Awake™ Full Leaf Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Bitter, Malt
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Edit tea info Last updated by Harfatum
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 1 g 13 oz / 384 ml

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46 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Had a cuppa before my spa date this morning. Remembering that I disliked the flower like taste here, I experimented and added some cinnamon, along with my usual milk and not quite a pouch full...” Read full tasting note
  • “Worst Starbucks experience ever I’m at the St. Louis airport, & I have a routine when I fly of getting a Starbucks soy chai. So… They’re out of soy milk… So…can I have a hot black tea? As I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Today was coffee bean buying day, which means that it’s also free tea day! I chose Awake because oh man, do I need to become awake ;) It’s a bit flat, but with the milk and sugar I put in, very...” Read full tasting note
  • “At Starbucks because I wanted to read a bit and I knew I wouldn’t if I stayed home. The Seahawks vs 49ers game is on and I’m kinda keeping up with it. My team, the Patriots, already lost this...” Read full tasting note

From Tazo Tea

A breakfast tea of boldness, depth and character, invigorating any time of day.

You hold in your hand a finely balanced, full-leaf blend of bold, malty teas from India and bright, flavorful teas from Sri Lanka. You’ll find TAZO® AWAKE™ to be more nuanced and flavorful than your typical breakfast tea. Tea shamans also believe it to be useful in remembering what “nuanced” means first thing in the morning.

Ingredients: a blend of black teas.

About Tazo Tea View company

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46 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

Had a cuppa before my spa date this morning. Remembering that I disliked the flower like taste here, I experimented and added some cinnamon, along with my usual milk and not quite a pouch full o’sugar. Well, the result was amazing! this is what I’ll do forever more with Starbucks teas. YUMMM!!
Rating: 85

On a side note, I had my first coffee in six months yesterday. Iced with some milk and a touch of sugar. For some reason it made my mouth numb. What?! that makes no sense to me, but there you have it. Has anyone else experienced that before? so confused…


this is one of my LEAST favourite tazo teas… something about the taste just makes me want to gag.


SPA DATE?! How nice!


I have never heard of «cafeine numbness», sorry Indigo! Did you prepare it yourself or did you have it at the spa? Maybe you had a reaction to some kind of additive…


Sil- I don’t blame you, it’s kinda blah! better with cinnamon tho :P
Bonnie- it was lovely! wish I could go for another lol
TeaFairy-it’s possible! but before I quit coffee I found it all kinda gross… so I guess that was my body’s way of getting me to stop drinking! lol

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3294 tasting notes

Worst Starbucks experience ever
I’m at the St. Louis airport, & I have a routine when I fly of getting a Starbucks soy chai.
So… They’re out of soy milk…
So…can I have a hot black tea?
As I’m walking away with my cup, I catch a whiff & she gave me earl grey.
So…I return the tea, the girl starts saying, “well, you didn’t specify…blah blah”
Are you kidding me?
Turns out they are out of Awake, except as iced tea.
Then another chick who works there starts bitching at me….
They were all glaring at me, like I was wrong.
I hope she didn’t spit in my tea…


Customer “service” :( I’m sorry Terri. Being at the airport sucks badly enough all on it’s own with this Starbuxholes experience. But I’m assuming that you are now happily and safely arrived in Florida and drinking the good tea. What tea did you end up bringing? If I could, I would teleport you a big fat Dark Beauty to make up for your airport experience.


Sorry that happened to you! Safe travels, though!


Wow ugh!

Cameron B.

People must never order tea there, considering they don’t know the difference between black tea and earl grey… Or they’re just poop faces!


Most people aren’t actually aware that EG is flavoured and the leaf is black tea, and since flavoured is default for many anyway, I’m sorry, but I can’t really see how they were supposed to know you didn’t want EG…


Didn’t specify? It’s their job to ask. If it were your regular stop, I’d say complain. Since it is not, let it go and move on. Just found out last week that despite my telling them every week to use Splenda and not to add the syrup to my green tea frap, they have been doing it anyway. When I caught them I was told you can’t make it without the syrup. I said yes you can, just don’t put it in. When she handed me the drink she commented how she thought it was going to break her blender. Good grief, give me a break. All the syrup is, is sugar water anyway. Knuckleheads. Look now you have me wound up. Why should we expect different from coffee people? Oh, wait, because it is their job!

Terri HarpLady

oh well…
The main thing that pissed me off wasn’t the mistake, nobody is perfect.
I was polite when I returned & asked them to redo my tea & explained why.
I couldn’t believe the blatant rudeness & defensiveness I was met with.
When I was in food service, the customer was always right.
Anyway, yes, I AM in FL now.
Priss, I brought way too much tea, LOL! More will be revealed ;)

Cameron B.

Yeah, the rudeness is definitely the problem. Especially considering that redoing a hot tea is nothing, it’s just hot water and a tea bag that costs them basically nothing. It’s a little ridiculous that they got so defensive about it with you…

Terri HarpLady

I know!
That’s for letting me bitch, you guys. I know I’ve been a grumpus lately…

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1112 tasting notes

Today was coffee bean buying day, which means that it’s also free tea day! I chose Awake because oh man, do I need to become awake ;) It’s a bit flat, but with the milk and sugar I put in, very comforting and spot-hitting. I dare say today it has a tinge of honeyed goodness! I must have hit the magic steep time (which is sadly a mystery – the time it took me to walk across the street, wait for the elevator, go to the office. Who knows!?!?! Much better than the time it takes to get to my classroom at school – it’s always over brewed then!!) The full leaf is very much an improvement over the former bag.


For me bean buying day means 2 bag tall chai, half non fat milk, half water, 2 pumps each mocha, SF caramel, SF vanilla (sometimes whiite mocha as well) topped w/ whip and both moch and caramel drizzles. I need more beans- thanks for the reminder:) As much as I hate sweetened matcha I think I might get a blended iced green tea latte w/ 2 pumps each mocha and peppermint. That might actually be good.


I haven’t tried the full leaf chai yet – maybe I’ll get that next time!


Would love to be able to find the full leaf; some local grocery stores carry the bags, but our little local SB’s just don’t believe in keeping a decent Tazo selection on hand.


Your SBUX doesn’t have full leaf chai for lattes?! I agree w/ the small selection though- our SBUXs only carry loose leaf now which unfortunately limits the selection.


I’m lucky to find bagged Tazo there.

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772 tasting notes

At Starbucks because I wanted to read a bit and I knew I wouldn’t if I stayed home. The Seahawks vs 49ers game is on and I’m kinda keeping up with it. My team, the Patriots, already lost this afternoon. Oh well. Next year.

This tea, despite 3 packets of sugar, is still somewhat bitter and I don’t know that I want to put any more in it. It also has more than its fair share of half & half because I forgot to tell them to put milk in it. I can’t say I like it much but I don’t feel like getting my whole thing from the car and setting it up. So swill it is. Perhaps the second steep will be better.

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348 tasting notes

I found myself in a Starbucks for the early part of my day, helping my cousin brainstorm some future story ideas. I had a hand in a children’s book/app he’s developing. Also got a sneak peek of it’s near-completion; lookin’ pretty sexy…er…for a children’s book. (You can “like” it on FB, if you so choose:

I was running on four hours of sleep and needed a “brewed” awakening of sorts. So, “Awake” it was. Not much special to say here. It’s black, it’s bitter, it’s the tea version of coffee. As far as English Breakfast variants go, it gets the job done. No more, no less.

I’ll be back a wee bit later for something more esoteric.

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51 tasting notes

Had a nice experience with this one at starbucks yesterday. Normally the only way I can drink this tea is iced and sweetened as its just too strong hot. Its pretty good as an iced black tea lemonade as well.
So today I tried something new and ordered it as a latte with soy milk and vanilla syrup. It was actually very pleasant and smooth, while not being too sweet either. I still took the tea bag out pretty quickly to not steep it strong and once I finished the cup, I re-brewed it again with just their hot water, raw sugar, and some cinnamon and it was pretty yummy and light. Best enjoyed in a mug.


I love Starbucks.
The only thing I order there is a “Tall Hot Water”
Is is free, no charge.
The baristas know my order, no waiting in line for it to be made.
Bring your own teabags – no one cares
Use Starbucks Milk and Sugar
Grab a seat and enjoy.


Thats a good idea! I’ll have to ask for hot water in a mug because I hate all the waste Starbucks generates. It tastes better that way too.

Tea and Trees

I was about to buy this actually. Now I will definitely have to try it.

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115 tasting notes

I was on the go this morning, so I decided to head into Starbucks to get my daily tea fix. I’ve had this tea many times in the past, but I’ll be reviewing it as though it were my first time.

Leaf Quality:
The leaves were in sachets. I did not get to smell them before brewing, as I was given the cup with it already brewing. However, I did smell them after brewing. They were not complete leaves; they were cut in half. Some were almost whole. Nevertheless, the leaves were loose, and smelled slightly floral and malty.

Brewed Tea:
At my first sip of the tea, I could tell that the base was a Ceylon tea. A slight hint of malt told me there was some Assam, or perhaps Darjeeling as well. The color of the brew was a dark copper-red. It smelled like a version of an English Breakfast tea. It tasted much the same as well. I did not taste any of the floral notes I smelled in the leaves. The malt was as strong as the scent either.

I suppose this would be a good cup to carry me on, but I would prefer some of the other teas I have.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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3011 tasting notes

Haven’t had this for a while, nor have I had it served to me by Starbucks in the big sachet. So it’s stiffer and stronger than I recall. That’s not a disadvantage on a very sleepy Monday a.m. That wouldn’t be darjeeling I’m tasting in the background? Nahhhh….

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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59 tasting notes

I said I would never try Awake again, but I heard that Starbucks had switched to full-leaf teas and I was in a bind. A tea bind.

I got two bags of this in a Grande cup, and steeped it for about 2:45. Then I added a ton of 2% milk. I was really pleasantly surprised; it was a very robust and flavorful drink. I think I need to try this method with other teas that I know I like – load up on the leaves, keep brewing time super short, and be generous with the milk. I would guess the brewing temperature was a fair bit under boiling because it brewed in a cup, but I don’t know for sure. This is the tea served in large, silky bags in Starbucks; the flat bags are trash, I reviewed them in another note.

The finished tea was thick and bracing, with more raisin than malt. In overall character I would say it was like a slightly more nuanced and less astringent PG Tips. There was some astringency as one would expect with so much leaves, but not excessive like the flat Tazo bags or other poor-quality black teas.

I’m not sure where to put the rating on this, as I may be rating the method more than the tea, but it was good in any case. I’ll come back and modify the score depending on how other teas fare with the same technique.

But damn, I hate Tazo’s overly-cute marketing. This tea making tea shamans remember words? Ugh.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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737 tasting notes

I was actually pleasantly surprised by this. It’s good! A nice black tea blend. I only added honey to it, but I could taste notes of cinnamon and an earthy quality which was lovely.

Maybe Tazo has stepped up their game a little.

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