Tsugaru Green (Apple Green Tea)

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Apple Pieces, Flavor, Green Tea
Butter, Fruity, Green Apple, Sweet, Sweet, Warm Grass, Tart, Apple, Smooth, Astringent, Vegetal, Floral, White Grapes, White Wine, Candy, Grass, Apple Skins, Dry Grass, Drying, Hay, Red Apple, Crisp, Apple Candy
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 g 42 oz / 1241 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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77 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I cold brewed this for 12 hours, although the sun went away and it is now cold and foggy in San Francisco again… this one makes a delightful cold beverage, I think I like it even better this way...” Read full tasting note
  • “I made this one cold-brewed last night for lunch today. Cold brewing is one of the only ways I still enjoy flavored greens, but I’ve still been having issues with them being too strong or grassy...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wasn’t going to drink this until tomorrow, but it was so appley and all-around tasty already that I couldn’t resist. Great tea for a cold steep – light, fresh, and crisp, like drinking a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks a million for the sample Amy Oh! this is a great tea! Not something I’d want everyday, but unique enough that it stands apart from your average green fruity tea. At first sip I was reminded...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

TSUGARU GREEN is Japanese green tea scented with luscious San-Tsugaru, a popular Japanese apple grown in Aomori Prefecture. The tea has characteristic crisp aroma and subtly sweet flavor.

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77 Tasting Notes

4344 tasting notes

Home – 5:30 PM

Lupicia, Lupicia, Lupicia… Maybe if I click my heels together, they won’t close the website. :(

This one is an apple green tea. The leaves are somewhat large and feathery, as opposed to the darker slender sort that Lupicia also sometimes uses. It has a light, smooth, and slightly sweet flavor with notes of dry grass and hay.

The apple flavor here is sharp and refreshing, like a granny smith apple. There’s a little bit of candy-like edge to it, but overall it tastes fairly authentic in my opinion. The crispness of the apple pairs really well with the grassy nature of the base tea. There’s just a tiny hint of dryness that mimics the skin of the apple nicely.

I’m not sure on this one… I may just get one more packet before the online store closes.

In other news, I finished unpacking and putting away my tea and teaware stash in my new house: https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMMemdlZcu/

Flavors: Apple, Apple Skins, Candy, Dry Grass, Drying, Green Apple, Hay, Smooth, Sweet, Tart

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Looks amazing. :D


I have this on the way. I can’t wait to try it since I love Granny smith apples and I loved your picture!

Cameron B.

Thank you, dears!

@Kawaii – if you like sencha and granny smith apples, I think you’ll enjoy this one!


Online store closes? No more Lupicia orders?


Wow, so cool! Tea party at Cameron B.’s place!!! I love your array. :)

ashmanra, unfortunately, this appears to be the case. :( https://steepster.com/discuss/28561-lupicia-dot-com-closing-group-order-for-people-in-the-us-no-happy-bags (you need to scan down a bit on the first page to see where this came up)

Cameron B.

@ashmanra – It seems they are closing all of their stores in the US (including the website) except for the Hawaiian store. They’re also closing their French and Australian stores, and presumably those websites as well.

Cameron B.

@liz – Thank you, I would love that! Can’t get enough of dainty afternoon tea foods. ;)


Made a panic-induced order with them yesterday. :(


Sadly, this will probably be when Lupicia gets the most orders. :/

Cameron B.

@Tabby – I made one $60+ order already and now have another $100 cart that I haven’t submitted quite yet…

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12 tasting notes

i cold brewed this and the apple scent is delightful. however i don’t taste much of the green tea beneath — but that isn’t really a problem, because i like the apple so much. I will try hot brewing this later and see how it compares.

Flavors: Apple

Iced 8 min or more

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4348 tasting notes

2023 An Ode to Tea – T

Finished the older amount of this one that I had from a teabox.  But I have more!  Prob my favorite GREEN apple tea.  If I were in a blind taste test, I might say this was matcha.  But it might be because the tea is so crushed at this point.  But I really like the matchaesque flavor with the apple flavor. Raising the rating from 85.
2023 sipdowns: 34 

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59 tasting notes

The 78 review is based on drinking this cold.

I brewed this tea in boiling water. I didn’t think of much of it when hot – thought it was nice but it wasn’t special. It had a apple flavoring that something felt off. With all flavored teas that I feel “meh” about, I stuck in the fridge to get an idea of how it would taste if I cold brewed it the next time….and it was MUCH better! It was quite tasty. The cold temperature gave it the crispness that I felt was lacking. Everything just seemed to make more sense on my palate.

2 min, 15 sec

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1113 tasting notes

Well, here’s a tea that I’m unsure how to rate: This is a warm cup of apple juice being drank outside during spring. Overall it is an experience that I am hoping to share with others and hear their remarks. Quality looking, wonderful smell, and a bold taste.
I will update my review after I cold brew this… I probably should of started that way but I’m impatient.

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6444 tasting notes

This tea almost perfectly captures a fresh, crisp green apple in both smell and taste. It is amazing! I only wish I was more into green tea because this would be a restock for sure. However, as it is, the base does peek through at times adding a bit of vegetalness that detracts from the overall cup. Still, this is one I would consider purchasing if I were placing a Lupicia order and it is one I definitely would recommend to anyone who enjoys flavored greens and apple teas.

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1758 tasting notes

This one has a nice apple flavor and a slight vegetal taste to it.

I brewed this once in an 18oz teapot with 3 tsp leaf and 175 degree water for 3 min.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

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111 tasting notes

Made a pot of this for my sister and me to share! The apple in this tea is sweet and crisp, and smells very fresh. (Tsugaru apples are a pale red apple, from what I can tell, and that matches the taste here.) The apple blends well with the green base; both are light and clean. I’d say the apple is on the subtle side, overall… My sister doesn’t drink unsweetened tea often, so to her this tasted like a nice straight green. But she definitely noticed the apple in the aroma, and I could taste the sweet softness of it mid-sip. (The flavor became more noticeable as it cooled, too.)

The base tea isn’t as finicky as some greens I’ve tried, but I still have to watch the water temperature, and keep the steep time to 2 minutes max. I also like that this tea is very smooth; it doesn’t have the powdery mouthfeel of some greens, which makes it easier to avoid any bitterness.

This is one of my favorite apple teas in my cupboard. If you like green tea and softer, more aromatic flavors, I’d say give this one a try.

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688 tasting notes

Because I wanted to try some green tea, I got this one too. Apples! It smells so nicely like apples. Not so much Autumn apples, but Japanese apple candies. The flavour is fruity, mildly sweet, apple, and I like the base green.

This would be something I’d like to try iced.

Flavors: Apple, Apple Candy, Green Apple, Red Apple

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138 tasting notes

wow, so glad i decided to spring for some of this in my first Lupicia order! it’s effing delicious. it smells beyond divine. like apples so fresh and juicy you just wanna cold-steep this in an ice bath and chug the pitcher when it’s done.

the smell of the dry leaf. i can’t even talk about the smell. so appley luscious and rosy. i wouldn’t normally consider myself an apple fiend, especially when it comes to flavored things but this is by far the exception.

i mean i’m always open to wonderfully scented and flavored teas that are fruity, gourmand/sweet and what have you, but i really like this one. now i wanna give their Apple & Berry green a try as well….and of course their Grapefruit Green. i’m a grapefruit fiend & every now and again, i crave grapefruit like i crave oxygen. anyway, if Tsugaru Green is any indication of the quality of Lupicia’s flavored greens, i should have no trouble exploring their other green offerings! (Not least of all their matcha, hehe.)

i also got their Strawberry & Vanilla green which smelled so amazing i could have passed out. so yea, totally looking forward to fainting.

ETA my brother’s on vacation right now in Japan & he just climbed Mount Fuji with his friend! he said it was one of the most challenging yet rewarding things he’s ever done in his life. i told him about this tea & the famed San Tsugaru apples from Aomori Prefecture and said he should try and procure some if there are any in Tokyo!

how i wish i had a bowl of them in front of me right now, i would not cease to attack it and eat at least 3!!

Flavors: Apple, Fruity


I had a sample of it a while back. It really is quite good.

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