Earl Grey Creme

Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot, Black Tea Leaves, Cream Flavoring, Dairy
Creamy, Earl Grey, Floral, Bergamot, Cream, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla, Flowers, Lemon Zest
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tabby
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 244 ml

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From Della Terra Teas

If you love Earl Grey you will adore our Earl Grey Creme. It has the classic Earl Grey flavoring matched with a delicious creme.

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38 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

Totally screwed for my final exam on Thursday. I just finished all my final papers a few days ago and have been trying to memorize ~200 definitions plus a plethora of other info. Sigh. What a colossal waste of time.

This is a decent EGC. The dry leaf smells like creamy vanilla and bergamot, so we’re off to a good start, but the taste is a little lacking. Hot, it’s a little creamy, not too astringent. Definitely like it more hot than cold.

Cold steeped was a real let down. The base comes out more, but it has this dry, straw-like flavour to it. The creaminess is lost and the bergamot is there but not as strong as I had expected.

Have definitely had better EGC blends but have also had much worse too.


Oh joy.. memories! Good luck!


Thanks, I need it! haha


Oh finals week…it’s the worst. What class is it for?


Sociolinguistics. It’s the only undergrad course I’m taking, so while it’s nice to only have to write one, I never had time to internalize all of this beforehand because of my endless grad paper train throughout the semester.

Blah blah blah, all students have it hard. :)


Awww I know the feeling! You can do it! Believe in your glorious brain and its memorization capabilities :)


Good luck! I feel your pain with finals, but they will pass soon, just have to persevere!


The class (in theory) sounds fun! I’m an anthropology major, but almost did linguistics. Other than finals being a pain, have you liked school a lot?


I’ll chime in and say that I keep coming back to school. I’ve had 3-4 breaks where I’ve left and worked full-time, but I’ve always gone back. If you love learning and research, and can deal with academics, it’s awesome.

Incendiare, you can kick this final’s butt. :) I think everyone doing finals right now is cheering each other on!


Aww, thanks everyone. Best of luck to everyone else on their finals! We’re almost almost done.

Tamm, it is totally fun! Anthropological linguistics and sociolinguistics are similar so I can see why you were tempted. But yeah, I love school a lot, which is why I’m doing my MA now. How about you, are you enjoying anthropology?

Haha you just can’t keep away, OMGsrsly. It’s done that to me too. I’m on my third university now haha. Did you just complete a degree or are you currently working on something?


I’m almost done WOOO!!! Final on Friday, then a (seriously overdue) take home final and 25 page paper over the summer. Biology and Archaeology. Two full degrees, because a double major program doesn’t exist. You can tell someone likes school when they pull stunts like that. :) I’m considering grad school, but need funding..


That’s awesome Omgsrsly! I wanted to just do Archaeology as my undergrad, but our school doesn’t offer it.
Incendiare, I love anthropology, but I’ve fallen on hard times right now b/c my archaeology mentor is leaving the school and now I have to find a new field school…I really want to go to grad school, but I have no idea where to go.


OMGsrsly – maybe you’ll be able to get a scholarship and paid work as a TA? Some school will pay you $4000 a semester to be a TA, and that would cover the tuition at least. Housing.. well.. idk there.

Archeology sounds so interesting, and I would love to study more linguisitcs. Sometimes I miss being a student, but then I read everyone’s posts around finals and sorta remember that it wasn’t all great times. I wish I were more of an autodidact though. I keep meaning to teach myself all these great things and then fall through. My latest “fad” is trying to learn Spanish on duolingo.com.


Tamm, I haven’t done a field school because they are so incredibly expensive. It means I don’t get a CRM certificate with my degree which limits my work in the field. :/ I know that in most places arch is a subcategory of anth, but not here. The arch department here has never been with soc/anth, and they have actually joined the sciences. I think they’re transitioning to offer a BSc in arch for the lab/DNA geeks. :)

Cavo, I’ve had 3 offers in the sciences, and one of them comes with a pay cheque. My grades aren’t high enough for arch grants, but I might get a science grant… I’m just not sure what I want to do, and also I need a break!


That makes sense! A break isn’t a terrible thing, or you might suffer academic fatigue. :)


Omgsrsly, the field schools can be crazy expensive! I just found out today that there is still a slim chance I’ll be able to go to mine. It would really change a lot for me.
I think it’d make a lot of sense for soc/anth to be with the sciences. Especially what I study because it’s bioarchaeology/paleopathology. What kinds of things do you like to study in archaeology?
Cavocorax, I was looking at being a TA at a grad school near here and it was $5000/semester pay, plus they’d waive tuition! :O There are some major benefits at some schools. By the way, do you like that site? I’m trying to learn Spanish.


$5k a semester and no tuition is pretty decent! That would probably cover rent!

And from I’ve seen of duolingo, I really like it. I can’t wait until they get their android app out because I could see this being something I do on my phone while I’m waiting on the bus, etc.


UofA pays $16K for 2 semesters, and $8K for the summer lab work as a TA in the biological sciences. So happy to be a Masters student :)


I’m into evolution and ancient DNA, as well as learning about and preserving the heritage of BC First Nations. :) I’ve heard good things about Calgary for ancient DNA, but I don’t know if I want to move there. Fingers crossed you get your field school. From what I’ve heard, the experience is amazing! I’ve done some surveying and I love it, but sadly no digging.

Lynne, that’s Alberta? Here in BC they don’t pay nearly that much. Wow. I think they get just under $5k, but also have to pay tuition. Of course, some labs pay their grad students, but the wage varies. I think the highest in the university is $24k.


Whoa, need to catch up here. OMG, srsly, that’s great that you can get two degrees out of it though! I did an honours double major and U of A only gave me one degree. Eh, but I guess it doesn’t matter haha. Wow, archeology and biology, two awesome fields! That must be very fascinating.

Tamm, I’m really sorry to hear that, but I hope you can figure things out. That is such bad timing. Have you ever considered transferring to another school? I’m sure it could be done.

Cavocorax, I haven’t tried duolingo before, but that’s great that it’s free at least. The annoying thing about learning a foreign language is it’s practically impossible to gain fluency unless you’re around other people who speak it. It’s hard enough to reach that level when you learn it in a classroom, but Spanish is an easier language for native English speakers to learn, so I’m sure that site will give you a great foundation. I just bought a Finnish textbook the other day to accompany my Finnish dictionary, but geez, don’t know how I will honestly learn it unless I join a program or something. But don’t give up! Learning another language keeps those gears-a-turning in your head. :)

That’s why I’m soooo glad you got into U of A, Lynne-tea. They’re mighty generous towards the sciences students! And that’s great you were able to get on with a summer lab because you’ll get a head start.

And I love genetics! Almost went into that instead of foreign languages/theoretical linguistics. So ancient DNA sounds amazing. I had no idea U of C offered such a thing.


I had to read some DNA and stable isotope stuff this week and it blows my mind; especially aDNA stuff.
Yes, I’m still crossing my fingers! The project itself that I am trying to get into is working with the Lambayeque valley complex; so lots of really interesting stuff. I’m going to be talking to my professor on Wednesday. Hopefully we can get some stuff worked out! Watch as he tells me that I should go to the school he’s switching to! facepalm it’s literally the other side of the US.
Incendiare, I’ve thought about switching, but at this point it’d be a little silly. Even with my minor I’m probably graduating in ~3 semesters. The only other reputable college around here has really rigorous stuff for transfer students. It’s kind of annoying actually.


aDNA is so awesome. Difficult, tricksy, expensive, awesome.

Incendiare, I see what you did there… :D It’s a BSc in Biology and Archaeology, but because it’s not a double major program I had to take more courses. I’m going to see about graduating with the BSc then applying for a second graduation with the BA. Heh.

Tamm, that sounds so cool! There’s aDNA at my school, but I’m not 100% sure. I’ve heard some :/ things. At least here it would be focusing on BC First Nations instead of Albertan. BC is totally #1 for me. :)


Tamm, that totally makes sense. That would be a lot of work to transfer at this point. That’s so frustrating!

ZOMGsrsly (ha!), they should definitely honour you two degrees. At least let’s hope. I had to take more courses for each major than you would in a typical double major program too yet I wasn’t honoured that. Funny how different universities treat same/similar situations differently. I mean, I guess the title/number of degrees ultimately doesn’t matter, but in a way, it does when you’re applying to grad school and stuff. Kind of wish universities had universal rules for granting degrees. And it’s great how alive the BC First Nations research is over here. It’s very nice to see!


Good luck to all of you Steepsterites studying for finals! Knowledge is power :-)

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6119 tasting notes

Uh…. YUM! This tea is delicious. The aroma is distinctly earl grey cream, and the flavour is oh-so-creamy and good. I read Alphakitty’s note on this tea prior to taking a sip, and totally agree that I have trouble telling earl grey creams apart, for the most part, because I don’t have them in a short enough time frame for a real comparison. However, I tend to prefer ones that are heavier on the cream, lighter on the bergamot. Because of its accessibility, the DavidsTea version has become my standby, but when it’s hotter, it’s often not as creamy.

Although I’m having it cold, I think this is perhaps the most creamy ECG I’ve tried. Definitely smells like an earl grey, and tastes exactly like an earl grey with creamer. If not for the clear, brown liquid, I could swear that someone dropped a bunch of coffee whitener into my cup (yeah, my best friend and I used to steal her parents’ coffee whitener for our earl grey when they were out of milk… sooooooo many chemicals…..) The bergamot is definitely lighter here; I don’t know if it’s because of my conservative 3-minute infusion, or just how the tea is. I have a sample of Della Terra’s Saveur de Paris as well, so it’s tempting to mix a touch of that in when brewing this one up next time just to add a bit more bergamot. Not that this isn’t just fine as it is, though!

I’m glad to have tried another yummy ECG, but accessibility likely will still cause the DavidsTea version to win out.

Side note: Although my mom has not cared for pretty much every black tea I’ve made her sample (which would be nearly every tea I’ve brewed up, haha), she said that this one was quite pleasant. I’m tempted to leave her the rest of my pouch of it, but am not sure she’d ever choose it herself over a green/green oolong…

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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1379 tasting notes

Drum roll Roll up! Roll up! Ladies and gentleman I would like to say thank you for advice and friendship over my first year of tea blogging. That’s right I have now reached just over a year on my Steepster account. :) Also this is my 400th tasting note so it’s a double celebration. Drum roll end

Seriously now As most of you know I adore Earl Grey and when I was digging around in my Della Terra samples box I pulled it out with a grin so wide that my face started to hurt. I had remembered seeing it when I opened it just before Christmas and left in there for safe keeping, today it was a very nice find. Like finding a sunken treasure amidst a messy cabin room that has gotten worse with time. Well…it’s been one of those weekends that has now dragged into the start of my week. But enough of that…

Loose leaf this tea looks pretty with blues and yellows among the black finely cut and curled leaves. Very elegant. :) Not only is it aesthetically pleasing but the smell is divine. Strong bergamot (which is waxy yet sweet) and a creamy rather vanilla scent trailing behind it. Yummy.

Once brewed this forms your average dark brown tea colour but has that same wonderful scent but perhaps a little more vanilla like than before.

Usually I like to add milk and on those rare occasions a spoon of stevia sugar to complete my Earl Grey but I will be sampling this in it’s raw form (without either additives).

Wow. No that’s not good enough… WOW That’s better! This is delicious. It’s smooth and sweet with creamy vanilla tones making it some sort of Earl Grey mist. It’s so fresh and light yet there it is.. that sweet and citrus Earl Grey distinct flavour. It’s very different yet very similar. I may even try a stronger steep next time around to see what difference it makes but so far I am truly loving this.

Such a shame that I only received this as a sample pack and I didn’t think to order a bigger pack to try. :( Oh well, it has been added to my list for when I next place an order.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Congrats on your recent Steepsterversary!


YAY! congratulations! :)


^^ What they said.








Awesome! My Steepsterversary is today! I wish you many more hours drinking delicious tea and posting awesome tasting notes! :D


Thank you everyone :)

And congratulations yourself Kittenna :)

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735 tasting notes

Just wanted to add that this is great with a pinch of lavender. Really blends well.


ooh, i will have to try that. this was one of my first favorites i tried from hearing about on steepster when i first joined. good memories.

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1112 tasting notes

TSTTB Tea #5!!

I chose this one because there have not been any Earl Grey Cremes I’ve met that I haven’t liked. This one is delicious. Lightly creamy and not artificial tasting. I put a scant teaspoon of sugar to compliment the creme and bergamot and it worked beautifully. The flavors are sweet and round. The tea base is bold (I only steeped for 3 minutes and it was plenty flavorful) yet balanced with the flavorings. Neither overwhelm.

Lovely tea!!! Thank you Traveling Tea Box!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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4337 tasting notes

Della Terra included this one as a freebie with my order. Thanks! I LOVE Earl Grey Creme. The creme & the bergamot is a perfect pairing with a black tea. This one is pretty good. Equal parts creme and bergamot, but I didn’t love the flavor of the black tea itself (though it never was astringent.) The flavors don’t meld together as well as my two favorites (Element & SpecialTeas which no longer exist) but that bar is pretty high. It IS better than the Teavana EG creme though!

ETA: I’m kicking myself because I just realized I forgot one of my favorite Creme Earl Greys from one of my favorite new tea companies, and this one is still in business! It’s The Tea Merchant’s French Earl Grey! (theteamerchant.net)


I appreciate this comparative review. It’s too bad your favourites aren’t around anymore, but hopefully you’ll find a blend, soon, that rivals theirs (or surpasses them, even).


nice eyes nik

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470 tasting notes

Another Earl Grey Cream to check off my list! Seriously, I am on a mission to try them alllll. I got this in my envelope from Amanda and was excited since, well, I love EGCs but I am also becoming quite fond of Della Terra. Their Mother of Pearl and Walnut Brittle are totally unbeatable teas, and everything else has been yummy too.

To be totally honest, I kind of have trouble telling EGCs apart at this point haha. Aside from a few standouts, they do tend to blend together. This one is heavy on the vanilla with less bergamot, making an exceptionally creamy cup though it’s not as Earl Grey-ish as some others I’ve tried. I had it both hot and iced and preferred it hot, even though I do love a good cold brewed EGC. It’s good but not WOW blowing me away good, a nice offering but too similar to others for me to really want to stock it. However, if you’ve never tried an Earl Grey Cream I think this would be a good place to start, it’s got a nice balance and isn’t heavy on the bergamot!

Della Terra Teas

Thanks! We just added a new bergamot tea as well. Saveur de Paris. It’s a very bergamot(y) tea, if that’s a word. ha.


Ooh, I was planning on placing another order soon since I got a 15% off coupon in my email, I’ll have to try that one! How can I resist, your teas are so yummy.

Della Terra Teas

Thank you again! Ah yes the email coupon. :) With our 21 new teas I’m sure you’ll find something. Can’t wait to see what you choose!

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15588 tasting notes

sipdown! (199) received this as a free sample from della terra…i think? either way i much prefer the earl grey creme from upton, though i really wish someone could explain to my why earl grey creme = lemon chiffon like black tea to me :) it’s alright but if i had to drink an earl grey creme it’d be upton’s. Not rating this one since i’m not a fan of earl greys…but it’s a decent cup.


I know you are slowly moving over to the Grey side!


no lala! no no no no no :)


Keep telling yourself that! :P

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, Sil, it sounds like you’re starting to cave a little.
I enjoy an occasional earl…if they aren’t too acidic.


I agree, there are better ones out there.

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4843 tasting notes

This smells so good. I love the smell of Earl Grey Creme … possibly even more than the smell of Earl Grey without the creme… the creamy notes just meld so beautifully with the sharp notes of the bergamot.

It tastes good too. It is sweet and tangy. The vanilla tones are almost fluffy and they come together so perfectly with the bergamot that is no longer sharp, just pleasantly citrus-y and tart. The black tea plays the supporting role, providing a solid background of flavor to the stronger bergamot and vanilla. It all works very well together. It’s very, very tasty!

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576 tasting notes

I’m normally not an Earl Grey fan (too much watery fruit loops, IMO). But I’m trying to be more tolerant, so I opted for this in the vanilla version. I really enjoyed this! The vanilla cut that bergamot taste and was quite pleasant. I’d buy this again.


Earl Grey with creme is about the only way I can take it.


Whew – glad I’m not alone, @gmathis!

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