TE01: Season's Pick Earl Grey Creme Vanilla

Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot, Cream Flavoring, Vanilla
Bergamot, Citrus, Cream, Creamy, Lemon, Floral, Vanilla, Cookie, Lemon Zest
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Rumpus Parable
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 9 oz / 279 ml

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86 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Tea of the morning. I had to get up and be somewhere for work (8 AM is for the birds, says this night shifter) and I needed something STRONG. So, 2 tsp leaf and 8 oz of water + creamer was the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea confuses my brain. I didn’t enjoy the intial sip because there was a weirdly strange aftertaste. However, as I’ve continued to drink this it’s turned into a really nice lemon custard...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had this when I woke up, with a T. of honey and a T. of the new Coffeemate “Natural Bliss” Vanilla (which is very good btw, but has a wee bit more sugar than I’m comfortable with…will use...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dear Steepy: Today I received my Upton Tea order. What joy! What excitement! I have to say, I think the amount of tea I ordered multiplied in the box. I surely couldn’t have ordered 18...” Read full tasting note

From Upton Tea Imports

A classic Earl Grey, accented with vanilla and cream flavors. This delightful variant will appeal to most Earl Grey enthusiasts.

Origin: Germany

About Upton Tea Imports View company

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86 Tasting Notes

863 tasting notes

Tea of the morning. I had to get up and be somewhere for work (8 AM is for the birds, says this night shifter) and I needed something STRONG. So, 2 tsp leaf and 8 oz of water + creamer was the answer.

Today’s cup was heavy on the vanilla and not as heavy on the bergamot, which was fine by me- it’s my preferred flavor balance, actually. And I have a lot more of this left than I thought so I better start drinking!

Flavors: Bergamot, Vanilla

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

man….8 is laaate lol


When your day starts at 5:00 PM normally you would totally feel it, too, haha. Seriously – I don’t even know how you morning people do it!


That’s funny. I have to get up at 5 am every day to make carpool and work for hubby and myself. I thought that was brutal!

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15596 tasting notes

This tea confuses my brain. I didn’t enjoy the intial sip because there was a weirdly strange aftertaste. However, as I’ve continued to drink this it’s turned into a really nice lemon custard type tea. Which is still weird to me since this is supposed to be vanilla? This really isn’t vanilla at all to me except as maybe a hint of it in the background mellowing out the lemon flavour. Not sure how i feel about this overall as a staple in the cupboard but not a bad early grey as far as not tasting the bergamot AND being a dessert type lemon tea.


I wonder if the bergamot is what is presenting itself as lemon?


probably heh. :)


I’ll be interested to compare this one to my others when I get it. I have EGCs from DT and Della Terra.


Pretty sure you’ve had this before ;)


Haha, you are correct. I think though, that I had it separate from drinking the others, and wanted to compare (now that I’m thinking, it was a sample from Alphakitty(?) and I only drank it once and left the rest with my mom. It was on my order list though, I thought?


Yep! Has your name on it heh

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136 tasting notes

Had this when I woke up, with a T. of honey and a T. of the new Coffeemate “Natural Bliss” Vanilla (which is very good btw, but has a wee bit more sugar than I’m comfortable with…will use sparingly). This is becoming a morning routine, as I love Earl Grey Creme Vanilla.

On a side note: I have allergies, bordering on being ashtmatic at times. One of the reasons for switching from Coke to tea is to be able to incorporate honey into my daily routine (and for calorie reduction overall). It really was helping me avoid medications. This morning was validation for this practice. When I woke up, it was one of those mornings with breathing difficulties (out of breath walking anywhere). Thinking I was doing something wrong (by reading comments here about honey), for the past few days I’ve been trying to switch away from honey to raw sugar, or no sweetener. I have to remember why I’m using it, because after 2 cups of this tea with honey, I’m breathing MUCH better. So there! A tea purist I will probably never be, but time will tell.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Oh, the wonders of local honey! I started that kind of thing last Spring, and had a much better year for allergies, even though they were pretty bad for my kids. Unfortunately, they don’t really like honey. I may have to convince them at some point! BTW, I have a friend that adores this tea!


Local honey is something on my “to find” list, but regular ole store bought works. My biggest allergy is mold/mildew, and this warmer weather is a blessing (no snow) and a curse (mold spores). But I do have pollen allergies too, and they never were a huge problem until I moved to this very-rural area. I joke that I need to be around more asphalt/concrete apparently (city girl at heart). Thanks for the validation that honey does work (glad for you too).

Need to test out other Earl Greys at some point, but this one is working for me. I crave it, and hey, the price is right : )


I believe my allergies have improved since I started drinking tea.


I know that locally harvested, raw honey has helped me significantly with my allergies. I am at the point now where I don’t need it year round, though (when we first moved up here to the Pacific Northwest I did need it year round), but, when things start blooming again, I’ll probably be adding some honey to some of my teas.


p.s. last night I was having a really bad coughing fit. I did turn to medication (Nectadyn and a Hold cough drop, which only worked so-so). I should have brewed a big cup of tea instead. Didn’t realize until this morning that I hadn’t had honey for 2-3 days.


I’m clueless where to turn for local honey, but need to start the hunt. There are a lot of Amish folks nearby, so there is probably hope : )


Oh, you will find it! Do you have Farmer’s Market anywhere? (Well, not necessarily now!) Since I am pollen allergic, it really helps me!


Mt. Vernon has a Farmer’s Market in the summer, but I haven’t visited (way too early on a Saturday a.m. for my liking, lol). But yea, that is one possibility. How “local” does it need to be? There are a lot of Amish shops a county north (Holmes). Without snow, navigating the hills/curves shouldn’t be too bad : )


Mine comes from about 15 miles away (but north and east of here so that does not help you at all!)….just get the closest to home that you can!


p.s. Jen: Because of your picture (and research on the topic), I decided to order a 24 oz. Curve teapot (for mornings, when I want more of this tea than my IngeniTea can make) and a 15 oz. matching mug. Thanks to Coinstar, who now gives Amazon (and other) gift certificates without any fees (for using Coinstar), my big pile of coins went to good use (ummm, got a 32 oz. IngeniTea too, for cold brewing). Amazon just shipped today (should have soon). Yay!


Have to go south tomorrow (Columbus) but am going to stop in a little deli shop, who sells a lot of Amish foods (baked goods etc) that is nearby and ask. There’s a lot of Amish in this county too, or maybe someone else who makes honey. Will see. Thanks for help : )


Amy: Just tea, not with honey? Any particular type or just in general?
Liber: Thanks for reinforcing my thoughts.


You will love that teapot. I use that one a few times every day. When I don’t want quite that much tea or I am testing or I am drinking a good resteeper, I use the mug. Yayyy for Coinstar!


Oh…what color? ;)


Turquoise (wish there was a different green choice, but it matches best). I haven’t gotten to a resteeping point yet, but will keep that in mind. I don’t have a dishwasher (boo) so these purchases will keep me down to one dishwashing session a day : )

Steven Cook

i feel compiled to order some of upton’s EGCV but i have never had it before…so it kinda freaks me out.

Steven Cook

compiled…. Compelled sorry


Our little produce markets sell local honey here, so it doesn’t have to be a big farmers market!

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185 tasting notes

Dear Steepy:

Today I received my Upton Tea order. What joy! What excitement! I have to say, I think the amount of tea I ordered multiplied in the box. I surely couldn’t have ordered 18 different samples, plus a pound of tea? Something must have happened that I am completely free of blame from. Packing gnomes, or possibly a gemino curse.

So naturally, in order to combat the effects of the evil packing gnomes, I had to immediately begin drinking the tea. If I let it sit too long, who knows how many times the curse could multiply. I would quite literally be buried in tea. Obviously, I had to start with the biggest package, the 250g bag of the Season’s Pick Earl Grey Creme Vanilla.

Upon opening the bag, I get a powerful smell of lime. Now, my only other previous Earl Grey Creme expereince also reminded me of lime. I’m not sure if it’s just me, or maybe this is truly what the combination of Bergamot and Creme smells like. I’m not sure. I suppose the only real way to tell would be to take a standard EG, or possibly even a double bergamot EG, and add some cream. I may have to try this. For science, of course, not for my own personal enjoyment, heavens forbid!

Brewed, the SPEGCV gives off a delightful smell. All at once it is sweet, and vanilla, but also tart smelling. It really is a very, very lovely aroma. I think that’s part of my love with EGs in general; as polarizing as the aroma may be, it is very distinct.

The taste has a very similar profile to the smell. At first, the creamy, vanilla flavor sort of smoothly glides over your tongue, with the tangy citrus flavor in tow. The flavors are really smoothly mingled over a fairly subtle tea base. The tea is lost a little bit at first, but once the up front vanilla flavor fades a bit, the flavor finishes off as a fairly straightforward EG. The tea and bergamot just lolligagging at the end of the sip to remind you where this tea comes from.

This is sweet and dreamy. It reminds me of what I’ve always wanted key lime pie to taste like, but it’s never really lived up to. But in a tea. It’s really quite good. I am definitely going to enjoy drinking my way through this tea. And at the absurdly low price of $7 for 8 oz, it’s both supremely good and supremely cheap. Who could ask for more?

Sincerely Yours,

Buried in Tea

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Well… even if you are buried in tea I hope you die happily. :)

Sandy Stith

Could it be the tea gnomes sent something for your ever-charming boss? =P


Packing gnomes…….hahahaa…Buried in tea-I’ll bet I can bury myself in my own tea!


Sounds a bit like one of those ‘bad dog’ moments. :p

Anyway, I’m rather intrigued by the idea of lime. I’m not too fond of Earl Greys because I think bergamot is such a perfumed and dusty flavour, so I tend to prefer something flavoured with lemon instead. (Although that’s not actually super interesting for me either, but at least not potentially unpleasant) I am, however, intrigued by the idea of an EG spiked with lime, giving a bit of sharpness. Or just a plain lime flavoured black, really. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.


I’m not fond of most earl greys for the same reason. I can tell you with this one it smells like it’s going to be perfume-y, but the taste vanilla and citrus. The perfume I smell seems to disappear magically in your mouth. I wonder if that is the vanilla taming the bergamot.


I think it might be. I’ve had relatively good experiences with EGs that have something in addition to bergamot. Kusmi’s smoky EG is actually very enjoyable. (IF, of course, one likes smoky tea)


When I saw that you went straight for the 250g, was worried. Glad you like it !!!


It was a great pointer, thanks Cheryl! Dylan really likes EGs, so we were looking for one we could enjoy together.


Reading above, you aren’t normally an Earl fan (didn’t think I would be either). So this is one you like? or not? I’m on my 3rd 250g, since this is my morning choice. But I do put honey and creamer in. I did what Dylan did with this one, when contemplating Chocolate Earl Grey (got a tin instead of sample), and that turned out good too. The Caramel + Choc Earl = win win. Have fun with your samples!

Dylan Oxford

I’m a big guy, I like buying big things. It’s probably something I should be better at… but I’m not :P

Angrboda – If you’d like, I can send you a sample! I’ve got a little bit sitting around :P. TropicalTeaCo also has a straight Lime black in their $1/oz sale. Their teas are always passable, I’ve only ever thrown one out (their vanilla chai tasted terrible, and I love both vanilla and chai, together to boot!).


This is one I like. I was a bit hesitant but the first sip was good. I was pretty surprised, since I was expecting a perfumed tea.

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6768 tasting notes

This smells really nice! A combo of EG but with more of a lemon than a bergamot and a nice creme but not a vanilla type cream either. It’s more lemon and creme than that punchy Earl flavor but I do like it! It’s pretty darned good!

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1015 tasting notes

Morning tea once again! The bergamot and cream are perfectly balanced today.

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470 tasting notes

I’m mildly lactose intolerant so I try to drink only one cup of tea with milk today. I already had chai this afternoon, so why am I having earl grey? Well I got my Upton order today, and when I opened the bag for this it was like, “sweet baby jesus this smells JUST like sugar cookies!” Naturally I had to drink it immediately—I’m kind of surprise didn’t try to chow down on the leaves. Yes, it smells that amazing!

I love earl grey and have far too many variations of it, but this is definitely one of the best I’ve tried (which is good, since the smallest option is for 250 grams!). It’s sweet and creamy, with the vanilla and cream tastes front and center. The bergamont is also definitely there, and the citrus/cream combo makes me think I’m drinking ice cream. I know this isn’t a dessert tea, but it really might as well be. The actual tea flavor is there in the background, a soft and mellow black without any real astringency, though the other flavors definitely outshine it. I’d still put my beloved White Cream Earl Grey from Culinary a bit ahead of this due to how very prominent the vanilla is here, but only by a nose—this is a divine cup of tea for sure!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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212 tasting notes

So we’ve found an earl grey I can share with Dylan. This one is pretty yummy. Vanilla goodness meets sweet, creamy tea and bergamot. Again this time there seems to be lime and possibly lemon in this tea, underneath the bergamot. I think the tea base is stronger with this one than the mad hat tea. I really like this one better. Maybe it’s just the creamy taste along with the vanilla that does it for me. It really seems to make the bergamot much more manageable. Yay we found the bergamot that belongs in our cupboard!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Does the vanilla taste good—not artificial?


I felt like it was pretty natural. Would you like a sample to try?


Fair warning though, I’m probably the worst person to ask about fake vanilla. I used to sneak into my mom’s cupboard and sip her vanilla extract. Vanilla needs to be pretty powerful to get my attention.


I’ll PM you tomorrow…….I’m tired and If you want to swap….thats great. :))


Sounds good :D

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6119 tasting notes

Thanks to Alphakitty for this tea!

The aroma is absolutely delicious. Like a creamy, sweetened earl grey, even though I know it’s not. The bergamot isn’t coming out too strongly, which is nice. Oh man… it tastes absolutely delicious too! I have a soft spot for earl grey creams, and this is hitting it very well. I’d definitely drink this one again. The bergamot is quite mild, there’s a lovely creaminess, and not really any astringency. If anything, I’m almost getting a bit of a berry flavour. This is really quite good :)

Sadly, I’m going to leave this one behind in the hopes that my uncle may enjoy it (if he doesn’t want it, I may regain it at Christmas), because he likes earl greys and I failed to bring anything other than this one. Hopefully he enjoys it too!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I have a soft spot for them too. Still searching for the perfect Earl Grey Cream. :)


Haha, although I quite like them, I have only tried a few. If you haven’t tried this one, I’d recommend it though.

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169 tasting notes

Tomorrow I go to the doctor and get retested to see if the liquid restriction helped.
If it did not, then I have something else, perhaps something bigger going on with me.
If it did help, then I am going to have to keep my liquid levels down still.
(sigh) Between and rock and a hard spot for sure.
Anyway, I am trying this tea for the first time, and when I opened up the little sample tin, I said. “Ohhhhh”
It smelled like a orange cream dessert.
But, at the same time I was drooling over the scent, I was also frightened.
I mean, I am a bit of a Earl Grey devotee.
Once brewed, the sugary orangey custardy odor toned down some, and I could smell my good ol’ bergamot shining through.
Taste still reminds me of cake or custard.
This tea is good, very tasty indeed.
But, in some sense, I am having a hard time thinking it a Earl Grey at all.
It taste more like a good quality flavored dessert tea.
But, I do like it, and will happily finish the rest of the sample.
Have a great Tuesday, you all!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

this is the only earl grey that i love because it reminds me of lemon custard lol

Hesper June

It totally does. Glad I was not crazy when I immediately thought of custard.
When I was enjoying the re-steep, I started thinking about making a Earl Grey Creme flavor custard-based ice cream… I just might have to indulge that thought soon:)


Well I dunno if that means you’re NOT crazy or we both are :)

Hesper June

Well, better to be crazy with company than sane and alone!
(but, either way, I am drinking tea:)

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