And with this steep, my Verdant Tea cherry has been popped! Thank you very much to aisling of tea and De for this sample (again, I’m amazed at the huuuge variety of samples they gave to me about a week and a half ago).
I’ve had a few other Dragon Well teas now, and while there are some similarities in flavour profile between those and this tea from Verdant, Verdant’s tea has an unusual sweetness lurking in both the dry leaf and the brewed liquor.
It’s not a juicy or fruity kind of sweetness. It’s not even a sharp, candy-like sweetness. Instead, it’s….soft. You’re not going to believe this, but I swear to god I’m getting hints of baby powder in this tea. How pleasantly weird!
The liquor itself is a nice deep greenish-brown. Based on some previous notes and comments left from others, I erred on the side of extra leaf for this brew. I used 3 good pinches of leaf, and I don’t regret it.
Now, I have a few other Verdant teas I need to try, but I’m definitely going to steep this a second time to see how it changes flavour.