Laoshan Bilochun Green

Tea type
Green Tea
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Sweet, Mineral, Nutty, Roasted, Salty, Butter, Floral, Green Beans, Coriander, Fennel, Soybean, Vegetable Broth, Nuts, Spinach
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Edit tea info Last updated by Terri HarpLady
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec 3 g 7 oz / 195 ml

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46 Tasting Notes View all

From Verdant Tea

“Meticulously hand-rolled autumn Laoshan green tea yielding a potent, grassy long lasting brew with green bean sweetness. . . .”

Mr. He was extremely proud to unveil his latest experiment when we visited his farm in Laoshan Village at the beginning of November. We have consistently told him that his family is free to innovate and try out any ideas because we will buy up the results. This incredible new offering is a labor of love, with Mr. He carefully rolling the tea by hand into tighter bilochun-like curls. His hunch was that the deeper more savory flavors that come out in bilochun rolling would bring out the best in Laoshan green. We wholeheartedly agree.

This tea is made from fresh-picked leaves and buds for a sweet grassy flavor. The hand rolling gives the tea a much longer steeping life than traditional Laoshan Green, and a more savory full-bodied base note. Mr He told us that if this tea is well-received, he will try making a bilochun-style hand rolled Laoshan Black. It is exciting to be able to support projects in innovation like this one that not only benefit us tea drinkers and the He family, but advance the state of tea in general and keep challenging producers to bring out the best in their specific terroir.

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46 Tasting Notes

612 tasting notes

5/5 (see my bio for more info on my new pared down scale)

keep drinking quart mason jars of this cold steeped every day because it’s so good (that day i first tried it as part of that cold steeped green tea off, i wound up thinking about it all night and like 2 days straight following…it was that compelling!). thinking more and more that this is my favorite green tea, and the one that has turned me into an unabashed fan of greens now. it has this clean steamed plain white rice aspect i love, along with the more conventional but very well done sweet refreshing qualities of a good green, that sweet pea thing. all this with little of the cons of many greens—there’s no harshness or burny bitter mouthfeel, and the grassiness is light and sweet, not overpowering. laoshan village has got to be some magic place, i reckon.


:D I have some on the way- I can’t wait to try it! I love all the other Laoshan teas I’ve tried

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417 tasting notes

Wow. The tasting notes were definitely right about the hazelnut in this. I was skeptical about this, but it was the very first thing I smelled. I don’t know if I smell or taste spinach at all, but it definitely has some green vegetal flavors, but they’re buttery and not sour. I overbrewed the second steeping because I am working on my gaiwan technique. My hands are very small (I’m 5’0") and apparently I have been holding the gaiwan incorrectly because of this. :-/ Anyhow, it is a very nice tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec

I get burned when I try to hold the edges. I prefer picking it up with two fingers under the saucer and my thumb on the lid. I don’t care if it is not correct. It is comfortable. How large of a gaiwan are you using? I have the 90ml (3oz) one from Teavivre.


That’s pretty clever. Thanks for the idea. I may just try to find a smaller gaiwan. My gaiwans are all in the 3-4 oz. range, I believe…

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138 tasting notes

Hmmm. I like this. A nice sweet spinach taste. Lasts a little longer through steeping. I thought it would taste just the Laoshan green. To me it is very different. The Laoshan green has a buttery snap pea taste. This is more of a savory spinach.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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57 tasting notes

I just drank my first few steepings of this tea. There are not yet brewing instructions on the website so I improvised based on previous experience with another bilochun tea which favored lower temperature steepings.

This tea tastes very similar to the usual Laoshan green to me but it seems to be a little sweeter and taste a little more more like snap peas.

The initial steeping was very good, but it became too bitter after that (from steeping too long I think).

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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257 tasting notes

Drinking this with my Chinese New Year long noodles!!!
The leaves are so cute and tiny, tightly twisted. They unfurl into cute, pretty basil chiffonade-looking pieces.
The liquor is a light, pretty, spring green color.
The flavors are mineral, spinach, green bean, and a touch of hazelnut or almond. The taste of Green Beans Almondine,,,would pair wonderfully with a dish including that classic!!
Thank u to Terri Harplady for this sample!!!!

Flavors: Green Beans, Nuts

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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19 tasting notes

This tea has a tiny bit of a sweet flavor, but in later steepings, the sweetness gets stronger

Flavors: Sweet

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358 tasting notes

Another green sample from a tea friend. First tea I ever had from Verdant, as I’ve never ordered from them before. I roughly followed their gongfu steeping guidelines.

5g leaf, 80C water to fill the vessel. The leaves of this tea were very dark when dry and quickly became quite green after the first steep. The aroma was enticingly nutty, salty, sweet and roasty, and the yellow liquor was sweet and light in flavor.

This tea had a very nice, mineral saltiness and a sweet nuttiness that developed throughout the session. I’ve only had one other bilochun green before, and I didn’t really like it, but I found this one to be enjoyable!

Flavors: Mineral, Nutty, Roasted, Salty, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 5 g

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676 tasting notes

The autumn version of this tea is delicious. Similar to regular laoshan green but nuttier and with fruity overtones. The nuttiness reminds me of oats and basmati rice. Sometimes I get a little chestnut or toasted rice type of flavor too. The liquor is a pale green color and has a green bean like taste. The mouthfeel is thick, buttery, and sweet. Steeped at lower temps, around <175 F, it’s sweet and fruity. Higher temps produce a more savory flavor profile.

A fine green tea typical of the Laoshan style though not as complex nor full flavored as the spring reserve bilochun was.

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Green Beans

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 45 sec 1 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

I placed an order for some Autumn Laoshan greens from Verdant during the Black Friday weekend. Looking forward to trying them including this one.


Can’t go wrong with Verdant’s laoshan greens. I liked their pine needle green tea the vest from this autumn’s harves


Loveeee their green teas so far

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661 tasting notes

Looks like I’ve missed reviewing this tea but I’ve had it quite a few times. Had it this morning and it’s a wonderful green tea. I am so happy with all the Laoshan teas I got from Verdant Tea on their sale last fall. They are all so good I will probably always keep them in my cupboard.

As for this tea, it’s fresh with lots of nutty sweetness and green bean flavours. Also borders a bit on the deep spinach side. An excellent cup to start off the day!

Flavors: Green Beans, Nuts, Spinach

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1324 tasting notes

It’s a wonderful thing to be able to support a family that is devoted to something I love.

This is quite a bit more nutty then I expected and yet not nutty in the way I imagined. The grassy flavors come at you just as expected with slight surprises of earthiness.

Evol Ving Ness

I also quite enjoy the extended write-ups that Verdant Tea devotes to the various tea masters and their families and their involvement in the tea process. Exceedingly well done, Verdant Tea.

That said, I have so far only tried one of their most recent box from Laoshan. Must get steeping and drinking, but I find greens are not a daily thing for me.


What type of tea do u prefer?

Evol Ving Ness

I like all types of tea.

That said, these days, I find myself wanting black, straight up or flavoured, in the mornings. I tend more towards either gentle or medium body blacks. Though I do like the assertive ones, for example those which Mighty Leaf uses for their fruity blends, but I have to be in the mood for them.

Greens, oolongs, or whites in the afternoon, depending on my tolerance for caffeine at that point in the day. I find the Laoshan teas with their many steepings are an all day affair.

Rooibos, honeybush, or herbal blends in the late afternoon and evening.

As for flavours, mostly all good, though I am not a fan of mint, usually. Sometimes, however, it works.


Ah ok! Then you will definitely like their Laoshan black. I bet you would like Big Red robe as well. I myself am not a hug fan of black tea but I do enjoy the pure flavors in theirs

Evol Ving Ness

Most likely I will. And yes, the purity in the flavours of their teas is extraordinary in itself.

Somewhere I read the recommended order of drinking their teas in this particular box, though I forget where. From light to dark, pure to most processed. I intend to follow that order (unless I get muddled, of course).

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