Milk Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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1 Tasting Note

16975 tasting notes

Last of these “Meco” brand milk teas…

I think this is probably the original flavor of these milk teas? It looks like it’s basically just black tea and the ingredients list mostly confirms that!? I say mostly because the last ingredient is a bit dubious – it just says “food flavour”. Excuse me!? What kind of food flavour is in my drink? It’s maybe just a SLIGHT bit concerning…

Flavour wise, this is somewhere in the middle for me. It tastes distinctly like black tea – but the sort of one note, general black tea that I’d associate with really stereotypical British style black tea – very malty and full bodied black tea. Sweet as well, of course. Like the matcha flavour it’s a sort of “condensed milk” sweetness and it compliments the black tea note well. However, the finish is a bit… off. It reminds me a little bit of that strong rubber/plastic smell you’d get from a dollar store beach ball, deflated and just pulled out of the wrapper to be inflated. It’s jarring, and it kills what would probably be a fine tasting milk tea otherwise…

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