Pomegranate Mojito

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Green Tea
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From Maya Tea Company

A unique spin off of the Cuban Mojito, a drink traditionally featuring the zesty flavors of mint and lime. Pomegranate gently compliments these predominate flavors against a smooth and delicate green tea base. This tranquil blend is perfect for a summer afternoon, and is delicious both hot and iced.

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2 Tasting Notes

3011 tasting notes

One of my favorite things about this lengthy Christmas break from work has been the time to have tea in the afternoon. Just have tea. Not tea and the afternoon’s load of desk work, not tea and a meeting, not tea left to get cold while I scramble around doing housework, just tea. And for these pleasant, non-multitasking breaks, I’ve been trying to choose teas that have been shared, swapped, gifted, or hand-selected so that I can appreciate them.

And I did appreciate this one! (Especially to calm down after a crazy run to Walmart—not only New Year’s Eve shopping, but frigid weather on the way—the bread and milk crowd was out, too.)

The mojito scent jumped right out of the bag, and carried forward nicely when it steeped. As far as the pomegranate: From childhood, I have never been a very good fruit or vegetable eater. Thus, my quality time with real pomegranates has been limited to “pomegranate flavor,” which always comes through to me as vaguely fruity and artificial. In this blend, I got fruity but not artificial—a nice change of pace.

I think this was a sample from Lexie Aleah, and if I’ve mixed up my donors, I apologize! May you all finish the year well, content, and at peace.

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Evol Ving Ness 3 years ago

Single tasking tea! What a blessing that is, to just sit and savour.

I hope you have many moments like these in the new year, gmathis.

Courtney 3 years ago

Agreed! I have really been trying to enjoy my tea and catch up on some reading I never seem to have proper time for. Happiest of new years!

gmathis 3 years ago

Whatcha readin’?

Courtney 3 years ago

Oh, I’m reading “Octopus The Ocean’s Most Intelligent Invertebrate”!

derk 3 years ago

Heh, milk and bread crowd. That takes me back to Ohio. Here, it’s water and propane. Happy you got to sit down with tea :)

Lexie Aleah 3 years ago

This one wasn’t from me as I haven’t tried or owned any tea from this company. I’ve been behind on tasting notes so I’m just seeing this note now.

gmathis 3 years ago

OK, that means I’m going to have to do some comparative handwriting analysis so I can thank the proper person!

Michelle 3 years ago

If the handwriting is messy, then I’m pretty sure it was from me :)

gmathis 3 years ago

It was, Michelle - before I put swaps from multiple friends in one basket, I scribbled down whose whose, and then lost the scribbles until today! I’ve got your bag of Numi Tumeric in a cup right now-perfect timing for this stupid cold.

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127 tasting notes

Not much flavor or aroma but drinkable. I guess it was supposed to be designed to be Iced Tea?

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