2014 Top Yunnan Yellow Dragon Golden Needle Pu'erh Ripe Cake

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Cocoa, Dark Bittersweet, Malt, Creamy, Earth, Wheat
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Edit tea info Last updated by looseTman
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 oz / 102 ml

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9 Tasting Notes

39 tasting notes

This is one of my favourite teas. Really nice, with cocao, creamy and malty notes.

Flavors: Cocoa, Dark Bittersweet, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 45 sec 5 g 4 OZ / 130 ML

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289 tasting notes

This tea is really yummy. I think we have Allan to thank for discovering it. Very smooth, great flavor, deep and rich. Some fermentation funk permeates all steepings, but I suspect it will fade and this tea will turn out top notch. I’m going to get a tong, the cakes are only 100g and reasonably priced.


I originally bought five of them and am tempted to buy more to age. I think this one will age well.

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149 tasting notes

Oh. My. Goodness.
This is amazing.
It’s everything I love about ripe puerh….
Mineral notes (which always come out as baked-good…almost baking powder/cream of tartar notes to me)…. raisin like, sweet and so deep…
Yes. This is a definite ‘add to cupboard when you can!’ type tea….
Thank you SO MUCH Dexter for sending this to me to try… It’s even better than I had hoped! :)


it’s relatively inexpensive too and streetshop ships SUPER quick!


…..It’s only $10.98 for 100g!!?? eeeh…..
I know I shouldn’t, but it’s SOOO GOOD!!!


TREAT YO SELF! Why not get a cake? :D


LOL that is a cake – it comes in 100g cakes for $10.98 USD… I really should be looking at getting another one, but need to try the one Sil sent me first…..


i thought i bought this one.. but i guess not? lol


And the wrapper is pretty…. I thought you bought a cake of it?


oh i figured it out…. ebay streetshop versus streetshop listing.


Ohh! Even better. That’s a good size for a cake. :) I wonder if I’ve tried this one yet.


LOL. Thanks, Dex. I think I need to go get some hot chocolate or something, I’m all over the place today.


I’m drinking another StreetShop88 pu’erh right now – it’s really good too…. sigh …. it’s not like I don’t have a mountain of pu’er in my house right now


You are all the best. :) Just had to say that. lol


I’m trying to get my cupboard down enough to be able to possibly place a mandala order by the end of the month…but man another streetshop order would be great…

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15588 tasting notes

oh dexter. can we buy more please? when you get to being allowed to buy more? I pulled this one out randomly today because i always try to take time for at least one puerh when i work from home because even if it gets busy, i generally have time for a few steeps in between meetings. Today i christened my new pot that i picked up from the tea festival with this one. I’ve only had a couple steeps so far, so more to come if life doesn’t get busy..but i really love this. It’s rich. i have no other way to describe it.

it’s smooth…and deep…and rich…and just downright satisfying.

sneaks over to ebay


We’re not allowed to buy more yet! Not yet! Soon, though. Sooooon the precious.


i might have just said eff it and bought a cake


Gah. Puerh cake is the one thing I didn’t get a chance to buy this year at the festival (though I did grab a tiny oolong one). While I am on hiatus, this is the one thing I’ll allow myself an exception for heh


That oolong cake seems so neat!

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19 tasting notes

First time sampling it I decided to just go forth and use my zishi.
I don’t use gaiwans for shou anyway.

Used my ~90 ml zishi dedicated to shou and around 6 grams of leaf.

The cake had very light compression for me. I easily broke my sample from the cake without use of a cake-tool.
Very beautiful leaves. Had a strong aroma too.

Used two quick washes after adding the leaves to my warmed up pot.

Steep times:

First steeping was a bit fishy and bitter but I could tell it was just waking up. The true flavors were yet to come out.

The second steeping I was getting hints of creamed wheat with a Bittersweet Malty aspect going on, still little fermented taste but nothing major.

The chaqi was very warming in the chest and stomach.
I felt alert and energized but was perfectly content sitting listening to peter tosh and sipping this delicious tea.

Can’t wait to try this with company and see what they think of the taste.
To me it’s a winner.
Perfect price, smaller sized cake, decent delivery speed minus customs in my case, and a great taste.

Flavors: Creamy, Dark Bittersweet, Earth, Malt, Wheat

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

I really liked this one too.


This one has two catalog entries in Steepster.

Marcus reed

I bought this based from your earlier review on it.

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2291 tasting notes

Ok! This is it! I have new teaware out. I have my little goat/sheep thing chilling in its hat cup. I have my YIXING POT OUT and rinsed and ready to go.

I haven’t used my yixing in MONTHS. It was so dusty.

My new cup dwarfs it. Teensy tea pot.

I think I don’t like the yixing mostly because it leaks like a fucking sieve. The lid doesn’t sit tight, but I swear when I used it in-store, it was fine.

And I can’t drink this tea. Smells like dried squid. Yep.

Ok, moving on.

(I’ve had it before and I don’t remember it being this bad. IDK.)

3 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

:(( Sad – that is one of my favorite shou.
But yep if it’s not working for you move on…..


I was practising not dropping the pot, and it’s more dried date, less dried squid. So that’s nice. I think it was the plastic baggie being closed that affected the flavour. :/


dope. i love this one too…

Liquid Proust

I’ve heard of this before which means it must be good :)


I am having a hard time with shou right now, which is bad… considering how MUCH of it I have. :/

Liquid Proust

when it doesn’t taste right… what a shou-tastrophe


The next one from Camellia Sinensis is working better for me, YAY. Tea-tastrophe averted.

Christina / BooksandTea

Squid! I can’t get over that.



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1040 tasting notes

Wow this is good!!!!

Edit: I need to write more than just it’s good. This is a perfect hybrid between a fuzzy golden bud Yunnan black tea (malty, sweet, chocolatey, sweet potato) and a really nice smooth ripe pu’erh (earthy and subterranean). There is nothing nasty in this tea. It’s flavorful without being in your face. I love it. Great way to step outside my comfort zone into the wonderful world of shou pu’erh.


Yay! I’m glad you like your new purchase!


ok since you like Allan suggestions and streetshop88, here is another one im getting from them. Allan sent me a sample. AMAZING.


Dexter…. I adore your tea photos.

boychik… is that a WHOLE cake for $7!!??


Ok… I see the cake is $25 (I’m sleepy…gah! lol)… That’s still a great price, though, right??


boychik – I’m frightened – I haven’t really been exploring pu’erh too much but I’m starting to get interested. There is just so much to learn and so many to try…. I got that order in 10 days – NEVER get stuff that quick from China. Well packaged – nice teapot – amazing tea – I need to write more about it than what I did. Based on this one order I have nothing but good things to say about this seller. I will be buying another of these cakes and I’ve marked that one you mentioned – I probably won’t buy a whole cake, but will get a sample of it. Thank you. :)


DeliriumsFrogs – thank you – my photos aren’t as good as a lot of them on Instagram, but it’s fun. :)) At 25.00/357g – that’s 0.07/g or 7.00/100 compared to what I’ve been paying for some of the black tea I’ve been buying recently it’s a steal….


yyz- I LOVE my new purchase – both this cake and the teapot – will try the black tea tomorrow. :))


get youself a sample . who knows, you may not like it. and i just found them on Ali. they confirmed that its the same shop. the selection is not the same but 7599 is $2 cheaper and they give a discount above $50


Dexter, im afraid to recommend you knowing that you and me, we have a lot of tea. but some you just need. i cannot let you miss out. some pu is just amazing.


You people are DANGEROUS.


OMGsrsly – and you wonder why I need to share tea….


boychik – is this the same cake? It’s worded exactly like StreetShop88 on ebay – is this the seller that you think is the same? http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2014-year-Supreme-MengHai-LangHe-7599-Pu-er-Puer-puerh-Tea-Ripe-Cake-Chinese-Black-Tea/32230862750.html


OHHH on ebay they have that tea in 150g cakes – added to watch list….


Oh, Dexter. I totally get why you need to share tea. :D (Ooo, more window shopping!!)


Yes, it’s the same seller. I asked and they confirmed. But you need a sample . What if you won’t like it


Love the pictures!


Dexter, I got a sample of the 7599 from Goshopstreet Tea and let me tell you, it is VERY chocolately! You will love it. And it’s cheap too! I can always send you a sample from my sample if you like.


oh god you guys are killing me….want. all.


More converts in the making……;p


haha @mrmopar.
@Sil. you know, sometimes i say nice, sometimes i say lovely. this time i say NEED and WANT immediately (referring to 7599;)


dexter…if you’re thinking about a 7599 cake, we could always split one…


I have lots of thoughts regarding these comments and I’m suddenly very confused at how I want to go about buying tea in the near future. Work is exploding busy – I work with idiots. The old Dex would just buy another of this cake, a 150g cake of the one I posted and 50g sample of the 7599 (and probably would have bought it last night). New budgets and thought patterns are confusing me….. need to ponder how to go about doing this….


i’m happy to split puerh anytime if it makes sense…


Dexter, Thank you so much for the 2014 Top Yunnan Yellow Dragon Golden Needle Pu’erh sample! What are the recommended brewing parameters?


Tman – I’m pretty easy going with steep parameters. You can’t really mess this one up, it’s good however you do it. I’m advising your favourite shou times. Personally, I like it in my modified gongfu. 3-4g 150ml 95C 30sec Something like that. I really really want to try it using my Special Dark parameters. Western steeped for 8 minutes, but haven’t gotten to it yet…


I also rinse. Just flash then let it sit a couple of minutes.


I have a large yixing pot that I adore SD in. About 5g 400ml 8 min then 10 min. :)


I’ve been using TheTeaFairy’s western parameters for SD:
5g / 10 oz. / 212 / 10 sec. rinse / 5 & 10 min. using a tempered tea mug and a Finum brewing basket.

I have a gaiwan but I don’t find it as convenient to use. I’m sure with greater use it will become more second nature.

I’ve also thought about an “easy gaiwan”. However, the lid on the one’s I’ve seen didn’t cover the spout opening. Thus, they probably don’t retain as much heat as a traditional gaiwan.


I don’t really use my traditional gaiwan either. Like you said not convenient. I have several easy gaiwans and I understand what you are saying about not holding heat, but when I’m flash or really short steeping I don’t think it makes a difference. Of all the ones I have this is by far my favorite. I use it all the time. :)


“…when I’m flash or really short steeping I don’t think it makes a difference.” Good point!

That’s an appealing easy gaiwan! From your IG photo, the spout opening appears to be smaller than most I’ve seen. Are they still available?


Thanks for the link!


Oh, so pretty! (gaiwans)
And I JUST purchased this very tea yesterday after reading the discussion on chocolate pu’erh. I have such little self control.


I look forward to your impressions of 2014 TYYDGN.

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