drank Love by TeaFrog
259 tasting notes


sent me this and I think I’m getting along with it better than she is. While she got menstrual blood, I got fig newtons. I’m not sure that the flavor of “love” can be distilled into a rooibos blend. The envelop that TeaFrog uses calls it “Love Flavored Rooibos”. The ingredients include rose and orange, but I am not picking up on them (at least not so far). The dry leaves smelled like root beer, which was delightful but the brewed tea is a bit of an anticlimax. Is the TeaFrog presenting us with some sort of a Zen Koan about the flavor of Love? And more powerful than the tea itself, the name has me regressing into a Burt Bacharach kind of mood and I hear Dionne Warwick warbling “The Look of Love”. “I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you”—I think that was before she was a psychic friend.

A tea that gives me a Proustian moment cannot be all bad; but the previous tea I sipped led me to Florence Italy in my mind, which might be a better place to be than my old bedroom when I thought that Dionne Warwick was the epitome of sophistication and that Burt Bacharach was the bard of love!

5 min, 30 sec
sophistre 15 years ago

I loved this note.

TeaFrog 15 years ago

Great Note Doulton! :) I am glad that you “liked” the tea ;) I am really happy to see that it did illicit enough emotion for your thoughts to travel – that is the goal of any tea blender! :) Of course, as with any tea, everything is subjective – so our version of Love in a cup is not necessarily yours ;)

Oh, and isn’t Burt Bacharach STILL the bard of love? Or maybe we should aim higher – Lenard Cohen? ;) Thanks for the note!

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sophistre 15 years ago

I loved this note.

TeaFrog 15 years ago

Great Note Doulton! :) I am glad that you “liked” the tea ;) I am really happy to see that it did illicit enough emotion for your thoughts to travel – that is the goal of any tea blender! :) Of course, as with any tea, everything is subjective – so our version of Love in a cup is not necessarily yours ;)

Oh, and isn’t Burt Bacharach STILL the bard of love? Or maybe we should aim higher – Lenard Cohen? ;) Thanks for the note!

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I really love big, bold, brash teas. Smokiness enthralls me. I don’t seem to do subtle.
I don’t do rooibos.

My rating system:
Never again in a hundred million years

31-55: This tea probably has some redeeming qualities but I won’t would not seek it out again.

Shows some promise but also has a fundamental flaw. I probably owe these a second taste but am unmotivated.

Good with at least one strong quality; I probably would not buy it but would drink it cheerfully.

81-90: Worthy contenders; they might be ranked 100 on somebody’s else’s scale. I like them a lot but have not fallen in love. Will probably buy and use.

91-95: These are the true loves, the chosen ones, the ones I dream about and crave. Unless they are in a limited edition—la! how you tease me!—I will always keep in my cupboard.

96-100: I cannot be separated from these teas and would develop a panic attack if I were to run out.

“She is too fond of books and it has turned her brain.”

Elderly dowager. Quintessential cat lady.

Tea which must be in stock always:

Black Dragon LS by Upton Teas: My choice every morning.

Florence & Lapsang Souchong by Harney & Sons

a good Gen Maicha

Samovar: Russian Blend, Maiden’s Ecstasy, Ryokucha

Mariage Frères: Confucious, Vivaldi, Eros, Aida, Marco Polo

American Tea Room: Brioche

Leland Teas: Bogart

Life in Teacup:
An Xi Tie Guan Yin Grade II modern green style & also Charcoal Style


In the midst of the middle of the heart of nowhere in particular.

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