Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Vanilla Flavour, Vanilla Pieces
Creamy, Sweet, Vanilla, Marshmallow
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Edit tea info Last updated by Michelle
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 292 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is another tea from Michelle! Many thanks! I had this with lunch today because I have felt like staying cozy today. This is a good tea for cozy time. The vanilla seems much lighter than...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks so much, Michelle!  I am always willing to try ANY and ALL vanilla teas.   This is another bargain from San Fran herb.   I was really trying to spy the vanilla pieces in this blend but they...” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t crave often for dessert tea. But when I do, it is tea from Michelle recently. Thank you! Yes, it is my second cup of this tea. First one reminded me cocoa, but maybe it was a bit affected...” Read full tasting note
  • “V is for… Vanilla Tea. From Michelle. Thank you! I think next time I might try steeping this at a higher temperature, maybe boiling, to see how it comes out. Michelle’s instructions gave a range...” Read full tasting note

From San Francisco Herb Co.

A black tea rich with warm vanilla sweetness. Great as a dessert tea.

About San Francisco Herb Co. View company

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6 Tasting Notes

3498 tasting notes

This is another tea from Michelle! Many thanks!

I had this with lunch today because I have felt like staying cozy today. This is a good tea for cozy time. The vanilla seems much lighter than Harney’s Vanilla Black, but overall this is a really comfortable, drinkable tea. This is the sort you can sip lots and lots of while enjoying a book. It isn’t flashy, more immediately familiar and undemanding like an old friend. I think I found this one to be more of a cozy comfort than the tea of that name.

Thank you, Michelle!


I can and have sipped lots of this one! Glad you liked it.

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4337 tasting notes

Thanks so much, Michelle!  I am always willing to try ANY and ALL vanilla teas.   This is another bargain from San Fran herb.   I was really trying to spy the vanilla pieces in this blend but they must be hiding in that black tea.  It’s vanilla, it’s black tea – to be honest this seems to scream at me that it’s a forceful Ceylon tea – like it just wants to be over the top and above that Ceylon flavor profile.  Some may love that, but it’s not my favorite.  So without this vanilla, I would probably pass on this tea.  Like Michelle says in her note, it’s like an ice cream type vanilla, so there must be some flavoring here as well.  Two steeps that resulted in fairly similar in flavor.
Steep #1 //  1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 25 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 minute steep


Some vanilla teas end up artificial tasting, and this one is smooth. And a bargain too!

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2065 tasting notes

I don’t crave often for dessert tea. But when I do, it is tea from Michelle recently. Thank you!

Yes, it is my second cup of this tea. First one reminded me cocoa, but maybe it was a bit affected of puerhs it was sent with. Or my taste (and smell) buds were off. Happens to me somehow very often recently.

But this second steep was… just great. I steeped one tea spoon in 400 ml mug. I let it steep for 4-5 minutes, as I haven’t been too much attentive to time. It was so pure vanilla in aroma. And even better, there was no artificial note. It was like a pure vanilla pod (or it is bean in English?).

In taste, however, the base tea was present. Not so much, no flavours or scents from it, but it wasn’t pure vanilla. That isn’t a flaw though. I liked it was reliable tea base and complements the vanilla very, very well.

Vanilla in taste was mellow, sweet and creamy. The last adjective was the most present in my mind while sipping. Yum!

Flavors: Creamy, Sweet, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 14 OZ / 400 ML

This is one of my favorites and I hope it will always be in my cupboard. Glad you liked it!


Is this the correct link to the vendor? https://www.sfherb.com/

Our little indie grocer used to buy wholesale from them and stopped, but there were several varieties I really liked.


Yes, gmathis, that’s the one. This tea comes in 1 lb, and the Yunnan in 1/2 lb, I recommend them both. The Assam isn’t half bad either.


Tempting! The one I remember (you know how teas in nostalgia taste three times better than they really were) was a lemon green tea, which I don’t see. However, I am very curious about the Keemun—another one no longer available locally, but which I still dream about ;)


Their Keemun was rather uninspired, in my opinion. I ended up mixing it with cinnamon or lemongrass to finish it off. If you like licorice, their Licorice mint and the other licorice herbal (with cinnamon) are decent. Oh, and their dragonwell was ok too. I don’t drink a whole lot of green tea, but it mixes well with their excellent spearmint.

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2172 tasting notes

V is for… Vanilla Tea.

From Michelle. Thank you!

I think next time I might try steeping this at a higher temperature, maybe boiling, to see how it comes out. Michelle’s instructions gave a range of 190° – 212° so I’ll play around with it. This has a really authentic vanilla bean flavor!

Flavors: Marshmallow, Vanilla

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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490 tasting notes

Should I do something special for my 100th tasting note, or is it just another cup of tea?

How my tea tastes have changed since my first few reviews when I thought Teavana and Mighty leaf were the best teas, through the Steepster Select experiment, to now when I look for tasty bagged tea or a chocolatey yunnan black or a creamy shu puerh.

I thank the Steepster community for introducing me to Butiki, traveling tea boxes, and secret pumpkin swaps. So many yummy teas I have discovered since logging onto this site!

I do love a bargin, and this Vanilla Tea is just that. To me a bargin is quality at a lower price, and I like the challenge of paying less for a similar good product that others may pay more for. I have tried many steeps looking for a flaw in this tea, could it be an aftertaste, a bitterness, too much astringency? I haven’t found much negative here, its a single note tea, but it does it quite well. It reminds me of a Bryers Ice cream natural vanilla, but not so sweet. This is comfort food at its best, the reason why vanilla is a favorite dessert flavor, and why do other vanilla teas end up with a weird after taste? I am still impressed by every sip and have been unable to oversteep. Is it the vanilla bean or the vanilla flavor that is spot on? Maybe my only complaint is the black tea base isn’t really there, its just a conveyance for the vanilla.
I will order this again, and I will savor the sips of this comforting tea that only needs one flavor note to be delicious.

Flavors: Vanilla


Congratulations on your 100th tasting note, and to the evolution of your tea palate! Isn’t it fun? Mine tastes have changed so much, and I enjoy more foods than ever thanks to tea and Steepster.

Martin Bednář

Congratulations to 100! Certainly, there are changes in my palate as well. And I am here for two years only.


Congrats on hitting 100 notes! (:




Happy 100! I’m also grateful to Steepster. :D

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