Blood Orange Sorbet Oolong

Tea type
Fruit Oolong Blend
Not available
Coconut, Floral, Flowers, Orange Blossom, Sweet, Blood Orange, Citrusy, Creamy, Tangy, Thick, Cream, Orange, Summer
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Lynxiebrat
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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From Teavana

Sip your way through the long, lazy days of Summer with this oolong as vibrant and colorful as a sun-splashed piazza. Slices of sweet and tangy blood orange, apple, plum, tart cherry, blackberry and creamy coconut chips dance in exquisite balance with dates, beetroot, rosehips, hibiscus and coconut blossom sugar in this rejuvenating, refreshing and relaxing anytime tea.

Bright blood orange balanced with a floral oolong tea base with a sweet, creamy and vanilla finish

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14 Tasting Notes

102 tasting notes

Candy tea. Might be better as an iced tea. Bold fruit forward flavor.

Flavors: Coconut, Floral, Flowers, Orange Blossom, Sweet

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69 tasting notes

I picked up 100 g of this tea before Teavana closed. I tried it in store and fell in love and it was just as good at home. It has a strong blood orange flavour. I find it is best served iced. I finished my entire tin and wish I could buy more. I will definitely miss this one.

Flavors: Blood Orange

Iced 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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60 tasting notes

The tea is pretty to look at, to be sure. There are good sized pieces of blood oranges. Smells good too.

I tried this tea both hot and iced, and noticed that the flavor profiles were very similar. The tartness, as well as the flavors, from the blood orange and the cherries were very noticeable at the beginning of each sip. It concluded with a very strong creamy vanilla aftertaste. The oolong base is somewhat present, but doesn’t add or take away much from the experience of this tea.

When I hear the word sorbet, I tend to think of an icy cold treat. With the creamy aftertaste, this tea reminds me much more of a cross between an orange sherbet and a creamsicle. That’s not a bad thing necessarily, but not what I was hoping for.

There is nothing wrong with this tea. I did find it enjoyable. However, if you are looking for either a blood orange or a creamsicle tea, I think there are better options available, but I wouldn’t stop you from trying this if you wanted to.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1758 tasting notes

Stopped by Teavana mostly to buy tins to store my Taiwan Sourcing order in but I did have them brew me this tea. She referred to it as decaf and I hope she was right about that. This is a fairly tasty flavored oolong with notes from the blood oranges. I do like it. I don’t know the exact brewing parameters. It is pretty tasty.

4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

it might not be decaff. it has oolong. who knows


It couldn’t have had too much caffeine because it didn’t keep me up. One good thing about Teavana Tea is they list the caffeine content of all ot their teas.

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6 tasting notes

Very interesting tea! These “creative” flavors aren’t usually my top picks, but a friend got this for me as a lovely graduation present, and I’m glad she did. It tastes like a creamscicle, and I think will be particularly enjoyable as a summer tea (maybe even chilled?). Either way I like it, and almost as importantly, all of my less-than-tea-obsessed guests have liked it as well.

Flavors: Cream, Orange

6 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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82 tasting notes

Drank this one the past two nights. Unfortunately it just has too much tartness for me to enjoy without sugar. With sugar it tastes less tart but also then tastes like a smartie! Lol. I get a lot of fruit with a nice creamy base.

I do think it would be nice to try iced, maybe I wouldn’t need to sweeten it then. I would recommend it for those that like a fruity sweet tea but I don’t think I’ll purchase it again.

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19 tasting notes

Really interesting! It actually does taste like a creamsicle… or think McDonalds arctic orange shake… or liquid baby asprin. I like the flavor, it works well for me! I will be buying this again to have on hand when the mood strikes. I added about half a tsp. of rock sugar…. not sure if it was necessary. I don’t really taste anything else but the creamy orange, yet I’m satisfied with this as is and wouldn’t change it.

Flavors: Orange

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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226 tasting notes

Hmm, apparently I haven’t rated this one yet, despite having had it for a few months and drunk it a few times. Husband and I made a pot of it last night to drink while watching an episode of Game of Thrones, season 4 (I know, we’re behind the curve, like usual). This tea seemed appropriate because there were a lot of Dornish people in this episode, and blood oranges grow in Dorne. At least, we thought we remembered that from the books.

ANYWAY. Sniffing the loose tea is really a lot like smelling a bowl that has at one point contained sorbet. There’s a slight creaminess, along with some notes of mango and raisins and blood orange and a little apple. We steeped it for about three minutes (I forgot to start the timer right away…), since it’s a pretty green oolong base and we didn’t want the fruit to outshine it. Alas, it seems those efforts weren’t fruitful (hurr hurr). The oolong really gets lost, but the tangy-sweet blood orange flavor is nice. It’s subtle, but definitely a different citrus than regular orange. It’s on the cusp of bitterness, but not quite there. I wish the blood orange would back off a little, so the oolong could actually be tasted underneath it, but perhaps someone else has a blend like that. We probably won’t buy this one again, but for now, I’m glad we have it. :)

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec 3 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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1013 tasting notes

I was dubious about trying this when the clerk at Teavana recommended it. In the tin, it smells just like a creamsicle and I was nervous that it would have an unpleasant artificial flavor like some of the other Teavana teas I’ve tried. But this one was absolutely delicious! It brews up to a beautiful orange-red color and keeps the strong creamy orange scent. The flavor is a nice balance of citrus and coconut with a hint of creaminess. And it is surprisingly sweet, even without sugar! This was my favorite iced tea this summer.

Flavors: Blood Orange, Coconut, Creamy, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Nice review! I’m having a cup of Blood Orange Oolong right now, actually. It’s become one of my all-time favorites from Teavana, and for the same reasons you mentioned. :)

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2 tasting notes

This is so far my favorite dessert tea that I have had the fortune of trying. The creaminess and the mouth-watering orange flavor perfectly replicates an orange-creamcicle (without the sticky mess). ANYWAYS… I enjoy this drink both hot and iced, with no sugar (if I want the tartness) or 1-3 tsp (with lesser values of tartness). This drink is especially delicious with Teavana’s Strawberry Cream.

Flavors: Cream, Orange, Summer, Sweet, Tangy

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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