Milk Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Denise @ Nature's Tea Leaf
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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  • “Tazo the cat said I needed a cup of this today. (Yes, he’s still outdoors.) And then promptly tried to keep me from drinking it by head-butting my hands until I petted him according to his...” Read full tasting note
  • “If you live in NYC, you probably know about the dumpling wars. There is a small cluster of dumpling shops on the lower East Side area and there are constant wars about which is better (and no,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh what a day! I had so many errands to run today and it is freezing outside (well, freezing from a Southerner’s point of view!) I arrived home, weary and chilled, to find a package from Nature’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “Loose Appearance: rich, dark med size leaf Aroma when Dry: creamy, sweet, desserty, butter After water is first poured: peppery, creamy, sweet, silky, fresh At end of steep: nutty, creamy,...” Read full tasting note

From Nature's Tea Leaf

Milk Black Tea is our select Yunnan Black Tea leaves scented with evaporated milk. The black tea leaves are striped dark green leaves, tightly curled with a fragrance of evaporated milk. This tea has a pleasant aroma and a smooth and creamy flavor. The Milk Black Tea combination is simply elegant, providing you with a balanced cup.

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12 Tasting Notes

3012 tasting notes

Tazo the cat said I needed a cup of this today. (Yes, he’s still outdoors.) And then promptly tried to keep me from drinking it by head-butting my hands until I petted him according to his specifications. Both hands, full attention.

If you like cream in your tea, or sweet and pastry flavorings, this is one to try. Best with a very light touch on temp and time to keep the milk from tasting like hot milk, if that makes sense.


you named your cat tazo? that’s excellent! this sounds like a tea i would like.


Black shorthair, jade green eyes, a battle scar or two; it fit perfectly.


excellent, and completely appropriate… does he/she steal tea when you’re not looking?


Not yet. To the amusement of several fellow Steepsters, we have not made a formal full-time indoor commitment; just visiting rights.


my grin has wrapped around my head two times, lol.

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470 tasting notes

If you live in NYC, you probably know about the dumpling wars. There is a small cluster of dumpling shops on the lower East Side area and there are constant wars about which is better (and no, Momofuku doesn’t count, we’re talking little dive $1 for 5 dumpling kind of joints!). My favorite is Vanessa’s: not the one in Union Square (which is decent) but the original shop. Not just because of the dumplings which, let’s face it, are very similar from shop to shop. But Vanessa’s has these fantastic sesame pancake sandwiches stuffed with crispy pulled pork or even DUCK. And to top off your greasy, delicious sandwich there’s the world’s best Hong Kong Milk Tea.

As amazingly delicious as HKMT is, it’s laden with calories from the sugar and evaporated milk AND condensed milk. Ugg, but it’s so good! I would love to find a lighter replacement, so I was thrilled to see this from Nature’s Tea Leaf. But can it replicate the wonders of Vanessa’s Hong Kong Milk Tea?

Well, of course it’s not thick and creamy from the milk, but it perfectly captures the condensed/evaporated milk taste. The tea isn’t cloudy so there’s no actual milk bits floating around, it’s just flavoring. Magic flavoring! I cold brewed this and without any sugar or other additions it really does taste like milk tea. Creamy, milk, with that distinct evaporated milk taste and a burst of sweetness. Mmmmm. I think I’m in love!


You just made me hungry :P


After writing this I’ve decided I have to get dumplings tomorrow XD


I may have to head into the asian market to get some vegetable dumplings because of this post.

Oolong Owl

mmmm milk tea and dumplings!


Love dumplings, but we live in the armpit of nowhere, so availability is … isn’t.


I dunno…there is no limit to my culinary incompetence ;) I checked our favorite import grocery store, hoping to find some decent frozen ones. A few potstickers, not much variety.


Back to the tea at hand, doesn’t this remind you of Eagle Brand sweetened milk fresh out of the can? (Which I love to eat with a spoon!)


It totally does! I used to drink that stuff when I was little much to the chagrin of my mom who would insist it was for cooking not slurping down!


Ahhhhh, a billion shades of jealous! I suppose I’m close enough to NYC that perhaps sometime I should find my way there and try this delicious-sounding food…

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358 tasting notes

Oh what a day! I had so many errands to run today and it is freezing outside (well, freezing from a Southerner’s point of view!) I arrived home, weary and chilled, to find a package from Nature’s Tea Leaf waiting for me – oh joy! I instantly decided that this Milk Black Tea would be the perfect cup of comfort to pick me up. The dry leaves smell interesting, but not in a bad way. The aroma reminds me exactly of powdered milk. I love a cup of strong black tea with a little milk and sugar, so this tea definitely appealed to me. The tea leaves are basic, small black leaves but during steeping they really expanded and filled up my little tea pot – very pretty! The tea liquor smells more sweet than the dry leaves. The flavor is very nice with a fresh milk flavor. It’s a little creamy, and the creaminess increases if you add a little milk. I added sweetener and then a little milk, which was perfect for a cold day. I think it would also be nice as a breakfast tea in the summer with just sweetener. All around a very comforting cup!

-Standard small black tea leaves.
-Dry leaves smell strongly of rich milk. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet warm milk.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium brown color.
-Sweet, fresh milk flavor with an evaporated milk finish. Slightly creamy mouthfeel.
-Best with milk and sweetener or just sweetener.
-Very good tea. Fresh and comforting cup.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m with you, Josie! This is cold for our Southern bones. I have had a big pot of tea going all day on the warmer and I just threw another log on the fire. I am a bit ashamed to admit that we are shivering even though the furnace has been set to 70F all day, higher than we normally keep it. It feels as though the cold outside is still creeping in…

Josie Jade

Oh my gosh, I am so glad to find someone who can relate, you sweet Southern lady! When I complained to my Aunt in Pennsylvania she just laughed at me. And they’re calling for more snow on Friday. One snow is enough – where is our beloved 70 degree sunshine!? Our heat is on 74 and it is still so darn cold in the house. I’m refusing to move from my nest of blankets on the couch (yes, even to make more tea) until my fiancee comes home and starts the fireplace. Here’s hoping that he doesn’t get stuck at work late tonight : )

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189 tasting notes

Appearance: rich, dark med size leaf
Aroma when Dry: creamy, sweet, desserty, butter
After water is first poured: peppery, creamy, sweet, silky, fresh
At end of steep: nutty, creamy, earthy
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: pale brown
Staple? YES
Preferred time of day: afternoon, evening
At first: peppery creamy coconut and condensed milk
As it cools ? Gets creamier, reminiscent of cocoa froth, chestnut mixed with almost cashew sweet notes
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No

Lingers? Yes, smooth hints of spice, velvety close, almost like a light chai

Want to try chilled

Second steep (3 min)
Aroma: light milky, brothy
At first: light, brothy, earthy, salty
As it cools: gets milky again

Third steep (6 min)
very light,milky, brothy, salty

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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618 tasting notes

Any tea that is milky: milk-scented, milk-flavored, naturally milky is a must-have for me. I’m not sure what it is, but I do like creamy/milky teas more than anything. What’s strange is that I rarely have milk in my tea unless it’s an English Breakfast or I’m having afternoon tea. The scent of the dry leaf reminds me of a milk oolong. Once water has been added, I do smell more of the black tea combined with the milk. It reminds me of milk-flavored candies, not milk from a carton.

Sipping… oooh, this tea has a bit of a thick mouthfeel that I really like. I taste a bit of an astringent black tea with a bit of powdered milk. It’s not really creamy, but has that very distinct artificial milk flavor. Overall, I’d say that this is a relatively tasty cup, but is a bit too fake for my tastebuds.

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50 tasting notes

A lovely sample from Nature’s Tea Leaf!

I’m a huge fan of Hong Kong milk tea, so I was interested to see how that would translate into a normal tea that doesn’t need anything mixed in. Amazingly, it’s very spot-on! The black leaves (amusingly mislabeled as “red” on my sample packet. No, I know black when I see it) smell very strongly of condensed milk, hitting your nose as soon as you open the packet. When you pour the water, you can see the milk seep out from the leaves. The brewed smell is quite a bit softer than the leaf smell, but both the tea and milk scents are there. The flavor is one of the smoothest I’ve ever tasted, with the milk and sugar flavors right there in the tea! I suppose you could add extra milk and sugar, but wouldn’t that ruin the point?

I do imagine I’ll be buying the full size in the future. I highly recommend this tea to people who love a good milk tea!

Kasumi no Chajin

the Chinese use “red” to refer the same tea to what the British know as “black” (black for color of leaf, red for color of the brewed tea liquor)so could that be the mistake on the label?


I never thought about that, but that just might be it!

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772 tasting notes

This has a weird weird flavour to me. I can see how it is milky and I can see when it steeps that it has some kind of milk in it, but I don’t know, maybe I’m picky with my milk more than I thought. I only ever buy organic skim milk. The ‘milk’ in this tea tastes very strange to me. It’s not…bad, exactly, but I don’t think I like it very much. I added some more sweetener, but it just made the weird milk flavour more pronounced and put the black tea more in the background, so that wasn’t very helpful. I don’t think I’m going to try to resteep this.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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35 tasting notes

I had been wanting to try a milk black tea and I finally got around to put it in my tumbler on my way out the door this morning.

This tea tastes to me as if I had brewed some black tea and added some milk, in just the right mix. It is great as a morning tea and while I took it without honey, I think with a teaspoon of honey this would be perfect -

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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652 tasting notes


No sweet clue where this came from, but it’s another one I’ve had for ages, and some kind soul sent it to me when I first joined Steepster. If I had to guess, I’d put money on Sil but don’t quote me on that :)

Anyway, I’m trying really hard to go through my teas to make room for the massive quantity I’ve got coming from my relatives in the states when they visit in July (so far got orders from 3 different companies shipped to them, with plans for three more within the next month)….

Soooo I found this, and the idea of it intrigued me.

I’ve never heard of a “milk tea” before now!

I had the kettle boiled and on hold at 98 degrees C, so I decided to just go with that since this is a black tea.

It’s a bit astringent….next time I will go with the recommended 195 degrees. (F)

But, it’s really creamy and tasty! A nice black tea. Brewed up very rich and dark and clearly I had to add milk.

Not disappointed with this one! I’d probably want to own some!
AND….now I need recommendations for other milk teas to try….tea monster has been created.

Thanks to whoever sent me this back in the day!


Ooh I haven’t heard of milk black either. Only milk oolong.


It’s weird….flavored with evaporated milk! Which isn’t something I’d normally drink, but I bet if done right it would be even better than this one


Is this like a Hong Kong type of thing? 50% of the people at my work are from Hong Kong and they all drink this thing they call “milk tea”. When I inquired what that was, it really meant they put milk in their black tea. (Which is not as customary in other places as you might think)


When I looked up “milk tea” on here a lot of the results seemed to be Asian (not to generalize, I just have no idea in the specific areas)…. So maybe?


Isn’t Thai tea made with evaporated milk and sugar or sweetened condensed milk?


not me! ihaven’t tried this one yet haha


oh ok, my bad! sorry!

a tea you haven’t tried!?!?!?!? ;)


shhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell anyone!

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