Weight To Go!

Tea type
Oolong Pu'erh Blend
Not available
Fruity, Hibiscus, Leather, Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint, Strawberry, Sweet, Berries, Apple
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Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 11 oz / 336 ml

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68 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Usually I taste strawberry when I drink this tea. Today I am getting a fair bit of mint and I am okay with that. Also this is the one time that Teavana’s lack of actual tea leaves has served me well.” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok I really like this. Really!! So fruity and refreshing. I can’t taste the puerh at all though (thumbs down for me, but great for beginners). It’s tart in the perfect way to. For once hibby...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a pleasant and sweet surprise. I was offered a sample by somebody not on Steepster and thought, from the name, that it would be a bit bogus. I was surprised by its sweet fruitiness. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This just came in the mail today from Erin (Thanks, Erin loved the note too). While I have had this tea I’ve only had it mixed with other teas so I’ve never had it on it’s on like this. The smell...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

Smile inwardly while convincing your taste buds they are enjoying a forbidden treat. Fresh mint, ripe strawberries and crisp apples provide a burst of refreshment in this rare diet blend of Oolong and Pu-erh teas. The combination of two diet teas, Oolong and Pu-erh, provides a potent jump start to your weight loss plans.

How to Prepare
Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 195-205 degrees and steep tea for 3-4 minutes.

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About Teavana View company

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68 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Usually I taste strawberry when I drink this tea. Today I am getting a fair bit of mint and I am okay with that. Also this is the one time that Teavana’s lack of actual tea leaves has served me well.

Flavors: Berries

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1764 tasting notes

Ok I really like this. Really!! So fruity and refreshing. I can’t taste the puerh at all though (thumbs down for me, but great for beginners). It’s tart in the perfect way to. For once hibby doesn’t rule the camp! As for specific notes, I’d have to try it again. But… I know I’d love it iced. I could guzzle pitchers worth.
Thank you Artp for the sample, I really appreciate it! In fact, I may go out and buy some, which is saying something… cuz I rarely do that. Well, I rarely have the opp to buy something. Err that is assuming they haven’t discontinued it. Fingers crossed

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I was drinking this last summer, lots & lots of it! I’d brew it strong in the morning, ice it, & just keep adding more ice & cold water to it all day. It’s a great tea for gardening!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Oh man, yes this would make for THE gardening tea haha. Actually, I’m really looking forward to it now :P

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259 tasting notes

This was a pleasant and sweet surprise. I was offered a sample by somebody not on Steepster and thought, from the name, that it would be a bit bogus. I was surprised by its sweet fruitiness. I want to try more. The two cups I had were delicious—fruity and minty.

This tea has a je ne sais quois that makes it superior to the many fruit teas I’ve sampled of late.

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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Let us know if you mysteriously wake up lighter tomorrow…

Garrett 15 years ago

I have some of this mixed with their strawberry slender pu-erh. They go good together. But this tea by itself definitely is nice.

Lori 15 years ago

This is one of my favorites (especially for a fruit tea) but I cannot drink too much of this one at once…

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111 tasting notes

This just came in the mail today from Erin (Thanks, Erin loved the note too). While I have had this tea I’ve only had it mixed with other teas so I’ve never had it on it’s on like this.

The smell is spearminty and nice. The dry leaf mix is chocked full of strawberries and various other goodies. It brews into a lovely pinkish, red liquor and the taste is……. Long pause while I take another sip. YUMMY its is minty with a flavor of berries I don’t taste the tea but that’s okay (on this particular tea) as long as it’s in there and I know it’s in there because I saw the dry leaves.

It’s quite enjoyable and I can’t wait to try it iced. Thanks Erin!!!

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Cofftea 15 years ago

There are 2 types of tea I can’t fathom mint in. Pu Erh and chai. Unless it’s maybe a raw Pu Erh.

Erin 15 years ago

I wasn’t nuts about this one hot. I’m looking forward to eventually trying it iced though, because I bet it’d be great!

And Cofftea, I could never taste the Pu Erh in this, so I don’t think it’s an issue. Because you’re right… mint and Pu Erh? Haha, eeew.

Lori 15 years ago

I know it is near impossible to taste any Pu-Erh in this tea but it is very good iced…

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Cofftea, The pu erh from Teavana is not a typical pu erh (at least it isn’t to me) Teavana pu erh’s are sweeter than any other pu erh’s I’ve tried.

SoccerMom 15 years ago

UPDATE: I just had a turkey and pepper jack sandwich on a wheat bagel and thought I try this for “dessert” and this tea is good! I looked in my cupboard and my weight to go is mixed with raspberry lemon riot and there’s just too much going on in that blend but this one is good. I’m ordering.

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176 tasting notes

My first time with a Teavana tea, and it’s a good one!

First off, the color grabs me right away. It’s a very nice light pink that I’ve never seen from a tea before.

The taste is mostly mint, with the fruit as an aftertaste. The strawberry is pretty prominent, but you can also taste apple. I can’t really taste much tea, just the herbal peppermint. It isn’t floral at all.

Overall, this is a very light and refreshing tea. I’ll try it iced sometime.

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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Is it supposed to help lose weight? I need to lose those stubborn last 15 pounds and wonder if it would help…

Cofftea 15 years ago

Morgana Don’t fall into the hype of the name. Any calorie free beverage has the potential to help you loose weight if you drink it instead of drinking/eating something high in fat, calories, carbs, etc. Caffeine also helps you burn more calories. But this is no miracle tea and it bugs me that they try to pass it off as such.

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Morgana- Pu erh and oolong are both suppose to help boost your metabolism and help with digestion you can mix the two any number of ways but the marketing is somewhat deceiving by Teavana which I do agree with Cofftea (in that it is not a miracle tea) However I do own this tea and drink it daily and it maybe all in my mind but it does curb my appetite but so do my other teas containing puerh and oolong.

Erin 15 years ago

All teas have awesome health benefits, but I’ve read that Pu-erh and oolong are especially potent, like SoccerMom said. Cofftea is also right; it’s marketed as the only tea out there to help with weight, when in reality all teas can help you. So my advice is just to go with whatever tea tastes best to you : )

Cofftea 15 years ago

Plain water w/ lots of ice is even said to help because you burn calories to warm yourself up… but who wants to drink plain water?;)

Ricky 15 years ago

See, this tea sounds good, but I don’t need to lose weight! Oh the predicament =P

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160 tasting notes

So… Weight to go… Really? hahaha… Well, the ingredients sounded interesting, regardless of silly names or not.

This tea smell delicious. It really does. It has a very candy like berry/mint thing going on that seems to be an addictive scent to sniff… Though, I do have to agree with teatoad that it is remarkably similar to the smell of Trident Strawberry gum. Almost exactly… Wow… Anyways… The tea base is pu-erh, though I see very few tea leaves in relationship to the fruit pieces (apple squares, strawberries…). I can’t see any spearmint, but I can unmistakably smell it.

Once again with Teavana’s teas I was worried about the fruit to tea ration when steeping, so I used 2 heaping teaspoons for my 12oz cup. It smelled great while steeping. The spearmint became a bit stronger in the scent and the fruit a bit less candy like.

The tea itself was a pretty pinkish color. It tasted pretty much exactly what it smelled like. I got absolutely no pu-erh… None… Even after exaggerating the amount of tea. I still got Strawberry Trident. I am not sure that this is what I want in a tea.

I have a full 2oz of this one (the least I could purchase online). I think that I will eventually drink through it, but surely won’t purchase again. I will try it iced to see if it works any better…

On a side note…

Today is the Harvard-Yale football game! My whole time at Yale I only went to one of these games, and we lost. : ( I lost track of the scores, but apparently Harvard has beat Yale for 5 consecutive years… That is not good news… Hopefully this year Yale will win!! Go Yale! : )

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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Tamm 13 years ago

Teavana always has bad names! I never feel that their names actually convey what the flavor is. Slimfull? Weight to go? Creme Brulee? I have no idea what they’re talking about…

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Yeah… More of a marketing ploy than an actual attempt to portray what to expect of tea in terms of taste. But, I have liked enough of their teas that I can’t complain too much…. hahaha….
Also, if tea actually made you loose a significant amount of weight, with the amount that I drink that I might have disappeared by now! ; )

Tamm 13 years ago

LOL Me too on the weight loss thing! Oh yes, marketing gone bad! I normally think of them by flavor/smell instead of their actual names.

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Good approach Tamm!

Wow… Just noticed an extra that in my last response… Ooops! Glad that it still made sense!

Tamm 13 years ago

You know what? I didn’t even read both of them! I think my brain skipped the extra one… O.o

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119 tasting notes

Yet another tea from my Teavana haul. I haven’t been in a huge tea mood lately, and I don’t know why, but I blame it on stress. I’m trying to get back into the swing though!

So I’ve had this once before this. I liked it waaaay better this time. Last time I got mostly strawberry but this time I made sure to get more actual tea in there, causing it to brew to more of a tea color than the bright red I got the first time. I’m curious as to just what teas are in the base…. I see mostly green oolong but there’s also some pu-erh in the mix when you pick through it. I’d be interested in trying Teavana’s pu-erh alone, but they don’t offer it as a straight tea, which leads me to believe that they get it from another company/supplier and rebrand it.

Regardless, this is just okay. Like the other teas I’ve tried from Teavana. It tastes like strawberry and I don’t really get too much tea flavor. I’d be interested in seeing if this will actually aids in weight loss….. Interesting.

Even though the teas I’ve tried so far have all been “eh” (except the Cha Yen Thai…. I bought some full size and I LOVE it), I won’t give up hope in Teavana. Believe it or not, I’m really trying to like their teas. I’m going down to Valley Forge in April and we’re going to the King of Prussia mall (the largest mall in America….. DON’T BE FOOLED. The Mall of America has the most stores and is certainly more impressive but King of Prussia is the physically biggest mall, with the most leasable retail space) and they have a Teavana and I do plan on picking up some teas to make iced…. Their fruity blends look like they could really shine iced, and it will be that time of year!

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Bonnie 13 years ago

Don’t worry ol chum…it’s Spring Fever you know…got a bit of the Feev and the tea thirst has bezazzled you for a short while. It will return I promise you. We will see to it. I for one am a magic Grandmother and have uttered a magic Grandmother word (it’s a bloomin secret Ian) so I am confidant that the tea urges will be back in no time at all. Cheers!

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123 tasting notes

I just LOVE this tea! The combination of strawberry and mint is so refreshing and light. It’s a perfect iced tea, which is how I usually get it made by Teavana’s barista.

Several of my coworkers have commented after drinking this tea it helped ‘clean things out and purge the system’ but this was usually only after drinking 2-3 cups. I’ve never had any noticeable effects on my food processing, but then I’ve never drank that much in a single day, either.

Rex Barrett 15 years ago

This tea seems to get high marks. I have a gift card and will probably try it out. Maybe we all need a bit of a “purging.” haha

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267 tasting notes

I’m not trying to lose weight, but this sounded delicious so I was excited to try it. This one definitely is rocking the fruits at the expense of the tea taste. I’m getting that annoying tartness that berries and hibiscus (my arch-nemesis) bring, and that I so deeply hate. And then there’s the spearmint underneath it, making the whole thing a bit like berry gum.*
But, oddly I don’t hate the overall taste (just… some of it?) I simply don’t really care if I ever drink it again. I mean, if it melted my stomach chub into oblivion as I sipped that’d be one thing. But on the basis of flavor? Not a winner.
Sad to not find any pu-ehr or oolong in this at all. I think the hibiscus and mint stomped them into oblivion. I’ll have to have some pu-ehr later to make up for this one.

*Ha- I never read other reviews before posting my own and am amused to see that others got the “berry gum” thing from this too. Spearmint = gum.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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49 tasting notes

Despite the fact the pu-erh is so unnoticable I’m not even sure this could be classified as even a black tea, I actually kind of liked this!

While it was still pretty hot I found the mint came out too much, and I’m not a huge fan of mint. But when it was cooled off and I could pick up on the other flavours, like the strawberry especially, the mint was more just lingering in the background as a refreshing little treat.

It’s not something I could drink every day, but I did enjoy it. I would probably be better off just finding a strawberryish herbal tea though, since the oolong and pu-erh are taken over by all of the herbal ingredients anyways.

CupofTree 13 years ago

I have this one and I find it’s best brewed with teavana’s citrus lavender sage and iced with rock sugar or honey.

noordelijk 13 years ago

I’ll try that! Thanks @CupofTree !

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