Lemon Lime Kampai

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Not available
Apple Candy, Bitter, Citrus, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Lemongrass, Lime, Powdered Sugar
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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23 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Number one, the hard drive on my home computer is apparently worn out (I’m using my mother’s laptop to post this currently), so I may not be around for a bit until we get a new computer, or I get...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is…weird. Yeah. So I taste natural lemon but artificial lime flavoring, and it’s tart. The tartness is cut by the naturally sweet green rooibos, but it’s still an odd pairing. For some reason....” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog #7 Hmmm. HMMMMM. I need to try this again. It brewed up kindof medicinal like… almost as if there was ginger in there. I think it must be my association with Lemon. I didn’t get much fruit....” Read full tasting note
  • “I enjoy this tea most iced. The lemongrass is really flavorful in this blend. The citrus taste in this is very refreshing. My hubby drank a whole pitcher of this in one day! This tea is leaving...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

Celebrate the refreshing taste of lemon and lime in this mouthwatering tea blend. Sweet lemongrass, tart apple bits, zesty lime, delicious spearmint, and fruity kiwi are blended with green Rooibos tea to create a reason to jump for joy and exclaim, “Kampai!”

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23 Tasting Notes

107 tasting notes

Number one, the hard drive on my home computer is apparently worn out (I’m using my mother’s laptop to post this currently), so I may not be around for a bit until we get a new computer, or I get onto the computers at school; whichever comes first. (And yes, I realize I have not been around much lately anyway, but I expected my posts to increase a bit now that I will be at school more. Plus I always feel it fair to post when I know I’m going to be absent.)

In the meantime, if anyone knows a way to transfer the data from the busted hard drive to a new one, I’d appreciate hearing it. We stupidly haven’t backed it up since the last computer switch (cats kept unplugging the external hard drive, so we lazily gave up) and we stand to lose 15 years worth of saved data. Boo.

Secondly, I stopped posting much about Christmas teas…partially because I was so busy, and partially because my Christmas kinda sucked. It’s very First-World-Problems to complain about your gifts, and I did get nice gifts – some nice sweaters and stuff, some school money. I know that I am normally hard to buy for, and I normally never make a list. But this year I actually made a list – mostly tea stuff, like a matcha bowl – and pretty much no one got me a damned thing on it. The only person who got me anything tea-related was my father, by some sheer luck – he doesn’t even live with me, but he knows I like Doctor Who and he got me a TARDIS bathrobe (which is awesome) and a TARDIS teapot (which is AMAZING and which I have wanted forever), and then my family managed to chip the latter by the end of Christmas Day shuffling it carelessly around the kitchen. Oh, and my sister got a copy of a PS3 reboot of a game series that I mostly play – not her – which she is spitefully hoarding in her room even though the console she is also hoarding in her room is a PS2 and won’t play that disc, and even though I let her play several hundred dollars worth of games I buy. So I had to buy my own copy. The overall feeling is just…no one really cares what I actually wanted, have a sweater.

Oh, and I was sick Christmas, and spent it eating chicken noodle soup.

So yeah. F-ck Christmas, and all associated tea flavours. I think I will opt out next year. I do better job getting myself what I want, and I’m sure some of my family members feel the same way. Maybe next year we can give each other money.

Finally…since this tea is discontinued and presumably not coming back, can I review it now?

Because I actually really, really like it…if made properly. Which is good, because I was never installed with a resist-sales feature, so I ended up with a ridiculous amount of this – probably more than a pound.

It smells so amazing, see, so that every time I smell it I have this odd desire to acquire more of it. It smells like…lemon candies, or something. Just yum.

Steeped, it is not anywhere near as strong as you would think from the smell, which is where my steeping preferences for this come in. I do this one at least double-strong, and I steep it for at least a half-hour in an iced-tea pitcher before I put the pitcher in the fridge. Generally, I also leave the leaves in to continue cold-steeping.

And it’s great! Really crisp and refreshing, a bit like lime Kool-Aid, but less sweet and more rejuvenating. If you have any lime mojito pre-mixed stuff around, it’s also nice to pour a splash of that into this tea to pump it up.

Unfortunately, the above described method is not a terribly cost-efficient use of tea leaves – even rooibos. Still, if you have some of this around that you’d like to use up, try that.

I hope at some point that Teavana tries for another tea with a similar taste profile, but stronger flavour. A lemon-lime theme shouldn’t be a bust, but the flavour needs more punch.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more
Show 4 previous comments...
Daniel Scott 12 years ago

Also. Google ads. Stop it with the Teavana ads. Targeted advertising works better when it’s a little more subtle and way less creepy.

Sil 12 years ago

Really sorry to hear your Christmas wasn’t so hot. I hope this year kicks off with a bang and only gets better

Daniel Scott 12 years ago

Thank you Sil! I hope so too!

Oh, and I just realized that another reason I was putting off a review was that this was my 100th and I wanted something positive to say! Oh well, next 50!

Sil 12 years ago

Haha I do that all the time and then miss it when it happens. Congrats on your 100th nonetheless. :)

Autumn Hearth 12 years ago

Yay 100th! Yay TARDIS robe and teapot! Yay tea you like! Boo everything else! :(

Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

you know what, I actually really really liked the lemon lime kampai a lot too… I got a huge bag of it when it was going away, just to try it (mostly because it was so inexpensive) and so I’ve shared it with people, but none of them seem to like it too much!

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576 tasting notes

This is…weird. Yeah. So I taste natural lemon but artificial lime flavoring, and it’s tart. The tartness is cut by the naturally sweet green rooibos, but it’s still an odd pairing. For some reason. For me. Right now. I normally love any kind of green rooibos, and especially something citrusy. But this just isn’t working for me. Maybe it’s better iced? I will investigate later. But this is not one for my office, this is a temperamental, at-home only tea.

Donna A 12 years ago

I liked this one better iced. But I add stevia, too tart without it. My husband likes it unsweetened as a hot tea. Go figure.

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1764 tasting notes

Backlog #7
Hmmm. HMMMMM. I need to try this again. It brewed up kindof medicinal like… almost as if there was ginger in there. I think it must be my association with Lemon. I didn’t get much fruit. Definitely not my fave rooibos, kindof standard and similar to others I already have. maybe I can marry it with one of my mates or other forgotten samples in my cupboard.
It was a bit biting as well. Harsher than I prefer.

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gmathis 13 years ago

I don’t know that citrus and rooibos belong together. To me, rooibos needs smooth ice-cream flavors…vanilla, chocolate, coconut…

SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

I just bought a bunch of this stuff since it is on sale. Too bad you find it too harsh. But at least, as you said, even if it’s too ‘whatever’ for me, than at least I can try blending it with other teas (I like the plain rooibos flavor, so I am hoping I won’t _dis_like it at least).

So your taste buds are coming along?

Indigobloom 13 years ago

yep, I’m actually looking forward to trying my hand at blending.
and my buds? you know, they are driving me nuts!! one day they’re explosive… but then all of a sudden, boom! something that I know is supposed to be sweet or savoury just isn’t.
Also, despite my best efforts… I’ve lost my appreciation for my coveted black teas (ceylon, assam etc. I am fine with keemums and such)- whether that is because my buds are only 90% or that my tastes have simply changed I don’t know. Either way it’s a conundrum to me.
I have a specialist app coming up in a few weeks, I’m hoping he can tell me what the heck is going on! thanks for asking ST, you really are a sweetheart! xx

Indigobloom 13 years ago

I dunno, in my head it made so much sense. I imagined all sorts of yummy things about this one. I do need to try it with the water here though,it’s kinda sulfur filled down in Florida…
And chocolate rooibos? Mmmm yes!!

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558 tasting notes

I enjoy this tea most iced. The lemongrass is really flavorful in this blend. The citrus taste in this is very refreshing. My hubby drank a whole pitcher of this in one day! This tea is leaving my cupboard today, but will be revisited again.

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93 tasting notes

Tea #3 from Traveling Tea Box C

This was the only tea I completely removed from the box. I felt a bit guilty for taking it out, but there was only enough for one serving.

I love rooibos, but I generally haven’t enjoyed Teavana blends— especially their green rooibos. This was surprisingly good, so naturally Teavana has discontinued it. Jerks.

Despite the citrusy name, I didn’t find that the citrus components of the flavor to be the strongest. The sip started with tart apple and finished with a bit of kiwi. There was a flavor I couldn’t pin down, but after consulting the ingredients list I decided it must be the mint. It does a great job of balancing all of the flavors without punching you in the face.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
JustJames 11 years ago

lol. this one made me laugh. i have a headache…. i am laughing through the pain! lol

Fiddling 11 years ago

Glad to know I made somebody laugh! Hopefully it didn’t cause you too much pain. :)

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615 tasting notes

Tea #14 from Traveling Tea Box C

Another one I cold steeped.

I wasn’t really too fond of this, I thought the lemon flavor was well done, but the lime crossed into the candy/artificial land. It might even remind me a little of Kool Aid.

The other thing I noticed was that I tasted the green rooibos. Normally with cold steeped green rooibos and citrus, I can’t taste the rooibos (or at least not to a degree that it’s really rooibos-y in my brain).

I think I liked the Tahitian Limeade that came out before this better.

Iced 8 min or more

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #20 from the traveling tea box.

Hmmm… this tea tastes odd hot, but it’s a whole other story iced. The citrus really stands out and surprisingly enough I can hardly taste the rooibos. What I do taste a lot of is the lemongrass and while I cook with it a lot, I haven’t really had it in many teas.

I don’t particularly care for this one, I’m just not a fan of citrus teas, but if you like lemon then chances are good that you’ll like this blend.


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440 tasting notes

Thank you to Indigobloom for a sample of this one! I’ve been eying it for a while, and so I’m really glad I got to try it. Especially since I didn’t enjoy it that much. It tasted to me like dissolved Vitamin C tablets with a dash of grapefruit juice. I didn’t get any lime to it, and I definitely didn’t find any kiwi flavour. I added some sugar with took away the bite of the “grapefruit”, but then it became a bland slightly sweetened lemon flavour, which did nothing to make me crave it again.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
TeaBrat 13 years ago

sounds about typical for Teavana…

Tina S. 13 years ago

Yeah, sadly I’m finding fewer and fewer blends of theirs that I am enjoying.

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171 tasting notes

Experience buying from Teavana Online http://steepster.com/places/2822-teavana-online-atlanta-georgia

Appearance and aroma of dry leaf: It has a very strong citrus scent, which I really like. It doesn’t look like there is much green rooibos tea in here, but it may be that much of the tea is on the bottom of the bag I am currently using; lot’s of apple bits.

Brewing guidelines: four tsp tea, four cups water; six-cup ceramic teapot, tea in large, metal tea-ball; stevia added.
……….1st: Off boil, slightly warmed pot; 2’
……….2nd: Boiling, warmed pot; 4’
……….3rd: Spot on boiling, warmed pot, 8’

Color and aroma of tea liquor: light yellow color, mild lemon scent.

Flavor of tea liquor: The lemon flavor is strong: we could both easily discern a lemon note on the middle of our tongues (is this where the taste buds that detect citrus-y flavors, are?). This tea reminds us both of Teavana’s Citron Green tea blend, which is a tea we have both enjoyed.

Blends well with: I would think, because the flavor is not too strong, that it would blend well with many different teas that don’t conflict with a lemon flavor.

Value: Great at 50-75% off the regular price (same as Teavana’s Zocolatte Spice: $1.70 for 2oz at 75% off).

Overall: Even more than the Zocolatte Spice, my wife and I both enjoyed this tea from start to finish. It has a great aroma and very refreshing flavor. Yet, as with the Zocolatte Spice, I think it may take more than one tsp of tea per cup of water to give it as strong a flavor as we would like, which is why I wouldn’t want to pay full price for this tea; still, luckily I bought lots of this tea on sale, so, I look forward to brewing up this delicious lemon lime tea all throughout the year!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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2 tasting notes

Gave this a try because is currently 50% off at Teavanna. I don’t usually go for citrus or fruity flavors but this is deliciously refreshing. Too bad the mark down is due to it being discontinued. I planned on mixing it with my plain green teas, but first brew I made i drank it hot and unsweetened and loved it. I can say it worked out well that my arm was twisted to buy more then I planned..lol.

tyuS 13 years ago

Lemon Lime Kampai is not going to be discontinued, rather it was just a randomly selected tea for the Heavenly Sale =)

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