Jin Xuan Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Butter, Cream, Fruity, Honey, Sweet, Vegetal, Floral, Nutty, Spearmint, Cinnamon, Milk, Sweat, Vanilla, Corn Husk, Cucumber, Peas, Green, Sweet, Warm Grass, Creamy, Nectar, Orchids, Sugarcane, Burnt Sugar, Osmanthus, Wood, Roasted, Salt, Seaweed, Smooth, Fruit Tree Flowers
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 45 sec 6 g 6 oz / 176 ml

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  • “Backlog: This is quite possibly the best “milk oolong” type Oolong teas that I’ve ever tasted. It is amazing. It is remarkably creamy and has a fresh, exhilarating flavor. Notes of cream, notes...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have returned from my little hiatus! My birthday was all sorts of awesome, good company, good food, mind-boggling awesome presents, and of course good tea. I still feel a little overwhelmed,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Interesting. It’s like they took the Mandala milk oolong and dialed it back a touch. Just a touch. It’s still terrifically tasty, but for now I continue to prefer the Mandala.” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m giving this 90 points not because it deserves it by the flavor, but because it achieves that flavor at $0.07/g, which is outstanding! This is incredibly smooth, thick, and flavorful at that...” Read full tasting note

From Eco-Cha Artisan Teas

This batch of tea leaves come from the most active tea maker and merchant we know. This man enters virtually every Oolong Tea competition in Taiwan, including the largest and most prestigious Oolong Tea competition in the world. He consistently achieves high ratings in all of these competitions. In fact, when we picked up this batch, he brewed a sample of another batch of this same type of tea that won first prize in the Nantou County Jin XuanRead more

About Eco-Cha Artisan Teas View company

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31 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes


This is quite possibly the best “milk oolong” type Oolong teas that I’ve ever tasted. It is amazing.

It is remarkably creamy and has a fresh, exhilarating flavor. Notes of cream, notes of fruit, honeyed flavors, and you know that milky, smooth consistency and flavor that those of us who love milk Oolongs … well that consistency and flavor is why we love milk Oolongs isn’t it? This tea … has got it in spades.

Here’s my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2013/12/06/jin-xuan-oolong-tea-from-eco-cha/

ms.aineecbeland 11 years ago

fresh milk and nothing else.

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921 tasting notes

I have returned from my little hiatus! My birthday was all sorts of awesome, good company, good food, mind-boggling awesome presents, and of course good tea. I still feel a little overwhelmed, basking in the afterglow of a wonderful couple of days, but it is time to return to a semblance of normalcy. On non-birthday news, it is frigid! A very chilly day, meaning it is time to break out the toast hand warmers, delightfully plushie kawaii toasts with heating elements in them, they were a Christmas gift from my sister from another mother, and I always get excited for the cold because it means I can wear incredibly cute toasts on my hands.

Today I am going to do something a little different, I have reviewed a lot of Eco-Cha’s teas, but I always present them Gongfu style, but that is not the only way I drink it. In fact, bowl style (or Grandpa steeping, both names technically work) is fast becoming my favorite way to drink Jin Xuan, and so with that, why not take a look at the Spring 2015 Jin Xuan brewed up bowl style, time to show off how versatile these leaves can be. Also it shows off how huge they can get when really soaked and given lots of room to move around. Before I can drench the leaves in water, I need to give them a good sniffing, and what a joy that is because these leaves are very pleasantly aromatic. Notes if sweet custard, freshly baked pastry (kinda reminds me of a croissant because it is also very buttery) and a delicate touch of toasted sesame seeds. There is also a delicate undertone of fresh growth and woodiness with a distant hint of wildflowers.

Now that I have finally pulled my nose out of the leaves, it is time to steep! For Jin Xuan grandpa style I tend to use 190° water, it can take hotter but it tends to be more savory than sweet that way, and tends to finish quicker. The aroma that comes out of my bowl as I want the leaves dance around is quite yummy, buttery and sweet with rich notes of pastry and sesame seeds, and of course the familiar Jin Xuan custard and spicy lily notes that I adore so much. My first draining of the bowl starts light and sweet, with a creamy mouth. The taste is a blend of buttery pasty and sweet custard, similar to sesame seed custard with a gentle floral and green finish.

The more the leaves unfurl the stronger the tea gets, several bowls later a really unique thing I have only experienced with grandpa style Jin Xuan happens, it gets salty. Not salty as in, someone trolled me and poured salt on my tea, salty in the way that I just licked a rock and it has that mineral salt taste. It is earthy and blends wonderfully with the now quite strong green notes and buttery thickness. This is very distinct, I have had plenty of oolongs give me a mineral slate note, but only bowl style Jin Xuan gives me that saltiness and I absolutely love it, even if the first time I encountered it really surprised me. I got many refills of the tea, it is a tea that is perfect for those days where I want the oolong but either I am lounging in bed, out and about using my travel steeper, or busy painting/writing and don’t want to split my focus between what I am doing and gongfu cha. This is a tea you can spend the whole day with, easily.

For blog and sexy leaf photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2015/11/eco-cha-jin-xuan-oolong-tea-spring-2015.html

OMGsrsly 9 years ago

Toast handwarmers! Eee!!!

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142 tasting notes

Interesting. It’s like they took the Mandala milk oolong and dialed it back a touch. Just a touch. It’s still terrifically tasty, but for now I continue to prefer the Mandala.

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231 tasting notes

I’m giving this 90 points not because it deserves it by the flavor, but because it achieves that flavor at $0.07/g, which is outstanding! This is incredibly smooth, thick, and flavorful at that price point. Definitely more refined and complex than What-cha’s Mei Shan JX.

No bitterness or astringency. Medium-low sweetness. Mouthfeel is buttery and pretty thick. Longevity is 8-9 infusions.

Harvest: Winter 2022?
Location: Songboling (elevation 400 m).

Dry Leaf: Cream, butter.
Wet Leaf: Same.
Flavor: Butter, cream, honey, sweet, fruit, vegetal.

Flavors: Butter, Cream, Fruity, Honey, Sweet, Vegetal

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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38 tasting notes

Tried a number of variations and found that whether brewing gongfu or western, water should be very hot to boiling (definitely no lower than 90 C) and start out with a fairly long first infusion – 1 min in gaiwan, 3 minutes western. Lower temps and shorter brewing times just don’t bring out the flavors.

Gongfu (90 C, 3g, 50ml) – start with 1 min steep, then 30, then adding 10/15 seconds after. First infusion has a light, buttery aroma & flavor at front, then sweet florals, then creamy finish. Aftertaste keeps creamy, sweet, floral. Second steep brings out honey/syrupy aroma, and honey is now present with the buttery florals. Finish is honeysuckle & a little cashew? Third steep keeps these flavors & adds a hint of grassy bitterness in the middle, which then complicates the previously smooth finish. By steep 5 the creamy flavors & textures are receding, giving a “cleaner” finish. By 7 & 8, the grassy florals are growing, a bit more bitterness, but still pleasant. Steep 9 has first hint of dryness. These impressions remain through 10-12, but it seems like a tiny bit of smooth creaminess returns on the finish with these. Flavors overall are growing weaker by 12, so stopped there.

Western (boiling, 4g, 250ml) – start with 3 minutes, adding 1 min after.
Has pretty much all the same flavors & aromas as in gongfu, but not as layered. Starts creamy & buttery floral, sweeter florals in middle, lingering aftertaste of sweet floral & buttery cashew nuttiness. Second steep has less floral, less butter, but still creamy, nutty, and a little grassy sweetness. Steeps 3 & 4 are about the same, just growing a little thinner & losing flavor by 4.

Cold brew – 1g/100ml, overnight chill. Quite nice flavor, though creamy butter might be a tiny bit rich as iced tea. Florals present but not as strong, very smooth overall.

Bluegreen 7 years ago

Quite a review: the variety of the preparation methods tried is outright impressive.

Girl Meets Gaiwan 7 years ago

Thanks! I’m trying to make the most of my samples. It helps me justify to myself the number of little packets I’m hoarding!

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61 tasting notes

Gongfu, 5g/100ml at 80-90C. 2017 harvest
I previously tried this a bunch of times between 90C and 100C and i have to say…this just cannot take it. On the very first steep it tastes like stewed leaves and is astringent. At 100C there is an AMAZING aroma from the wet leaves though—like a rich browned butter: nutty and savory.
I now repeat this at a lower temperature, and wow it is a huge improvement. I can actually taste the flloral oolong notes, and get a sweet buttery taste, sweet and fresh with some savoriness. The lasting texture is oily and pleasant. However, the dry leaves dont smell quite as amazing as at 100C :(
Once the leaves have unfurled, there is more of floral taste with some ongoing buttery taste and aroma.
Unfortunately shortly after, the butteriness starts to fade. Now I’m noticing a really fresh menthol/mint/wintergreen in my throat, which is really refreshing!
Overall this was a pleasant tea but a little bit finicky. This is my first jin xuan and even as a newbie have had both much creamier (in texture AND taste) and butterier lightly roasted oolongs not of jin xuan variety. This is good and I recommend it, but probably not something I’d order again because its best qualities are just beat out by others in my small stash.

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Nutty, Spearmint, Sweet

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17 tasting notes

This tea was just jaw dropping—I really wasn’t expecting such a strong and pleasant flavor from this tea. Really just an incredible flavor, especially with it being unflavored. Easily recommend this tea.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cream, Honey, Milk, Sweat, Vanilla

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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56 tasting notes

The box says “buttery, savory, soothing.” That is absolutely the case.

Gaiwan brewed. Dry leaf smells just like good heavy cream! First steep has a delightfully smooth texture and sweet cream flavor with a little sweet fresh corn juiciness. Other milk oolongs I’ve tasted were a little heavy on the savory characters but this one has a perfect balance, the creaminess in later steepings not unlike fresh unsalted sweet cream butter. The first steep was all sweet cream with subtle honeysuckle notes, the second steep strengthening the floral notes and bringing a delightful crisp green character like cucumber peel and sweet peas, nicely balancing the cream without adding any bitterness. Later steeps find the sweet pea character staying strong with a very lightly oaty buttered green flavor lasting deep into a dozen steeps.

What a fantastic milk oolong!

Flavors: Butter, Corn Husk, Cream, Cucumber, Peas

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 88 ML

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11 tasting notes

2017 Harvest. Really good stuff – the butter note is pronounced. Sweet, floral, the ideal amount of sweetness, and long-steeping.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 9 g 6 OZ / 180 ML

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6 tasting notes

Ah, this is such a great daily drinker, and exactly why I love oolong tea so much. It’s green and vegetal, with a perfect level of floral notes without being sickeningly perfume-y. It’s a crisp and uplifing tea.

Flavors: Floral, Green, Sweet, Warm Grass, Vegetal

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 7 tsp 14 OZ / 400 ML

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