I can’t believe it has been two years since I had this last. A lot has changed in that time. This is a very old sample, and when we last drank it, my husband was still partial to cheap black tea with lots of sugar and some milk. Now he prefers green, white, and oolong tea taken plain, and enjoys having puerh with me.
This is definitely weaker and that is my fault. It was a wonderful tea and I have let my samples and swaps build up to embarrassing levels. I don’t include them in my cupboard, so I have no idea how many I actually have but I have been trying to knock the numbers down for a while now. Ridiculously, there is tea I want to order and that is part of my incentive to make headway on sip downs.
The fruity aroma is still here. The tea was a medium light golden color. There was little to no astringency. We made five steeps using one teaspoon of leaf per eight ounces water. I steeped for about three minutes each time. The fifth steep was weak enough that I felt it futile to try for a sixth, but I did enjoy the ones we had.