Chocolate Caramel Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Artificial, Chocolate, Cocoa, Coconut, Caramel, Cream
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 343 ml

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37 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This one turned out better today. I wish I knew what I did because I was distracted getting things done while it was steeping. Maybe I let it steep longer due to the distraction and it brought out...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the morning – don’t judge because I am having this for breakfast. :) This does have quite a bit of chocolate flavor in it and I am also picking up on some caramel which is fairly subtle....” Read full tasting note
  • “soooo funny story about this one. While i was drinking it i kept muttering to myself about there being no strawberry in this.. and how can this be chocolate strawberry… chocolate coconut caramel...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had this last night, and while delicious, it tasted differently than normal. Knew just from the smell it was an S&V tea, which surprised me. 1.5 tsp in 12 oz.” Read full tasting note

From Simpson & Vail

Two of my favorite tastes – chocolate and creamy caramel – meet in this delicious black tea blend. Let the sweet chocolate aroma awaken your senses while the rich, smooth chocolate taste, and buttery aftertaste, thrill your tastebuds.

Ingredients: black teas, organic cacao nibs, chocolate caramel flavoring, and safflower petals.

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37 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

This one turned out better today. I wish I knew what I did because I was distracted getting things done while it was steeping. Maybe I let it steep longer due to the distraction and it brought out the flavours more? With half and half, it’s especially good.

I’ve gotten coconut before and there it is again. I swear.

Flavors: Caramel, Coconut

3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

i steep as an oolong too. i agree on the coconut =0)

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2816 tasting notes

Tea of the morning – don’t judge because I am having this for breakfast. :)

This does have quite a bit of chocolate flavor in it and I am also picking up on some caramel which is fairly subtle. This is enjoyable with some soymilk and I definitely oversteeped it (because I forgot about it) but it still tastes good to me. I don’t know that I would need to keep this on hand but it’s pretty nice.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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15575 tasting notes

soooo funny story about this one. While i was drinking it i kept muttering to myself about there being no strawberry in this.. and how can this be chocolate strawberry… chocolate coconut caramel sure..but strawberry??? then i came over to write my tasting note and realised i’d been drinking chocolate caramel..not sure why i had strawberries in my head lol

This was another tea from my swedish chef. she’s mine case you weren’t aware. :) There will likely be a few more today as i try to get through some samples and try things. I like this one a bunch but for me, there was for sure a coconut taste hanging out in the background. It didn’t ruin things for me but it kept me from fully enjoying the chocolate caramel…still pretty good though!


Jeez, you so possessive…I does one find their own??? I know, I know…I just keep on watching Yutube, and you get to have a real one, lol


(I meant “how” does one find their own)


You have to be very, very lucky tea fairy. I think it helps to be a heffalump


Haha! Yes, it sure does…

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1501 tasting notes

Had this last night, and while delicious, it tasted differently than normal. Knew just from the smell it was an S&V tea, which surprised me.

1.5 tsp in 12 oz.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


Just wondering. Does a brand/company sometimes have a similar taste throughout it’s blends ?


S&V teas in particular seem to have a distinct, underlying base scent/taste.


I find that often to be the case, Suziqzer. This makes a lot of sense when they use the same black tea base…


I’ve not had enough of any one brand yet to notice that. Been sampling mostly right now. I have a feeling I’m going to have to be placing some orders here as we approach summer so we can have more around to try for iced teas… that goes fast around here! & it will be exciting to try new things.


I’ve sent you a few S&V, right Suziqzer? They’re very fragrant to start with, and I find after a while I just know it’s a Simpson & Vail blend from the scent. Those puppies need quarantining from my other teas!

I thikn that, in this case, S&V uses a distinctive chocolate flavor that I’ve yet to smell elsewhere, and then their base is also quite heady. Yummy though!


Yes, you did :) You sent me Cinnamon Chocolate Brownie, Coconut Macaroon, & RootBeer. We liked all 3! I’m still working on the coconut- don’t want to see this one gone & am careful to drink it on evenings when I have time to enjoy it- I’ve been sharing it with my brother’s girlfriend though, she likes it too. Will likely order them all when I finally place an order with them.


I had this last night, too! I broken my self-imposed caffeine ban especially for it, as I didn’t get my first cup of tea until 9PM! I don’t know how that happened, I usually always make time for tea.

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390 tasting notes

HA! i can taste the caramel! AND i have a theory….

i’ve noticed that all of my new simpson & vail teas are very strongly scented. i don’t think i’m actually tasting it on my tongue…. i suspect the smell i so strong that i’m smelling it as i sip but probably not actually tasting it. STILL it’s a nice illusion =0).

not my favourite tea… not bad though. good thing because i have lots! very smooth. honestly, i was mostly caught up in tasting caramel and didn’t take as many notes as usual, lol.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

hahahaha nose trickery!


well isn’t it something like 90% of taste is smell, so I think it is safe to say you are tasting the caramel. I declare a tea party in celebration of James tasting caramel, other than Butiki, finally!! :)


Lala… you are awesome. i’m totally up both for that very persuasive argument and a tea party!


Caramel success!! And a tea party is probably needed as this is quite a wonderful moment!

caile Yay for the caramel!

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6768 tasting notes

Buttery smooth but velvety caramel and chocolate! Really amazing! Nice! Many of you know I hate to use the term “mouth feel” but that’s the only way I can explain it! It has a nice mouth feel (I cringe every time I say it! LOL) and the flavor is amazing!

Daisy Chubb

Don’t worry TEB, I cringe too! haha

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1398 tasting notes

This was in my most recent S&V order. I find they do dessert teas so well.

The scent is predominantly chocolate and black tea. In my initial sip I’m getting some caramel flavour with some chocolate in the background. The chocolate is more towards the end of the sip. With each sip the chocolate seems to become more obvious and melds with the caramel well. I think I’ll try this at a lower temperature next time to see if it coaxes a bit more flavour out.

I’ve also decided to hunt for a great maple tea. I’m open to suggestions. :)

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Have you tried Steam’s Canadian Maple Seduction…? I feel like such a pusher, but it’s SO maple. Think boiled maple candy.


I haven’t! I’ll add it to my wishlist. :)


Was it you who was going to come to Vancouver this summer? If not, I could always send you some, nothing expected in return. :)


I do come out there in the summer! Were you interested in doing a small swap though?


Ohh, I don’t need any more tea. :D But I’ll happily send you a couple things. :)


Haha well, maybe we could do a rain check situation where I can try some of the maple tea and in the future you can request something. :)

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2291 tasting notes

Hmm. I think I missed reviewing this tea when I had it on its own. Oops. Sorry, Fjellrev. Thank you for the samples! :)

I’ve mixed this 50/50 with the Chocolate Chai, as I only had 1 tsp of each left and wanted a full mug. It smells so chocolatey. I even added some dark chocolate silk almond milk to it, for extra chocolate. You might think I was hormonal or something, the way I’m sipping down these chocolatey teas! (255, go me!)

Oh, this mix is really good! So much chocolate. A little chai spice, but not too much. Some caramel buttery sweetness thrown in. This hits the spot. :)

I don’t think I’d buy either of these teas, but now I’m thinking of adding chocolate milk to their English Toffee, just for a different flavour!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Your tasting notes always have the best ideas.


:D I love playing around with food.

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361 tasting notes

Trying to remember the teas I had yesterday. The wine has my head a little fuzzy…

I made this one in the afternoon when I wasn’t really sure what sounded good. This ended up being a good choice. I brewed it at 180 for about 2.5 and then let it cool for about 5 minutes before I drank any. Both the chocolate and caramel are present and accounted for as is a nice strong black base. This is good dessert tea and no additions are necessary at all. Not sure I’ll have to keep this around all the time, but I can see reordering this from time to time.

Terri HarpLady

That sounds yummy!

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4843 tasting notes


My first couple of sips were a little disappointing because I didn’t taste much chocolate or caramel. The black tea was delicious, but I wanted chocolate and caramel. But this tea requires a bit of patience from the taster… and after the first couple of sips, the chocolate and caramel notes developed into a very delicious, decadent treat.

Sweet, rich, and delicious! It’s like a favorite candy bar in a teacup.

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