Lipton Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Smooth, Astringent, Wood, Lemon, Bitter, Herbs, Medicinal, Tea, Honey, Sugar
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Edit tea info Last updated by steepster
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 g 40 oz / 1180 ml

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From Lipton

The tea that started it all. LIPTON Orange Pekoe and Pekoe cut black tea is the perfect blend for the perfect cup of tea. Our original tea has been brewed for years for a reason: it tastes delicious.

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It's Lipton,. They're pretty big.

155 Tasting Notes

2977 tasting notes

In honor of the day, this was spiked with eggnog instead of milk. It’s a damp, foggy Xmas in the South, but every day’s a good day when your friends are happy and family are all together and healthy! :-) Merry Christmas Steepster!

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2201 tasting notes

Well I’m traveling again and stuck in an airport all night with delays. Last night nothing was open but one small shop and the only thing they had was Lipton! I was so desperate I went for it. I noticed it was the new blend that they’ve been advertising on tv, so I was kind of curious as well.

I steeped the bag for 3 minutes at whatever temp the shop water was. The first thing I was greeted with was quite the aroma! It had a nice malty smell with some honeyed notes and a light roastiness. There was also a brightness that was pretty uplifting.

From the very first sip, I really enjoyed this tea. It must be the fresh-pressed tea leaves that they’re now adding to the bags. It really makes a difference! The tea was full bodied but still light and not astringent. It was smooth with a silky texture, with notes of molasses, fresh bread and a hint of chocolate. I really felt great drinking this tea.

I feel like I have to spread the news! This amazing tea can be had at your grocery store! I even found a special coupon code for ordering online today for 50% off, what a steal! The code is: APRILFOOLS

3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I was sitting hear, reading this, think, “Really?”
Good one!


ehehehe I was like, “Wait, Lipton tea rated at 97? INCONCEIVABLE!”


Yeah, I will take the rating off tomorrow. I don’t want anyone to see that in my highest rated teas. :D


Haha man you got me good. Happy April.


With Easter I almost forgot it was the first of April…until I saw this rating ! well done ;)


wow, I was totally believing you until I hit the coupon code. Nice one.


DOh! ya got me :P


Best tea prank. I’ve been chuckling all day!


You had me there too, especially as the 2nd of April arrived earlier here and the outrageous rating was still there;) Very good one!




:D I actually used some of their promo material copy almost verbatim. The stuff about enjoying it “from the very first sip”, and that I “felt great drinking this tea”


Don’t tell me the fresh-pressed tea leaves, the honeyed maltiness or the uplifting effect were also in the promo material…
The most likely uplifting effect it might have is on my stomache, especially if steeped too long.


LOL! Actually they fresh-pressed tea leaves is something they have started advertising in tv commercials. No clue what it means! And “uplifting” was also a word I lifted from the promo material!


Very good!




LOL! At first I thought ‘Gosh, Dinosara must be in sore need of a cup of tea…’


which online website uses that code?

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421 tasting notes

I’m pretty sure this is the tea Dunkin’ Donuts uses in their hot and iced teas. Oddly enough being so stuffed up with a cold this last week (which has stepped it up to an added sore throat this weekend) it was the only think I’ve felt like drinking. Odd I know. But I think I’d rather drink this instead of my good tea seeing as I can’t really taste a thing. I will say this it only seems to taste good when I’m not feeling well..go figure.

Autistic Goblin

when your sick it’s a good time to drink the bad stuff to clear up your cupboard and save the good stuff for when your feeling better :D I hope you feel better soon :D


I actually don’t have any in my cupboard…got rid of it long ago. I’ve just been getting it on the way in to work. I might try one of my stronger Assams today and see how that goes. Thanks I hope it goes away on its own and doesn’t turn into something worse! :)


Get well soon.

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13 tasting notes

This is a delightful tea best served dumped in the Atlantic and forgotten about.


Perfect description. Is this what they used during the Boston Tea Party?


haha!! I don’t understand why everyone in America seems to love this tea, it’s vile :( even their newer cold blends you find at the grocer are disgusting, awful aftertaste

Jilly Beane

Spot. On.

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3012 tasting notes

Plebian as it is, some of my most vivid tea memories and soothing tea moments usually involve a good ol’ cup of Lipton—another one after a day of Wicked and Evil Flight Delays and Cancellations, a sleepless night and a mild panic attack in a strange hotel room a million miles from home. Woke up, made a cup as strong as espresso with hotel water…ahhhhhh. Something familiar to ease the homesick.


I hate homesickness. Despise it. And usually I would much rather be home than anywhere else. May you enjoy your trip, and may the homesickness flee!


Now that I’m where I need to be, all is well for the moment. I think I hit a personal record for number of states in 24 hours!


While Lipton is not my favorite I have a similar association and affinity for it…


So, the ‘g’ stands for global! Lipton iced gives me happy memories. Not so much a hot fan of it.

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545 tasting notes

I drank nearly a whole bottle of wine myself last night, if not more. Waking up the following morning, I just wanted a plain black tea brewed strong. Not coffee. My parents have a decent collection of mostly bagged teas, most of which are black and flavored. So this was my pick for a standard black tea. Maybe because my stomach wasn’t feeling well and I just needed tea now but this tasted just fine to me and did the trick.

I’m rating it a 50 (drinkable/decent). It’s your basic bagged plain black tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Hope you feel better!

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871 tasting notes

I was out of town for a few days. I was at a restaurant for breakfast and the menu stated hot tea – a variety of Harney and Sons tea bags. I thought why not. I have been away from tea for a few days and Harney’s is good, even in the bag. So I ordered tea expecting to get a little teapot of hot water and a container that contains a variety of tea bags. Instead I got a cup of hot water and two of these lipton tea bags. It was the only tea they had. I was quite disappointed but I still wanted tea so I stuck with it.

The tea was quite astringent. I could taste orange pekoe but it also seemed like it was mixed with something else, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. There was a sweetness but it was also bitter at the same time. It didn’t really hit the spot but it was better than nothing I guess.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

You took it better than I would have if it said H&S on the menu. Lipton iced is acceptable. I rather have Diet Coke, milk, juice, dish water, than this hot.


H&S and lipton are for sure different, this the proof tea is the unloved child of the restaurant card because they just don’t TEA (a contrario of the tea rooms :) ) and consider a tea is just a tea…


You’re nicer than me! I would have asked for something else like hot chocolate. I don’t like it when things aren’t as advertised.


Ha ha. I just really wants some kind of tea at the moment so I took whatever I could get. I was back at the same restaurant two days later and just ordered coffee.

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219 tasting notes

I went to Ikea today with my parents. We stopped for a quick 99 cent breakfast and I ordered a 75 cent tea. Their only option was this and it tasted good. Not sure why Lipton gets such a bad rating. It’s everything I expected. Simply bagged black tea. Should we expect more? 75 cent unlimited refill tea should taste this way :)

Seeing that Della Terra has their Eight Candles tea 40% off today has me ordering more. That tea rocks my socks.

Time to kick back and watch It’s a Wonderful Life.


“75 cent unlimited refill tea should taste this way”

An excellent observation. :)



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149 tasting notes

I’m forcing myself to finish off a box of this stuff that got bought during Christmas. It is alright in small doses, but if I had to drink this tea everyday…I would probably stop drinking tea.

No complex taste or aroma. Not much flavor at all.

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

:( I’ve just overbrewed this one and now my mouth tastes like I have cotton/wool for a tongue.


I’d recommend holding it for summertime, brewing up one big final pitcher, and masking it with a huge dose of lemon juice! ;-)


haha good idea. I gave myself an ultimatum though that I wouldn’t drink any more exciting teas until it is gone. Luckily it was only a box of 48, and think i’m half way through…


Plain old Lipton loose leaf isn’t bad…better than their bags.


Don’t think I’ve tried the regular loose leaf. Is it orthodox or still CTC?


Not sure…I’d suspect CTC. It’s been a while since I’ve had it, but I do remember thinking what a noticeable difference there was.

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639 tasting notes

Blech! You call this tea?! This is a sad impression of what could be. (The rhyme was unintentional, sorry).

Forget Lipton and go with Twinings. How could a British tea company get this so wrong? Lipton’s weak, bland flavor just can’t compete with high quality teas. But if you’re in a bind and it’s the only choice so you can get your tea fix, it’ll do.

I mean, come on! It doesn’t even have a name! Hot tea?! That’s not a name! That could be anything!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

I only drink this in places like restaurants where this is my only tea option (although lucky I can almost always get green tea- even if it is cheap green dust). It’s ok w/ lemon and/or lime. Certainly better than plain water.


Exactly, I completely agree. But I’d never buy it and put it in my cupboard at home.


Oh no. Well except for possibly for when you’re sick to add ginger and lemon to… those cases just call for something that tastes like tea to serve as a base. But then again I think there are better cheap brands for even that.

Stacy Bunny

You really hit on so many points that also bug me! Twinings is cheap and reliable for a good cuppa, so I don’t understand why restaurants don’t dump the Lipton and carry Twinings. And nothing makes me want to punch people more than when I’m at a restaruant and inquire what type of tea they serve and they just reply “um, hot tea.” THAT NARROWS NOTHING DOWN! But of course they really mean to say Lipton.

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