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Rooibos Tea
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Boiling 6 min, 15 sec

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From TeaFrog

Our most popular Rooibos blend, the Love blend is an aromatic delight that you will not be able to resist! This tea is so good, we sample it at every show, and sell out at every show! The scent and flavor are simply to die for!

Ingredients: Rooibos, Safflowers, Sunflowers, Calendula Flowers, Rose Flowers, Cornflowers, Orange Peel

About TeaFrog View company

TeaFrog ships high quality tea to anywhere in North America. Founded in 2006 by Mike and Melanie, TeaFrog endeavors make quality tea accessible to more people, as well as educating the community about the benefits and the myths of tea.

22 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Orange Creamsicle. It totally smells like that today! It ‘brewed’ very deep reddish brown.


It’s the ROOIBOS of the DAY, folks!!!!

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JonTea 15 years ago


Auggy 15 years ago

You said the magic words. “Orange Creamsicle.” Why must everything sound so good today? I really don’t need to order more tea! Ha!

malomorgen 15 years ago

Shhh i really don’t either :D

Rabs 15 years ago

Hooway! This is one of the samples I ordered from the Select :D

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 15 years ago

Me too Rabs can’t wait :-) it has already been a rather expensive tea year for me. Never enough flavors to try.

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4843 tasting notes

This is really very good. Sweet with notes of flower and juicy orange. What I’m really liking is that even though I’m tasting the rooibos – it really works within the blend. The nutty flavor from the rooibos melds nicely with the flavors here. Pleasant and nicely balanced.

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412 tasting notes

yum yum yum… so happy my full Teafrog order arrived! This is so delicious, orange, and sweet. Tasty plain or delicious with milk and sugar.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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431 tasting notes

Here is what I know…I like this tea. The problem is I don’t know why. Just something about it works, it is definaely one of the more unique of roobios tea blends I have tasted. Not sure if I think love maybe this should have been called…Lust Flavored Rooibos. :-)

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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382 tasting notes

Here we are again with the orange-flavored rooibos.
I was kind of scared that I would be unable to distinguish between it and the Gingerbread Orange when I first smelled it just because the orange flavoring came through soooo strong. On steeping, the orangeness just got stronger and yes, the color is quite dark, but I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say blood (of any kind) is evoked. For one thing, blood is just not that transparent. (Blood is thicker than tea, ahahahahahaha ahem)

Fortunately, I can definitely taste a difference. his is VERY floral tea, but the rooibos still manages to be quietly present in the form of a nutty undertaste which I think goes quite well. Basically, it leaves me with the feeling that flowers should sprout up whenever I breathe out.

So far this is definitely edging out the other teafrog rooiboses I have tried.

Aside time! I forgot to mention this when my order first came in, but I had a total huh moment when the package came in and I saw that the recommended temperature for the teas was 100/80/etc degrees and then I remembered. You Canadians and your crazy measuring systems that make actual sense! (I suppose that should be You rest of the world and your crazy measuring systems that make actual sense)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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259 tasting notes


sent me this and I think I’m getting along with it better than she is. While she got menstrual blood, I got fig newtons. I’m not sure that the flavor of “love” can be distilled into a rooibos blend. The envelop that TeaFrog uses calls it “Love Flavored Rooibos”. The ingredients include rose and orange, but I am not picking up on them (at least not so far). The dry leaves smelled like root beer, which was delightful but the brewed tea is a bit of an anticlimax. Is the TeaFrog presenting us with some sort of a Zen Koan about the flavor of Love? And more powerful than the tea itself, the name has me regressing into a Burt Bacharach kind of mood and I hear Dionne Warwick warbling “The Look of Love”. “I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you”—I think that was before she was a psychic friend.

A tea that gives me a Proustian moment cannot be all bad; but the previous tea I sipped led me to Florence Italy in my mind, which might be a better place to be than my old bedroom when I thought that Dionne Warwick was the epitome of sophistication and that Burt Bacharach was the bard of love!

5 min, 30 sec
sophistre 15 years ago

I loved this note.

TeaFrog 15 years ago

Great Note Doulton! :) I am glad that you “liked” the tea ;) I am really happy to see that it did illicit enough emotion for your thoughts to travel – that is the goal of any tea blender! :) Of course, as with any tea, everything is subjective – so our version of Love in a cup is not necessarily yours ;)

Oh, and isn’t Burt Bacharach STILL the bard of love? Or maybe we should aim higher – Lenard Cohen? ;) Thanks for the note!

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2201 tasting notes

I have a few sample pouches of rooibos from TeaFrog that I still haven’t tried yet, mostly because I don’t get around to making a pot of tea at home as much as I’d like. I chose this one because of the orange and rose and other florals in the mix. When I first got them, all the pouches kind of smelled like all the other ones, and separation hasn’t helped them much, but I haven’t experienced much cross contamination in the other teas from the box. I say this because this one doesn’t taste much like I expected.

Brewed up, I do of course taste the nutty rooibose base, and a creamy, vanilla flavor. Maybe a hint of orange? I also get a somewhat, minty, musty aroma that sometimes gets into the flavor. No florals at all. It’s not a great match up. Maybe I got a not-great batch, but I don’t see myself going for this one very often.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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50 tasting notes

This is absolutely just what I needed tonight. It’s dreamy.

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902 tasting notes

teabird sent me some of this to try. Thank you so much!!

The smell of this is amazing!! It’s got a creamy smell which comes across in the taste as well. This is a fantastic rooibos blend! It’s almost orange dreamsicle tasting. Very slightly floral, slighty citrusy, and very creamy!! This is amazingly good, and one that I may have to invest in.

sigh Too many teas…too little time and cupboard space.

Boiling 8 min or more

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1812 tasting notes

The name makes me curious. Why would a tea be called Love? Aside from being TeaFrog’s most popular rooibos blend (imply that people love it), I couldn’t figure out the reason for the name. So, taking this initial assumption in hand, I had high hopes for this tea. Opening the package, I placed my nose at the opening and was assailed by a myriad of aromas, not the least of which smelled like the Fig Newton cookies I enjoyed as a child. It was different, yet delicious smelling.

The boiling of the water teases me as the scent of the dry rooibos wafts from the open teapot to my nose. Clock-watching begins as the time ticks toward zero…and toward tea time! Three teaspoons, two cups of water, and six minutes later I was ready to enjoy this aromatic treat. The package says to steep for 5-6 minutes, and I chose the upper end as I like my rooibos strong.

And strong it was! Wow, this tea brewed up a dark red, almost muddy complexioned. The ingredients are well balanced, as I can definitely smell the red rooibos in amongst all the other ingredients. It has almost a spicy aroma to it now. Taking my first (big) sip, the subtly fruity liquor, with a tinge of spice (possibly from the orange peel), flows quickly and easily over the tongue. The flavour is well balanced between the rooibos and the additions. This tea definitely leaves one eagerly wanting to take the next sip. While it seems to have a light mouthfeel, the tea leaves a strong aftertaste of the non-rooibos ingredients. It really is quite a delicious blend and seems to be a tea that one would enjoy on a cold day, as the other ingredients combine with the rooibos to create a brew that warms the body and mind. Sadly, more descriptive words fail me as I’m lost in the tasty flavour of this tea. I give it 75/100 on my personal enjoyment scale.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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