Caribbean Crush

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Cranberry, Hibiscus, Papaya, Pineapple
Hibiscus, Stevia, Pineapple, Apple, Coconut, Fruity, Sweet, Cranberry, Floral, Fruit Punch, Tart, Tropical, Cocoa, Fruit Tree Flowers, White Chocolate, Candy, Melon, Sugar, Cherry, Strawberry, Creamy, Jam, Pleasantly Sour, Smooth, Dried Fruit, Candied Apple
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by apieceofquiche
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 6 min, 45 sec 5 g 26 oz / 781 ml

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Looking to get away from all the hustle and bustle? There’s nothing more relaxing than the sunny Caribbean. Swaying palm trees, soothing waves and soft white sand…it’s the perfect little escape. And we have your one way ticket right here. With juicy pineapple, fresh papaya and yummy cranberries, this sweet and tangy tea is the ultimate tropical fruit punch. It’s like being on the beach without even leaving the city. The only thing missing is a little paper umbrella…

Ingredients: Pineapple (pineapple, sugar), apple, papaya (papaya, sugar), cranberry (sugar, cranberry, rice flour, sunflower oil), hibiscus, artificial flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

71 Tasting Notes

1344 tasting notes

Day 10 of the DavidsTea herbal advent calendar. I made this as an iced tea. It’s just on the edge of too sugary for me. I’m not a huge fan of this one. It just feels a little generically “fruit punch,” which Hibiscus Splash and Sunny C from earlier in the calendar ALSO are. Sunny C at least has a clearer (to me) taste profile and is not as sugary sweet, so I still prefer it over the other two. Caribbean Crush is fine if you want something similar to but less sweet than Hibiscus Splash – they have a lot of overlapping ingredients. I’ll probably make the last of this as a tea soda.

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47 tasting notes

One of my favorites! Fruity and tropical.

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294 tasting notes

As the advents continue, the fruity hibiscus teas are starting to feel the same. Hot, I’m getting mostly an artificial sweet flavor, with the hibiscus next. There is pineapple in the scent but I miss it in the flavor. The hibiscus and other fruit is more prominent when it cools. I could definitely see this as a cold brew or iced tea, so long as it doesn’t accentuate the sweetener.

DAVIDsTEA caffeine free advent, day 10

Flavors: Hibiscus, Stevia

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261 tasting notes

#tiffanys2021sipdown Tea #203 overall / Tea #27 for May
Monday 5/17 - DT Caribbean crush cold brew glass jar (drained 5/16 left for Micah). I enjoy this tea haven’t had it in forever, a classic from DT. I meant to make it easy for me to pour into a mug and sip, but I ended up leaving it for Micah that day (I did a 11 pm Sunday to 430 pm Monday shift LOL). I hope he enjoyed it (:
#tiffanydrinkstea #tiffanys2021 #tiffanysfaves #tiffanyinthe614 #tiffanysteasipdown

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262 tasting notes

A pandemic gift from a fellow tea drinker, I decided to open it up for this morning’s cup. I quite enjoyed the tropical blend (though I wouldn’t consider cranberry or apples to be tropical). After my last pineapple tea review, this was a definite winner. I had it hot but I think it would a great iced tea too.

Flavors: Pineapple

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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252 tasting notes

Great tasting and fruity. Great as an iced tea in the summer and hot in the winter.

Hot – Yes
Cold – Yes
Tin – Yes

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1271 tasting notes

Had a little sampler packet of this, which I think I got in a long ago DAVIDsTEA order. It suggested using 500ml of water, but there just didn’t seem enough leaf in the packet for such a heavy/chunk herbal so I cut it back to 350ml, left in the fridge cold brewing for a few hours.

I thought this would be fruitier/tangier, but there was so little hibi in my packet that my tea barely colored the lightest of pink, and I wondered if I should add some from my plain hibi leaf stash. The flavor tasted very sweet coconut to me (is there coconut flavoring? There isn’t any in the ingredients, huh…) Also a mild, sweet apple. Perhaps a subtle pineapple note, but without any tanginess it isn’t really coming forward for me.

I think my sampler was a bit weak and not a good mix of ingredients, which may be why I’m really only getting a coconut note and nothing else. It was still a refreshing cold sip.

Flavors: Apple, Coconut, Fruity, Pineapple, Sweet

Iced 8 min or more 5 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

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27 tasting notes

Tastes just like a fruit punch, heavy on the tart cranberry flavour, when iced.

Flavors: Cranberry, Floral, Fruit Punch, Hibiscus, Sweet, Tart

Iced 8 min or more

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70 tasting notes

Went for a cold brew of this one today. Took 0.75 tsp of this tea in my 12 oz cup and let it brew in the fridge for 2 hours. The dry tea was mostly small chunks of various fruits (apple, pineapple, and papaya being the main three) with a bit of hibiscus thrown in for colour and tang I’m guessing.

First thing I noticed with this tea is that it didn’t come out the pretty pink like in the picture. That’s probably my fault though, because in my smaller scoops, I didn’t end up with much hibiscus in the basket. The tea ended up a pale yellow colour – almost apple juice colour, but slightly lighter.

The taste too is faintly of apple, but you can also taste some other sweet fruits coming through, though I’m unable to differentiate them individually by taste. I also enjoy that it’s not the acidic apple taste that I was getting from the Just Peachy flavour of DavidsTea, but a nice sweet, mild apple taste.

I feel as a cold brew, I should probably up my volume on this one because it did end up quite weak with my normal 0.75 tsp. It’s not bad at all, but more reminds me of those flavoured bottled waters you get at the store. Next time I try this one cold I’ll up my measurement to 1 tsp and see how that goes.

Would also like to try this one hot.

Cup count from my 27g pitcher pack: 1 (Plenty left to try in the future)

Flavors: Apple

Iced 8 min or more 12 OZ / 354 ML

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34 tasting notes

Tropical, pineapple-y flavour. Not too sweet.

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