289 Tasting Notes


Nice nuggets ;). These are a little more musty than I remember. Still really good and smooth. I forget that when you brew nuggets, it is almost a bottomless cup of dark goodness.

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I bough this when it came out. Breaking it out today for my birthday! It is really tasty. Classic Bulang ripe, bittersweet chocolate, thick mouthfeel, robust. Good stuff.

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mrmopar 3 years ago

Happy Birthday!

ashmanra 3 years ago

Happy birthday! May the year ahead be an awesome one for you!

Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

Happy birthday to you!

Michelle 3 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Rich 3 years ago

Thanks everyone!

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I’ve had this tea for a while now and wow, it is a fantastic ripe. Smooth, but also some bitter, like dark chocolate or espresso. It brews thick and burly. A great example of a ripe done right by Hai Lang Hao.

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Trying this again today after a number of years of home storage. There are no floral notes at the moment, it is in that awkward stage where it tastes kind of bland but is still very good. The clarity of the thick amber brew is excellent. Just a hint of smoke and mushroom.

Cwyn 4 years ago

Mine’s still in shrink wrap, one of these days should try.

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Had this a few days ago and wanted to make a quick note for everyone. The tea was very bitter and acidic, but also very clean. Medium dark. If this sounds good to you then you’ll probably like it. Too bitter for me for a ripe pu erh.

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This is a very nice ripe. I have wondered why tea makers don’t keep the Cha tou nuggets in ripe pu erh teas. You can tell they are in this blend, it seems to add some depth and smoothness. The tea is smooth but somewhat bitter, with chocolate notes, as well as some old library book in the background. Very complex. And a good price for a full sized cake.

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Trying this tea after six years of home storage. Interestingly it had absolutely no bitterness. Very surprising given my initial review. It was thick but kind of bland. But good. Maybe it is in that awkward phase.

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tea123 5 years ago

How are you storing it?

Rich 5 years ago

About 60% humidity, room temperature. I have an enclosed tea closet.

tea123 5 years ago

Try bottled water.

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Still a great tea! Five years on and the fermentation flavors are almost all gone. It is very sweet with a touch of smoke. Very slippery and thick. I have a few tongs of this, more than any other tea by far. Glad I have plenty!

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mrmopar 5 years ago

Hey there old friend! Good to see you.

Rich 5 years ago

Hey! Maybe we can get you to do a review?

mrmopar 5 years ago

Yeah probably need to catch up a bit.

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Trying this after 5 years of home storage. It’s color now matches it’s apricot flavor. It’s fruity and sharp, relatively light body, with heavy Cha qi. Very tasty.

tea123 5 years ago

I’ve been re-visiting some of my Yunnan Sourcing pu-erh recently too. I was surprised at their 2012 Impressions – my experience sounds the same as yours, good stuff.

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