BB Detox

Tea type
Green Herbal Rooibos Yerba maté Blend
Dandelion, Green Tea, Maté, Natural Grapefruit Flavor, Rooibos
Citrus Zest, Citrusy, Grapefruit, Herbs, Peppermint, Green, Lemongrass, Mint, Spices, Sweet, Autumn Leaf Pile, Citrus, Fennel, Citrus Fruits
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet, Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec 5 g 19 oz / 576 ml

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From Kusmi Tea

Since detox courses, green tea and beauty go together hand in glove, Kusmi Tea has drawn inspiration from its now famous Detox tea by inventing a beauty tea in the shape of BB Detox, the very first BB tea! Following the example of BB creams, this Beauty Beverage caters to all your skin’s daily needs.

Detoxifying: Because this is where it all begins –the combination of mate and green tea, recognized for its effectiveness in eliminating excess fluid from the body, also improves your skin’s appearance by boosting toxin removal. Say hello to a radiantly healthy complexion!

Protecting: Along with green tea – already well-known for its powerful antioxidant properties – battle is joined by a potent hand-picked team of two plants: dandelion and rooibos, a South African plant with a sweet, fruity flavour.

Moisturizing from the inside out: Taking in liquid to keep your skin hydrated remains a fundamental daily beauty routine. The water that tea contains allows you to keep your skin moisturized from the inside out. BB Detox Kusmi is the perfect solution for those who might find it difficult to take in a litre and a half of water a day. This delicious blend of maté, green tea and rooibos, flavoured with a subtle hint of grapefruit, may be enjoyed hot or iced at any time of day.

We suggest to enjoy this tea during the whole day.
Main flavor: Grapefruit

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23 Tasting Notes

122 tasting notes

I got this tea as a sample tin of this by adding the coupon code ‘bbmini’ to my Kusmi order. Thanks, Kusmi! I was really wanting to try this, but did not want to buy a full size after not liking their detox tea. Opening the tin, I was hit with a lovely, fresh grapefruit smell. My friend said it smelled the best of all my teas and I have to admit it does have a really yummy scent — fruity and delicious. I’ve heard grapefruit is used to induce euphoria in aromatherapy. It may be working!

It still has a great grapefruit aroma when brewed and a light, tart taste. Not tart in an unpleasant way, but it may get that way if oversteeped or cooled down. I am really liking this tea, as are my friend and roommate. This is refreshing and nice. It’s also keeping us awake for our midnight marathon of Arrested Development – yay, new episodes! Hopefully this BB tea makes our skin look nice even though we’re missing our beauty rest. The resteeps are delicious, too. Try this tea! It is super yummy. I guess I’ll have to keep drinking it to see if it works on my skin!

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1 tasting notes

i love this tea. i cam across kusmi on accident while shopping in a “going out of business” sale. i have long enjoyed the detox so i took a risk and purchased the bb detox. i am not sure if it will actually help my skin but it sure does taste gorgeous. you can really taste the grapefruit and it is amazing. it’s about 42 degrees out and chilly but this tea still has a refreshing “summer time” taste. i plan on making this my mid day snack tea. i highly recommend this for the health freaks. ;)

4 min, 0 sec

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21 tasting notes

New creation, so delicious from Kusmi tea.
This mix of mate, green tea, graefuit, guanara and dandelion is simply excellent hot and cold.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

I just purchased it and I can’t handle the yerba mate. I see people are exchanging teas on here… where do I go to send someone this tea?

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15618 tasting notes

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6444 tasting notes

This tastes slightly like minty apple. Very fresh. Very green. Not sure what else but as far as detox teas go, this is nice. Thanks for sharing Roswell Strange!

Roswell Strange

I believe it’s meant to be grapefruit – but regardless I was pretty impressed by how much I liked this one!

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17027 tasting notes

I stopped by the Kusmi store here in MTL a few weeks ago because I wanted to see if they were stocking the Kusmi advent calendar but sadly it looks like it wont be available in Canada this year – unless you were lucky enough to order it from the USA or international website before they ran out of stock.

I took a bit of a browse through the store though since I was there anyway, and I ended up smelling a sniffer of this tea and it just hit me as a really nice and fresh smelling grapefruit. I then saw that this is a mate blend, and the combination of a super sweet and fresh smelling grapefruit combined with yerba mate was enough to get me to bite! I picked up a tin…

Made a mug of it over the weekend and this is actually incredibly delicious. It’s very fresh tasting and a little bit sweet, with a crisp zest grapefruit note that I would compare to the kind of grapefruit note you’d pick up from a really ripe pink grapefruit or from a cold and refreshing Fresca. It’s also minty, but a sweet and subtle mint that adds a nice finishing note; it’s not the main flavour in the cup but it there and present.

I can see this being a very nice morning cuppa!


I used to love the Kusmi store. And I lived so close to it. And it is so close to the cronut bakery.

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379 tasting notes

Took advantage of the Kusmi sale in December. I got a can of this and the regular Detox (the lemon one). I’m going to bet more people prefer this taste over that one. I love grapefruit but there’s a little too much peppermint in there for me so I think I’ll stay with the lemon one.

During the sale, I just chose the largest can of the original green tea-lemongrass one since I do start the day off with it for water retention… Etc. and when it arrived…

Omgosh it’s as big as a baby. lol I sure hope this stuff stays fresh for a long time.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays :D

Flavors: Citrus Zest, Citrusy, Grapefruit, Herbs, Peppermint

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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17 tasting notes

I had this in the sachet—-I only added a little honey. It is nice. Not really strong grapefruit comes through. I try to compare this to their Detox, which should have more lemon notes and I thought I liked better. I like this tea, but would not be first choice for enjoyment. I don’t seem to like lemongrassy things as I think I would. Too dry and grassy (duh) , I like my fruit juicy and acidic apparently….

Flavors: Grapefruit, Green, Lemongrass

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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25 tasting notes

Warm: Niet slecht, maar proeft nogal chemisch, er zit een kauwgomsmaakje aan.

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836 tasting notes

Really nice mix of flavours. Grapefruit flavour is very authentic-tasting and pairs well with the green tea. The green tea is very mild but still detectable with a slight vegetal edge. The grapefruit flavour blooms at the end of the sip and lingers for a sweet and fruity finish.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp

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