Brigitte's Blend

Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Black Tea, Ceylon Black Tea
Berries, Cocoa, Earth, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Tea-and-Roses
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 5 oz / 147 ml

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sorry to have been a bit absent lately. I have something strange going on with my nose. lol Feels like someone punched me in it. Started to hurt on the right side then went over the other side...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown no. 77 of the year 2014. I’m sorry to see this sample go. This tea is going on the wishlist for whenever I am able to place a Harney & Sons order. Ah, Brigitte. It has been so long...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the afternoon… I need a serious pick me up and this is it! The last time I had Brigitte, it was very strong. This time I added a small amount of milk….just enough to turn the color caramel...” Read full tasting note
  • “Harney & Sons has such nice black tea blends. I got this as a sample and was looking forward to trying it this morning. I may have used a tiny bit more leaf than usual because I wanted...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

This tea is named after the mother of three of the Harney grandchildren and the wife of Mike Harney. It is an elegant mixture of silvery Ceylon and golden Assam. Like Brigitte, this blend is perfect in many situations.

At London’s Dorchester Hotel, this tea is called Dorchester Blend.

This is another version of the BLT (British Legacy Teas) Ceylon & India. It is the most elegant, which is fitting.
Dry Leaves:
The golden and silver tips brighten up the predominating dark brown leaves of this blend. It is a blend of New Vithanakande and Golden Tipped Assam.
A light brown liquor.
The aromas are honey with some undernotes of cocoa and apricot.
Caffeine Level:
Since this is a blend of two teas with good body, it also is full bodied.
The cocoa notes blend with honey aromas from the Assam to create a special tea.
Brewing Time:
4 to 5 minutes
Brewing Temp:
212° Fº

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

20 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Sorry to have been a bit absent lately.
I have something strange going on with my nose. lol
Feels like someone punched me in it.
Started to hurt on the right side then went over the other side effecting my entire nose bridge.
Doctor gave me a script to which I had an allergic reaction to. Not a shock I am allergic to almost every pill one can imagine.
Anyway – between that and trying to get ready for our four day excursion which is like packing for a month long cruise with our health issues between my daughter and myself, I’m beat.
Alas the tea … Thank you ashmanra a nice black tea is what THIS doctor ordered! :)
Slightly malty, with a full mouthfeel which I love.
Roasty, a good coffee replacement especially if one were to make it with extra leaf!
Mmmmm a nice one!


:( I hope your trip ends up being fabulous to make up for all this stress!


Thank you! :)

Hesper June

I am sorry about you nose! That sounds painful,glad you are getting better.
Hope the trip is fun.
Don’t forget to pack the tea!:-)


Oh no! Any idea what went wrong? Selma sort of cartilage infection? Or sinus?


hope you feel better!


Thank you Hesper June, Amy oh, and ashmanra.
The tea was one of the first things I packed up – then repacked – then switched to a larger bag LOL
Well the doctor didn’t “officially” diagnose me. Sort of said it could be this or could be that. But said the antibiotic would fix either thing. We thought it could be cellulitis since I have other markings for it, or could be sinus related perhaps. I didn’t think of a cartilage infection! Doctor didn’t mention that one. I should google this! I don’t like going to doctors but sometimes you just have to. They never seem to tell you what you have. They just toss a prescription at you and cross their fingers. I do believe in this case though I did need the script. Now waiting for a new one since I had an allergic reaction to the original one.


My daughter got infected cartilage when she had her tragus (hang-y little flap by ear hole) pierced and it took a long time to heal. If you haven’t had any cartilage pierced, I suppose it is unlikely to be that. :)


I have a pierced brow but have had it for years now. Could it happen long after it is done?


I suppose it could but would be likely and you would feel it near the piercing itself I think,, and I don’t think it would travel that far to other cartilage. The trouble with cartilage infections is the lack of blood vessels in the area, so once infected it is hard to get medicine moving around in there except what you can do topically.

Hope you are all better soon!


Thank you so much. I am better since taking the one pill – still waiting to hear on the other script though. Plus taking aleive for swelling, and some benedryl – already helping a TON!


Hope you feel better and enjoy your trip!


Thank you Missy! :)

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 77 of the year 2014. I’m sorry to see this sample go. This tea is going on the wishlist for whenever I am able to place a Harney & Sons order.

Ah, Brigitte. It has been so long since we met, and yet, like the best of friends we are able to pick up right where we left off, without missing a beat.

I am upping your rating slightly because you manage to pull off an incredibly full bodied flavor without bitterness or bite. You’re smooth, malty, cocoa-y, just sweet enough and all the things I said about you before are as true today as when we first met.

You are delicious.

Flavors: Berries, Cocoa, Earth, Malt

Sami Kelsh

Brigitte sounds nice. Would you be jealous if I made friends with her too?


Oh no, not at all. The more the merrier!

Sami Kelsh

YAY! flail

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon…

I need a serious pick me up and this is it! The last time I had Brigitte, it was very strong. This time I added a small amount of milk….just enough to turn the color caramel and the tea slightly murkey (how do you describe the clarity loss by the addition of milk?…pull in the token gross lake water example…good!)

This is so much better than last time. It is rich, maltey, and strong. I don’t have many teas in my cupboard that stand up to milk this well. I also think I have been adding too much milk when I have added it in the past. A small amount does the trick. This tea is moving from the chopping block back to the general population.

Steeped by my usual parameters. Plus milk!

I also have a new kettle. After the fiasco that ended with two non-functioning VarieTEA kettles (Adagio’s customer service is stellar, BTW. They must be ripping their hair out.) I bought the UtiliTEA after returning the duds (The VarieTEA was a really nice kettle when it was working! It just seems they have a few kinks to work out.) Love the little kettle. I just wish its functioning consistency was paired with the bigger volume and sleekness of the other.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I love my UtiliTEA kettle! I maybe wish I knew exactly what temps the dial corresponded to, but I think I have it figure out by now. :)

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2816 tasting notes

Harney & Sons has such nice black tea blends. I got this as a sample and was looking forward to trying it this morning. I may have used a tiny bit more leaf than usual because I wanted something to wake me up!

What I got was a very dark cup that is smooth and rich. The assam lends a malty and stout note while the ceylon seems to have a fruity, chocolate and sweetish note. Well, I liked it, really works for me! I did try sipping on it plain just to get the mix of flavors. but then added soymilk to it because that’s normally how I would take this type of tea, it’s such a great breakfast blend. I will be tempted to get more the next time I order something from Harney. It would certainly be good to have around for the every day and the BF would like it too…

But then I also like the Palm Court and there’s a few others I haven’t even tried. Such difficult decisions. :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Sounds good, I wanted to find a good breakfast-wake-up tea for a long time. Can you recommend me some more please?


Have you had the Anniversary Blend? I’m really curious to know how that one is, it’s very cheap.


I have not had the anniversary blend. For a wake up tea, I also like their Organic Assam and the Russian Country (though that has some Lapsang in it).


I also have been wanting to try Anniversary Blend and it just never seems to make it in my cart as I out things in and take them out. I loved the silver plated caddy you could buy as well.

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612 tasting notes

Dang this is a chocolate-y tea! Steeping the sweet chocolate smell (there’s a little honey too) is overwhelming and really inviting. Sipping it, there’s the slightest tinge of bitterness and a splitsecond moment of astringency, just enough to give the sweetness some edge. Excellent. Doesn’t need milk or sugar (though I’ll note the tannic astringency builds up in the mouth as you drink—I don’t mind it unadulterated but I reckon many Steepsters would) but I’m betting it could take to either or both like a champ too. I’m really enjoying my Harney black blend samples, I gotta say.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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3515 tasting notes

Today’s winner in the tea party test! This had the headiness of an assam, a lovely bright tingle in the mouth, and lots of added interest from the silvery Ceylon. Good tea! We drank this one with no additions. I think of it as a very, very refined Irish Breakfast. But I am a novice, so what do I know? We only steeped it for 3 minutes 45 seconds because I fear many assams. I will steep it a little longer next time.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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41 tasting notes

I just got this in yesterday from Harney. I brewed up a cup this morning, 5 minutes in the steep and drank it with cream and sugar. It’s really a beautiful tea, very mellow but with a decent kick to it. I’ll have to try it tomorrow without the cream, just a little sugar and see how that is. A very nice tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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168 tasting notes

A delicious blend of Ceylon and Assam with a smooth finish, makes this a great tea to start your day!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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141 tasting notes

Good, rich flavor. Tastes much like Twinings Irish Breakfast, which is also an Assam/Ceylon blend. The leaves are not as broken as the Twinings, and are probably of somewhat higher quality. On the other hand, I am not sure that this is worth the extra expense ($10 for a four oz tin vs. $4.99 for 3.53 oz tin of the Twinings. The second steeping was weaker, but it allowed the Ceylon flavor to come out more.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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1 tasting notes

In an interview, Brigitte Harney told us about this blend -

“Michael blended it. He took two of my favorite teas—at least, they were my favorites at that moment. It’s a full-leaf assam that has a nice roundness to it, and then he added another assam from Sri Lanka–a beautiful estate tea that has a lot of gold and silver tips in it, much more mellow than most Ceylons. So that is blended in Brigitte’s Blend, pretty much 50 50. And that’s very good. (laughs)”

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