as for teh old maid thing, a little more than a year ago I had the same sort of thought for the future although it wasn’t really something that bothered me. But I still caught one! And if I can catch one, you can too. ;)
@Morgana, @Ricky & @Angrboda: Danke! You should all come visit me in midtown over the summer. ;) As for men, Angrboda, I’m too old to be 20, hah.
@Frank: I’m with Ricky, I vote for a Mr. Right tea, haha. Tea is basically my substitute whenever I get disappointed in people!
@tease Perhaps I will visit during the summer =] Now all I need is an address.
Frank, it wouldn’t be right if you didn’t have a MIss Right, then the Mister Wrong and Miss Wrong as well. It’ll be a set!
I have to say, I find it very unbecoming of a Soccer Mom to be wondering how Mr. Wrong might taste. ;)
<- Blushing I simply meant would he be a bad boy with alotta attitude with a white tee shirt,slicked back hair and a leather jacket or would he sound really good and turn out to be a dud (before my soccer mom days) the latter of the two is usually what my Mr. Wrong would have been like. ;P
Hmmph and this coming from Frank who admitted the thought of trusty sidekick bathing in his Black Currant Bai Mu Dan to be “sexy”! see- http://steepster.com/teas/52teas/10146-black-currant-bai-mu-dan
Of all the people to call me out on this comment it would be you silly ;P
Well, I certainly wouldn’t make a dud tea on purpose, so I am assuming it would have to be a bad boy tea. (Whatever that would be). Anyway, I just couldn’t resist teasing you. And yes, I am guilty as charged, “silly”/dirty old man/whatever. But seriously, what could possibly be sexier than a 20-year-old girl bathing in my art? Can I really be blamed for thinking that was sexy?
I’ll let it slide this time:) but that’s probably only because I don’t have a 20 year old daughter ;P
Congrats on the internship!
I have to say, our brick and mortar shop, Zoomdweebie’s Tea Bar, is FULL of 20-somethings who all swear they are never going to find Mr/Ms Right. I hear about it EVERY week. Don’t worry about the old maid thing, seriously.
Bet you thought I was going to say something about the tea, eh? :)
Frank, perhaps an idea for the next tea? ;)
Congrats on the museum job!
Congratulations on the job! That’s awesome news. And as for teh old maid thing, a little more than a year ago I had the same sort of thought for the future although it wasn’t really something that bothered me. But I still caught one! And if I can catch one, you can too. ;)
@Morgana, @Ricky & @Angrboda: Danke! You should all come visit me in midtown over the summer. ;) As for men, Angrboda, I’m too old to be 20, hah.
@Frank: I’m with Ricky, I vote for a Mr. Right tea, haha. Tea is basically my substitute whenever I get disappointed in people!
Mr. Right Tea, ingredients: snips and snails and puppy dog tails?
Too old to be 20? I don’t get it… Anyway, I was nearly 30 when I caught mine.
@Angrboda: Mentally, I need someone much older than who I should reasonably dating at this age.
@tease Perhaps I will visit during the summer =] Now all I need is an address.
Frank, it wouldn’t be right if you didn’t have a MIss Right, then the Mister Wrong and Miss Wrong as well. It’ll be a set!
Hmmm just thinking what flavor would Mr. Wrong be??
I have to say, I find it very unbecoming of a Soccer Mom to be wondering how Mr. Wrong might taste. ;)
<- Blushing I simply meant would he be a bad boy with alotta attitude with a white tee shirt,slicked back hair and a leather jacket or would he sound really good and turn out to be a dud (before my soccer mom days) the latter of the two is usually what my Mr. Wrong would have been like. ;P
Hmmph and this coming from Frank who admitted the thought of trusty sidekick bathing in his Black Currant Bai Mu Dan to be “sexy”! see- http://steepster.com/teas/52teas/10146-black-currant-bai-mu-dan
Of all the people to call me out on this comment it would be you silly ;P
Well, I certainly wouldn’t make a dud tea on purpose, so I am assuming it would have to be a bad boy tea. (Whatever that would be). Anyway, I just couldn’t resist teasing you. And yes, I am guilty as charged, “silly”/dirty old man/whatever. But seriously, what could possibly be sexier than a 20-year-old girl bathing in my art? Can I really be blamed for thinking that was sexy?
I’ll let it slide this time:) but that’s probably only because I don’t have a 20 year old daughter ;P
Mine is only two. By the time she turns 20, maybe I will feel differently about things. …maybe.