drank BB Detox by Kusmi Tea
17 tasting notes

I had this in the sachet—-I only added a little honey. It is nice. Not really strong grapefruit comes through. I try to compare this to their Detox, which should have more lemon notes and I thought I liked better. I like this tea, but would not be first choice for enjoyment. I don’t seem to like lemongrassy things as I think I would. Too dry and grassy (duh) , I like my fruit juicy and acidic apparently….

Flavors: Grapefruit, Green, Lemongrass

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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The oldest memory I can recall about tea—for many family gatherings, we would travel to New Orleans for 70+ extended family members, and we would always go by Martins Wine Cellar (not so large back then). I may have been about 12 or so. I picked out this cute little box of Ashby’s tea, that had all variety of little teapots on the sachets. I loved picking each little one to try. (I think at this point, I decided I did not like Assam or Darjeeling!) Many years later, I picked up a variety box, perhaps yamamotoyama, and fell in love with Genmaicha, and started really expanding my tea tastes.
Now, I have a cupboard (too) full of tea, and it seems to be an obsession! So, I believe I am in good company here for a sympathetic ear. I am not well versed in the finer points of tea, but I enjoy learning, exploring—and drinking!
So, my tastes thus far: I seem to like genmaicha, china white, flavored teas/earl greys. Pretty sure at this point I haven’t been liking rooibos (one exception so far), mate’, too much dark berry, or most chai, or jasmine.



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