Laoshan White

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White Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by David Duckler
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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From Verdant Tea

“A silky sweet experimental crop with Laoshan’s signiture sugar snap pea flavor and the crispness of White Tea.”

After decades of innovation and working to perfect their green tea, the village of Laoshan has entered a golden age of diversity in their tea offerings. Just a year ago, our friends, the He family, started making black tea as an experimental crop, improving with each harvest. This black tea has quickly become our most popular offering. Now, for the first time, Laoshan White tea is available.

By steaming the tea leaves lightly after picking instead of allowing them to wilt in bamboo baskets and oxidize, a kind of white tea is produced. This processing difference creates an intriguing difference in taste. While Laoshan Green is creamy and savory like green beans, the Laoshan white is in a different league.

The predominant texture is extremely silky on the sides of the tongue with a slightly tingling texture on the tip of the tongue. All together it creates a crisp and fresh sensation. The flavor still references the signature green bean quality of Laoshan, but moves towards a sugar-snap pea flavor, and very light notes of clover honey. The silkiness of the texture creates the sensation of chilled almond milk with vanilla.

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43 Tasting Notes

516 tasting notes

Today was such a dramatic day I… left my job.
I was shaking when I got home – it really didn’t sink in. And now? I’m elated! (Don’t worry folks, I have another temp job lined up)

And I reeeeally needed a calm down tea. But also a super special one! And so, out pops my best friend, Laoshan White. Thanks LW, for seeing me through this crazy time!

Hesper June

Wow! Congrats!
It feels so empowering to take charge of your own life doesn’t it!?
Very glad you had this tea to come home to and also glad you have some work lined up already (gotta be able to buy tea, right!)


Good for you! Sounds like it wasn’t a good environment to work in from what you’ve been writing. It was brave of you to get out before things got worse. Hurrah!


I hope you find something better soon…

Daisy Chubb

Thank you! My coworker and I honestly feel like we barely dodged a bullet. We got out at the exact right time, by the skin of our teeth! So many analogies – and although the hunt is still on for a permanent job, the temp jobs keep the bills paid and the tea bought b^_^


Congrats!!! hugs and luff


Amazing! Love your positive attitude! This is the right tea for the occasion! Ain’t nothin gettin you down…!!!!!


thinking of you!

Dylan Oxford

Totally their loss. Good luck :)

Invader Zim

Hope you find a better place. Definitely stay positive!


Wow! I hope your new job is better than your old one, and I hope you find a permanent one you love! ♥


Good for you! Good luck in your next job


Good luck! :)

Will Work For Tea

I’ve done that after being on the (temp) job for only 4 days. Sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself. It’s scary, but totally liberating! Just know that something better will come along, with better pay! :)


Good luck!!!!


Congrats! There are few things worse than having a job you don’t like! So I hope your new one is 1000 times more enjoyable!! :)

Jim Marks

Mabrouk !!!

I am hoping to do the same, soon, and I cannot wait for that feeling.

Daisy Chubb

Wow! Thank you for your kind words everyone!!!
I encourage you all to take hold of your life and find happiness and liberation! And of course, share on Steepster so we can all celebrate together :D

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – you are the best community evar!


Good luck! Glad you’ve got something else lined up.

Autistic Goblin

You’ll get a better job and be much happier hopefully it will also have better pay! :D Drink tea and be happy


Good luck on the job front. I hope the next one is a keeper!


Yikes! I got the impression that it perhaps wasn’t going wonderfully, but I see that may have been an understatement. I hope things improve with the next one!


How did I miss this?! Sorry to hear things ended badly.
No matter, from what I gather, you like the job you’re in now and that’s awesome!! :)

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6119 tasting notes

Just brewed some of this one up, and OH MY GOODNESS this smells so incredibly delicious! Like creamy caramels mixed with that delicious vegetal flavour… it is all I can do not to gulp this down, but I’d surely burn my throat quite badly.

Cool faster, tea!!! Updated tasting note to come…

Also, for reference, I brewed ~4g of this in ~6oz. of 175F water for about 30 seconds. All approximate, yep. If this is as delicious as the aroma, hopefully I can replicate it…

ETA: Ok, I have very little experience with straight white teas, but this one is absolutely amazing! I love love LOVE vegetal greens, particularly ones with a natural rock sugary sweetness (like the Dragonwell-style Laoshan Green), but this is completely something else. Not rock sugar, but definitely creamy, sweet caramel with that Laoshan background. Amazing. I only picked up a sample of this one, but I suspect a full ounce or two may be headed my way sooner than my bank account would prefer…

ETA again: Yummmmm. I would be hard-pressed to identify this as a white tea over a green, but I really don’t care… this one is so good!

ETA a third time: Second infusion, 175F for a minute, is astringent but not unpleasantly so. The vegetal, green-beany flavour is very present, and leaves a strong, caramelly, vegetal aftertaste. Oh so good. I do, however, think that a 45s infusion may have been a touch better – less strong! Or more water. Either way, this is one yummy tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 30 sec

This has great resteeping qualities too. Love this and restocked it myself too!


I’m hoping to re-steep it a bunch tonight! It looks like the vegetal greens I like, which do not fare well when left overnight and gain a metallic flavour (whereas oolongs and blacks are usually great the next day too).


This is one that I would carry with me and keep adding boiling water to in a small glass thermos all day.


Nice! Didn’t get bitter? Or did you keep taking the leaves out?


If you drink it down (we’re talking an 12 oz thermos which I have with a strainer), you can add more hot water and drink more during the day. Put in the leaves, water and get going sipping as you go…later add more water. I’d drink a couple infusions first then transfer the leaves to the thermos for the later infusions so that there is little chance of bitterness.


I need to bring some of this to work with me today. :)


Can’t wait to try mine!


Although this one does give me a tea buzz.


Yeah, I can definitely see why this would give you a tea buzz, Bonnie! And Azz, you need to try this one ASAP! It’s delicious. If you like the Laoshan greens, it will be a hit.

Amy – I need to acquire a travel mug that does not smell like chai, and then bring some to work! I have a feeling that even a mild chai flavour would have a big negative impact. Stupid Timolino. Stupid chai.


It’s great to hear that the He family in Laoshan is broadening their tea repertoire by producing a quality white tea.

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676 tasting notes

Second Review

Feeling in a blue mood today and one of the best remedies is going through my big stash of tea’s to find just the right cure. What I’m looking for has to be at the top of my list of all time favorites, somewhere in the top 10!

Frankly, I don’t have many white tea’s but this Laoshan White is something unique. Something really special. This is the one!

I would advise not to drink white tea on an empty stomach because it has caffeine. But, you might feel a sense of centerdness which a high quality tea can provide and is a pleasant feeling.

I used a Gaiwan and kept my steeping time at 20 seconds which gave me a rich tea broth and very fragrant light green liquor that smelled like salty buttered green beans and spinach mash. It was a wonderful smell.

When I brought the liquor up to my mouth to drink I inhaled deeply and my sinus’s almost seized up…like an old vehicle…clanging “Wha’z this Bonnie?”..clunk clunk…! “Ouch!” The scent was soooo intense that it hurt! I have to be more careful!(It did smell good though and opened everything up for the tasting session ahead!) Wow!

I took a single sip. Water, like drinking hot tea over ice crystals and the melting ice slippery like little daggers then gone.
The flavor was young, sweet (but still vegital enough) snap pea’s and green beans.

Ah, Grandma’s pole beans. (Did you really think I could get through a review without a STORY?!…OH NO!)
WHEN I was a little girl my family lived so close to the San Francisco Airport (in Milbrae,CA) that when Jet Planes were NEW and flew over our house the TV would go out. AND we had a lot of SONIC BOOMS! You can imagine. I’d be looking for frogs or building a fort and BOOM!, then on my bike BOOM! Mikey Mouse Club, BOOM! NO TV!
My rich grandmother would come to our house every Spring and plant pole beans in the backyard. For some wierd reason her name was LOLITA (not a common Scots name)! (My middle name is LO. Just LO and no more because of her). Anyway, we had beans growing everywhere in long rows filling the whole yard instead of lawn. When I wasn’t busy digging a hole to China (and trying to avoid wherever the devil was), I was picking pole beans or eating the sweet young ones raw..snap…crunch. So good!

My second steeping was better than the first. Sweet. There was something floral…but not…then I thought there was a strawberry fruitiness…but no…ah some honey in the snow peas. Yes, a little honey! Clover honey! And saltiness.
Even though this is such a juicy tea it’s not really creamy. I don’t mind. Everything is so fresh and clean.
There is a draw, some sort of mystery that comes from drinking this Laoshan White. I feel the addictive longing for more. EEKS!

Finally, the third steeping while I am still fairly sane, is like walking through fields, row after row of tended beans along the Watsonville, Santa Cruz Coast in the early evening… right after late watering is done. The fog is about to roll in from the Pacific and I have picked a handful of dripping crisp beans. Snap. I pop several into my mouth to crunch. There is nothing fresher or sweeter.

This last drink reminds me of this coolness and juiciness. Fresh. Sparkling.

I can sit for hours in a beach chair sipping this tea, observing nature and enjoying how the tea makes me feel. So relaxed and centered.

This tea is not to be missed! I’ve upgraded my rating!


It is obvious that after drinking this tea I NO LONGER AM FEELING BLUE! ;)


Here’s to being happy! Cheers! :)


Thanks Amy Oh. Bonnie Lo.


“When I wasn’t busy digging a hole to China (and trying to avoid wherever the devil was), I was picking pole beans or eating the sweet young ones raw.”

What a sentence! That’s one of my favorites of the year. I absolutely love your stories, Bonnie. Thank you.


We all have our stories. My point is, that when we stop what we’re doing and settle into TEA something magical can happen. When people share stories or even a few words of genuine interest about a tea it makes me excited!


Oh…thanks spoon ….I’m always amazed that anyone even reads this stuff!

Invader Zim

I love reading your posts, always great stories!


I guess I’ve lived long enough. Must be it! Thanks!


Live long and prosper Bonnie! V


Glad you’re no longer blue Bonnie! but I’d say the Mickey Mouse Club going poof is cause to pout ;)

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1186 tasting notes

Another tea I haven’t had in ages! This is so tasty and I am definitely getting sugar snap pea flavor tonight. The mouthfeel is also super silky. I did the first steep for 20 seconds in my little glass walled teacup with a brew basket, probably 4 g of tea. Absolutely delicious! Going to have a few more tonight. See previous notes on this tea!

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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3513 tasting notes

This is one of the many teas sent by Bonnie in the amazing package she sent to me!

This was the final tea of tea party today! I even changed where I sat so that I could make it just as they suggest. My guest and I thought it was GREAT!

It is hard to believe this is a white tea! The first steep was spinach, and we both like spinach! The second steep was buttered squash and more vegetal than the first. The third steep is still going strong. These steeps are short, too. The first ones – 25 seconds. Three and four – 35 seconds. Who could believe that this much flavor would come from tea leaves in such a short time?

Thank you, Bonnie! This was a fun treat for tea party day and I am saving the Laoshan Black tea for next week so we can all enjoy it together!


Glad you liked it. It lingers in the aftertaste.

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1220 tasting notes

I was going to drink this last night but then I ended up cold steeping it. The only problem is that for some reason my refrigerator decided to be very cold, and I opened the jar to find some ice! So I think that kind of ruined the flavor, sadly. The end note is very bitter, which I’m going to say is either that or me sleeping so long it steeped for 12 hours, and if I had gone with 10 maybe the stupid ice wouldn’t have formed.

But before it gets bitter, it is so overwhelmingly creamy and tastes just like snap peas. It’s sweet and yet savory at the same time.

I probably won’t have time until next week to give it a proper steeping in my gaiwan, but I had to try the cold steep! And next time I try that, the refrigerator is already set to not be so cold.


Still, experimenting is fun to do!


It most definitely is!

Daisy Chubb

Maybe you could marinate something in it? :3

Terri HarpLady

yeah, experimentation/improvisation is what life is all about!

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172 tasting notes

I was a little skeptical of this tea before trying it, and that’s because I was a little disappointed with the Laoshan Green when I tried it. I mean, it was a good tea, I just think that Verdant’s poetic descriptions can get my hopes a little too high sometimes.

This one, however, was even better than I thought it would be. This tasted how I imagined the Laoshan Green would taste. This was what I wanted. It’s extremely smooth with luscious silky mouthfeel. The prominent notes are green beans and maybe a little bit of spinach (but not in the same way as a Japanese green). Besides that, there’s a pleasant mineral taste that fades into a sweet, delicate finish. But there is more to this tea flavor-wise that I just can’t put my finger on. There’s something enchanting about it. It’s the definition of refreshing, and this has been my go-to tea lately for moments of calm and meditation. It just puts me in a great, relaxed state of mind.

I absolutely LOVE this tea.


Me too. It’s like a best kept secret. I can’t understand why any is left. I’ve shared it with tea buddies who rave that it’s ethereal and down to earth good. For me the flavor is delicate but lingering…I keep coming back to it.


I need to drink this!

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4843 tasting notes

My tasting note went bye bye after Firefox crashed on me. :(

This is an exquisite white tea … the leaves are incredibly green. If I had not opened the pouch myself, I would swear that these were green tea leaves and not white. They are so tiny and delicate looking… and deeply green!

The flavor is amazing. Sweet and vegetative, tasting very much like sweet sugar snap peas as suggested by Verdant. I also taste the hint of almond to this, it tastes almost creamy like the creaminess of a raw almond, but, with the sweetness of a roasted almond (but not so much of the toasty flavor of the roasted almond). It’s really quite delightful. Delicate in the way that I taste generally only from a white tea, but, also quite green tea tasting. Very intriguing and lovely.

In subsequent infusions I notice more sweetness, like honey… reminding me of the honeysuckle of my childhood memories, but not quite that either. It’s somewhere between that honeysuckle and wildflower honey.

I really love this White tea … I can see why it has been so highly regarded by other Steepsterites. I’m enjoying this immensely.


We’ve been having Firefox problems lately, too.

Autistic Goblin

awww poor Firefox. I use googlechrome and I haven’t had any problems :)


I’ve started composing my notes in word to keep track of them and prevent losing them.

It’s especially nice when I write matcha reviews and want to make sure I get to 200 words.

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2816 tasting notes

very interesting tea – I had to get this in my latest order from Verdant as I love white teas. I am drinking this tonight in a wine glass, aren’t I sophistimicated?

Anyway, this is lovely! I am surprised by the flavors and everything going on here with this tea. I decided to steep it for two minutes at 165F — Western style — but would like to gongfu it sometime just to see what that’s like.

I got a nice, clear infusion and I agree with Doug that it has some similarities to a dragonwell; the light vegetal notes with a hint of butteriness is what struck me first about it. There is a definite light creamy element about it that is rather charming. The clover element is what sticks with me through the finish. I’m not really getting vanilla soymilk, but perhaps I need to steep it differently in order for that to happen? It isn’t as sweet as some white teas I have tried, but still rather nice all the same. A very nice offering from Verdant! I don’t know why I am so sleepy this evening, or I would try to write more… I feel like all I do is work, sleep, eat and drink tea!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

You are sophistimicated! I love the lingering flavor on this one too. You can really keep steeping this for quite awhile…and then…sleep!


Ooh, how fancy! That seems like a lovely way to enjoy tea, especially one as nice as this.

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58 tasting notes

Dry smell: The dry smell is light but thick. It smells like a mix of strong green vegetables. It is a mix of bean and pea smells that could go along with a meal like steak.

Wet Smell: The wet leaf smell is still light but loses the thickness that the dry leaf had. Now it has more of a thick nutty smell mixed with an array of dark green vegetables.

Taste: This tea is very light at first. There is no flavor that just comes out and immediately hits you. It’s almost like it starts off with a warm flavorless crispness. The next flavor that comes out reminds me of edamame. It has the same crisp bean flavor but with a smoothness at the back. When you begin to swallow you notice the nutty and dark green vegetable flavor. Even with the strong finish the aftertaste is very light and pleasant.

This tea would be great after dinner when still have things to do but want to add a little relaxation. It’s a nice light tea overall.


This one I think is best in a Gaiwan and multiple steepings seem to keep drawing you back to that lingering bean flavor.


I was going to brew it in my 3 oz gaiwan, but I tried David’s tumbler recommendation on the website. I did about 7 steepings.

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