Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Black Tea, Cardamom, Cardamon Seed, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Vanilla
Raisins, Star Anise, Cinnamon, Candy, Cardamom, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmeg, Pepper, Spices, Spicy, Sugar, Sweet, Vanilla
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Not available
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 13 oz / 397 ml

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61 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Prepared as a chai with lots of sugar, I liked this well enough. Drinking it prepared as a black tea without adding milk or sugar, not so great for me. The tea base seemed…thin. This one is nice...” Read full tasting note
  • “More tea in the afternoon….. I have several wrapped bags of this in my stash, so I guess this is a test to see if it will be added to the bagged tea for traveling or edited. I have really only...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you fiddling! I made a cup of this today to help kick start my day. After yesterday’s cleaning and running around, we’re just hitting costco today and then maybe playing some board games to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Brr, It’s cold tonight. I’ve made a steady stream of tea throughout the day to keep myself and my partner warm instead of turning on the heater. That’s the only thing I’m looking forward to about...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Previously known as our “Indian Spice” tea, Chai tea, combines assam tea, freshly ground cardamom, and spices to create a hauntingly subtle spiced tea blend. Add some milk and sugar, and you could be in Calcutta awaiting the fresh teas coming down from Assam & Darjeeling. This is the tea to use to brew your own chai tea.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

61 Tasting Notes

46 tasting notes

I am not a big fan of nutmeg. When I first opened the tin I got a huge wiff of that sickeningly sweet smell. Trying my best to optimiscally pin point the source, I said to myself “oh it’s cardamon”. Upon another sniff, I reluctantly discovered “nooooo it’s nutmeg” Being open minded, I brewed a pot anyway. When brewed, it smelled much better. I was pleasantly surprised all the flavors blended together well included the dreaded nutmeg.
The unsteeped mixture looked like an east frisian. Small crumbled black leaves with bits of ginger and spice mixed up. The liquor brewed up dark and “mud like”. (Which I like in a chai) The flavored melded together very well. I could taste all the flavor notes.
I added sweetened condense milk and a few drops of vanilla extract after tasting.

Flavors: Candy, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmeg, Pepper, Spices, Spicy, Sugar, Sweet, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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694 tasting notes

This tea plus eggnog equals tea heaven. The tea plus the spices in here are strong enough to stand up to the nog. Num.

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22 tasting notes

Spice bomb! I love the tangy, slightly sweet, extremely spicy aftertaste of this one. It really does pack a punch of flavour. As a latte, it’s great, but the flavour is less strong this way. This would be a great pick-me-up kinda tea. It definitely has a nice bite.

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630 tasting notes

I love chai, so consider me totally biased.

This was delicious. It was bold and spicy, but not too spicy. Well, for me, there is no such thing as too spicy. But in this sort of summer but easing into fall weather, I am definitely drinking less cold tea and more hot, and craving the spicier flavors (and scents) for tea and candles. This to me is a perfect medium spice level chai, perfect with a dash of sweetener and almond milk.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1501 tasting notes

For the life of me I cannot tell if this is the tea I’m drinking or not – although I did make myself a cup earlier. My guess is that what I dumped just now is Indian Spice – a nice chai-like tea, however it was getting grainy and astringent as it cooled, so I just let it go to the Gods of the Copper Pipes. Whatever it is I’m drinking now is honeyed and sweet… methinks I need to keep better track of what I’m sipping.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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48 tasting notes

Got this in my sample pack. Pretty good … Just a little bit of spice not too much. Ok plain might be better with milk and sugar. Not sure I would purchase this though.

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124 tasting notes

I tried this for the first time today and it was SPICY! I put in just a smidgen of rock sugar and some half-and-half, but the spices overpowered the sugar. It tasted like Indian food (which I love and ate just two nights ago, but it was weird to have it in my tea). The spices were a little too intense in that first cup and I wasn’t sure I’d want it again.

But I resteeped the leaves, again adding sugar to the leaves and half-and-half to my cup, but this time I used more sugar. It was DELICIOUS the second time. A near-perfect cup of masala chai. The spices were softer, either because of the resteeping or the added sugar. The rock sugar was perfect and gave it that sweet-spicy-creamy Indian flavor that makes masala chai so good.

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4 tasting notes

I prefer to drink tea plain, and this one is far far too bitter for that. I guess that’s normal for indian chai that is usually prepared with milk and sweetener.

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14 tasting notes

This is a solid, simple chai. I prefer it black but my wife likes it as a latte as well. Great spice for cold-weather months.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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69 tasting notes

I tried the bagged version of this at the Daily Grind with half and half and a packet of Splenda. Such a rich flavor! I love all the spices they used, though the bag didn’t identify all of them. I loved it so much, I decided to take the bag back with me.

While stirring a sugar/Splenda mix into the resteep, I knocked over the whole cup, and half of the tea ended up on the floor, the other half seeping under my laptop. Within seconds, it froze. I wiped everything up, turned the laptop off, unplugged it, took out the battery, tilted it in a few directions, and let it sit on the side that got the worst of the spill.

Five hours later, it froze booting, so I went to Wal-Mart and looked for some canned air. It wasn’t in the cleaning section, so I went to the computer section and had a hard time finding it. It was on the bottom shelf hiding next to other stuff. So I sprayed it and waited about an hour, then it took 10+ minutes to do a self-diagnostic that didn’t even fix anything, but it was fine after a restart. I went crazy being laptop-less for 7 hours.

Oh, and when I tried resteeping it, I’d heated about 2 cups of water, so I used the other cup once I’d cleaned everything up. It was so weak, it tasted more like tea-flavored water. All that for nothing! But the first steep was heaven.

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