Palm Court

Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Black Tea, Ceylon Black Tea, Chinese Keemun Black Tea, Oolong Tea
Stonefruit, Bread, Honey
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by pointedview
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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49 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Just a short tasting note, you can see my previous notes for more info. I was finishing off the last of this one from ashmanra and forgot how good it is. I will need to get some more one of these...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea with lunch….. Today, lunch was a ham sandwich on Italian bread with colby jack cheese, mayo, and a ripe tomato. And Palm Court Tea. Assam, Keemun, Ceylon, and Oolong. Compared to my Supreme...” Read full tasting note
  • “A few days ago I glanced through some of the oldest bits of my tea log and noticed this blend. It had been so long since I’ve had it that I couldn’t remember it well. I knew I liked it and that I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Ashmanra for this sample! I sampled this w/o knowing the contents in the blend. So my first impressions were: mild breakfast tea, smooth, not astringent, no need to add sugar, no...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Center court for New York’s tea world is the newly re-launched Palm Court at The Plaza Hotel. Palm Court, our classic blend of four teas – Keemun, Assam, Ceylon & Formosa Oolong – is the beverage of choice in that impressively grand setting. Prepare and enjoy a cup at home, and imagine yourself relaxing in that splendid palace on Fifth Avenue.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

49 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

Just a short tasting note, you can see my previous notes for more info.

I was finishing off the last of this one from ashmanra and forgot how good it is. I will need to get some more one of these days. If black teas had personalities, this would be a well-mannered and handsome gentleman. :)

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

Does he have money?!


Is he eligible?


Is he breathing?


Ha ha! Well, in my dreams perhaps yes… but for now you can get some at Harney and Sons. giggles


You realize that I’m sitting in tea hell (STARBUCKS) right now writing on my Kindle about an imaginary tea flavor man! How pathetic!


This is also excellent with one teaspoon of Rose Scented added to the pot. Yummmmmm.


I tried this tea many, many moons ago, and remember it being pretty good. Then I found it in the cupboard many months later, and it was stale. :-// I think I have a sample, and when I find it I’ll write a proper review.

Scott B

I bought this at the tea shop a couple weeks ago. Brewed it just once, but it was very good. Need to try some more.

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985 tasting notes

Tea with lunch…..

Today, lunch was a ham sandwich on Italian bread with colby jack cheese, mayo, and a ripe tomato. And Palm Court Tea.

Assam, Keemun, Ceylon, and Oolong. Compared to my Supreme Breakfast this morning, it is definitely lower on the malty taste, but there is a bready taste that comes from the Ceylon in this blend. I am also getting a toastiness that is not present in the Supreme Breakfast, and I am guessing that comes from the Oolong. All of these flavors are seamlessly woven together in a well rounded cup of tea. I am pretty sure this will not make it to a breakfast tea for me, but it is still fabulous. I need the super punch of maltiness in the morning.

On an interesting note, my receipt from the Millerton Shop noted this tea as Palm Court (Titanic). I think that means this is the same as Titanic Blend.

Usual mug method.
Rated just a tad higher than Titanic because I like it better in loose leaf!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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3510 tasting notes

A few days ago I glanced through some of the oldest bits of my tea log and noticed this blend. It had been so long since I’ve had it that I couldn’t remember it well. I knew I liked it and that I enjoyed mixing it with Rose Scented by Harney. I thought I might order it again sometime, and then…there it was on shelf at The Fresh Market today!

Our Fresh Market is a bit small and the tea selection not quite like the bigger ones in bigger, more affluent cities. But they have new tea! They even had Tower of London in loose leaf and they had four Kusmi teas in sachets! I should have waited and purchased it with a discount through Harney directly, but I was too excited.

I made it to go with Easter lunch and set out a cup for hubby to try it thinking he would take a sip and pass. He usually doesn’t like black tea except with milk and sugar, but he drank a whole cup plain and said he liked it.

Later we had chocolate cake and made a second pot and he drank several cups of it again. Plain! Yet he adds milk and sugar to Queen Catherine! I don’t understand. Ha ha!

I like it best with food. To be 100% honest, this is on the verge of being too harsh for me, which is why I was shocked that my husband liked it. The Keemun is A-Okay, of course…you know I love Keemun! And the Ceylon is great, as is the Formosa oolong. But the Assam…it is pretty prominent here and I just have trouble with how strong Assam is sometimes. It really is a milk and sugar tea to me, and I try not to add anything to my tea.

I think I will be softening it sometimes with Rose Scented as I drink it, and definitely serving it with food. It was really good with the chocolate cake I made for Easter and cut through the sweetness of the chocolate buttercream frosting.

For breakfast tea lovers, I think this would be nearly perfect, and I really truly mainly bought this because I am going to a women’s Bible study now and the teacher is super nice and loves strong tea, so I wanted some teas to share with her and to serve when she comes over, because she is really nice and I want to show my appreciation for all she does.

I will review this again after she drinks it, and let you know what an Assam lover thinks of it!

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328 tasting notes

Thanks to Ashmanra for this sample!

I sampled this w/o knowing the contents in the blend. So my first impressions were: mild breakfast tea, smooth, not astringent, no need to add sugar, no bitterness. After checking out this site, I learned the secret: the oolong must be masking the bite of any assams. Really, I did not detect any chocolate notes present in the keenum.
Also, really not very smoky either.

As I have been on a sugar avoidance kick and am looking for morning alternatives to assams (which in my opinion just need sugar and milk), this is a pleasant alternative. But I still miss my sugary, milky assams…..


Lori, my favorite teas for no sugar are Golden Monkey, Tower of London, Cranberry Autumn, and Golden Mudan. Have you tried those? Also, I sometimes drink Queen Catherine without sugar. For breakfast, though, I haven’t really tried giving up the sugar! I usually just go sugarless in the afternoon! Oh, and don’t forget Eight at the Fort!


Agreed that Golden Monkey is great w/no sugar. And, I am sooo tempted to bring back my sugar in the morning. I really miss my milky, sugary AM tea…

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 5 of 2023 (no. 663 total).

I enjoyed the last little bit of this — it wasn’t astringent as I’d noted before and it was sweet, as I’d also noted before. I spend a lot of time wondering whether I would rate things the same way I did way back when if I rated them for the first time now. I suspect I would have rated this a bit higher, but given the age of the last bit of this sample and the fact that my palate is out of practice, I am not going to change the rating now.

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259 tasting notes

Always excellent. I haven’t yet had a bad cup of this.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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263 tasting notes

Its raining in Central Texas…gloomy grey skies and the constant, vertical rain that we need, yet is so depressing. So whats to do when its boringly wet outside…dust off (literaly) the teapot and the Palm Court from the back of the stove. Yeah, I know, probably shouldn’t store tea there; but in my defense, its in an airtight metal can. Put 4 heaping teaspoons into the infuser and 1.5L of water just off the boil through it. stand for 2 or so minutes and a fine cuppa. Its oxidizing in the pot, getting darker with every pour, but not getting bitter or otherwise “off”. Drinking it straight, but can tell that just a touch of sugar would be really nice I think. Good “Generic Black Tea”…doesn’t have any one thing that stands out like a varietal/regional might.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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109 tasting notes

Brew temp 208

This is an interesting blend. It seems every sip features a different tea. I taste the Keemun and Ceylon the most, but I also taste the Oolong. Not noticing the Assam as much except for maybe the tannins. Very smooth and non-astringent. I would consider this a mid-morning/afternoon tea for me. Very relaxing and enjoyable. Not a must have, but I’d probably buy this again in the future.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I liked this too, it certainly it unique!

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236 tasting notes

Slight smoky, malty fragrance coming from a ruby black liquor. There is a powerful yeasty taste and a fair amount of bitterness. I’m really not tasting the oolong in this but it does have a nice complexity to the middle-taste (that taste you get immediately after swallowing as the liquid evaporates from your tongue but before the after-taste).

It’s an ok tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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790 tasting notes

Mmmm… this is pretty good. I initially thought I overleafed or oversteeped – it was a super dark mahogany color. I was a little skeered and my first sip was with the anticipation of pucker your cheeks bitterness. Nope. Not much of it at all. I still think I probably over-somethinged it, but it’s pretty tasty. It is smooth and deep and robust and calming all at the same time.

The only thing off about this for me is that it smells somewhat odd when I sip it. I can’t pinpoint what it is I’m smelling though. It’s not offputting enough for me to not drink it but it won’t be a favorite tea to smell. At this point, after 3 cups, I’d reorder this if I were needing something to make it up to a free shipping level though I might not seek it out specially order it.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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