So, this was pretty much the only tea that I bought at the Victoria Tea Festival. It’s just that good.
The best rendition of a milky-esque oolong I’ve had to date. The first steep is a little on the floral side, with a touch of cream.
Second steep, the creaminess comes out a bit more, but the floral undertones hold on.
Third steep, the floralness is waning while the creaminess gets fuller. Note that the creaminess isn’t heavy at all. Very dainty and sweet.
Fourth steep is soft and buttery. Soothing and wholesome.
This alone was worth paying admission.
By the way, are you getting Amoda’s box this month? They had this month’s at the festival and Love Affair made me drool so hardcore, but since it’s a rooibos, I passed. If you’re getting it this month, you need to let me know how that one is!
I did not get it this month – hoping to pick it up again next month possibly. This month’s box looks overly floral, so i can’t say that i’m upset about that. floral teas and i say NO NO and NO! most of the time lol
Yeah, the White Cherry this month smelled very nice. Tart cherry, but the jasmine is just waiting to unleash its wrath.
Yay! I love this one :)
By the way, are you getting Amoda’s box this month? They had this month’s at the festival and Love Affair made me drool so hardcore, but since it’s a rooibos, I passed. If you’re getting it this month, you need to let me know how that one is!
I did not get it this month – hoping to pick it up again next month possibly. This month’s box looks overly floral, so i can’t say that i’m upset about that. floral teas and i say NO NO and NO! most of the time lol
Yeah, the White Cherry this month smelled very nice. Tart cherry, but the jasmine is just waiting to unleash its wrath.
Absolutely Divine!