Carrot Cake

Tea type
Fruit Oolong Blend
Almonds, Apple Pieces, Carrot, Coconut, Flavouring, Oolong Tea
Spices, Apple, Carrot, Coconut, Raisins, Vanilla, Nuts
Sold in
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Edit tea info Last updated by Becky Gillam
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 411 ml

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106 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m waiting (im)patiently for the new DT teas to post, to decide what to order. I definitely want to pick up more of this one and to try some of their other oolongs. I love this no-cal dessert option!” Read full tasting note
  • “I need to drink this more often. Heck. I need to cycle through ALL the teas more often, instead of just drinking what’s new and shiny. So. I like this tea. Some people don’t. That’s OK. I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one’s growing on me. Maybe its because we’ve been enjoying some cooler evenings as of late and it reminds me that we’re entering into Fall. Or maybe it was because I added more “leaf” and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sheesh, reading about this tea on here has made me quite wary of it! The dry tea has a VERY strong odour. I can’t quite place it. I don’t believe it smells like paint thinner, as others have...” Read full tasting note


A slice of heaven
Feel like dessert without the calories? Then you’ve found your new best friend. This green tea and fruit blend has Oolong tea from Taiwan, apple pieces from Turkey, carrots from Sri Lanka, coconut from The Philippines, and you’d swear the frosting was straight from Grandma’s kitchen. Spices, frosting, carrots and no calories? Dessert lovers everywhere can rejoice – it’s good to the last crumb.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

106 Tasting Notes

576 tasting notes

I’m waiting (im)patiently for the new DT teas to post, to decide what to order. I definitely want to pick up more of this one and to try some of their other oolongs. I love this no-cal dessert option!


Its on list to be discontinued. Better grab it quick. I’m trying it today for same reason. They got rid of Pumpkin Chai too! :(


Yeah I definitely want to score it before it’s discontinued. I just need to wait one more day for the new teas to be listed…and then I will stock up!


WHAT!? Pumpkin Chai definetly wasn’t on the list. Maybe it’s just out of stock temporarily or will be back in the fall.
Now I kinda want to cry :(


I too hope Pumpkin Chai to comes back!!!!


It’s probably a seasonal tea, or at least will be back in Fall 2013. I hope so for its fans – including my sis-in-law!

yappychappy Its gone! :( I didn’t see either ugh.


How did I not see that when I made my order? ugh :(

Sweet Canadian

Pumpkin Chai will definitely be back for fall. It’s a staple :)

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2291 tasting notes

I need to drink this more often. Heck. I need to cycle through ALL the teas more often, instead of just drinking what’s new and shiny.

So. I like this tea. Some people don’t. That’s OK. I’m drinking a large mug with some maple whipped cream on top. Delicious and sweet and desserty (like spiced cake), without being too much like Red Velvet Cake or Coffeecake.

Edit: Also, candy corns are divine.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Oh god, I need to stop only drinking the shiny new tea also!


aw! what’s wrong with shiney? =0/


Nothing’s wrong with shiny! I just don’t want to forget about all the other awesome in my cupboard.


everything can be shiny….. there’s enough shiny for everyone. i think the shiny is generous. true shiny isn’t selfish.


But I am blind and must rediscover the shiny constantly.


then mail me your tea and bit by bit i’ll mail it back to you (mostly intact…. only small bits gone to make sure it hasn’t turned poisonous) and that way it will always be new. and shiny. see?


Hmm… Mayb..

No. :D

Although I don’t mind sharing small bits. That’s another good way to rediscover what’s in the cupboard.


this is what i come up with as a solution when you declare that teas have become de-shiny-ified. i thought it was exceptionally creative. ;-)


Creative, most definitely. :) But asking me to part with all of my teas, even just temporarily?! Blasphemy, James. Pure blasphemy. :D


de-shiny-ifying is the blaspheme OMGsrsly! lol. what if your teas heard you and went on strike? what if they with held services? with held flavour? curious minds would like to know what you would do…..?


I would be forced to consider drastic measures. Like writing a program to choose random teas…


It’s already been done – will randomly choose a tea from your cupboard here…..
Click on the link, enter your steepster username it spits out a tea for you to drink….


well you forced me to speak for the tea. poor tea. who calls a tea un-shiny? so mean. i should paint tiny little floating strike signs and mail them to your tea…. dexter…. do you know if tea has opposable thumbs by chance? (wow that might be a lot of signs).


So cool!


Ummmmmm………. no?


Oh, hey! The randomizer is working again! It was broken after the update, so this is exciting. :)

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133 tasting notes

This one’s growing on me. Maybe its because we’ve been enjoying some cooler evenings as of late and it reminds me that we’re entering into Fall. Or maybe it was because I added more “leaf” and rock sugar this time! :D

Enjoyed a cup last night with an extra half teaspoon of tisane, making the total leaf about 2 teaspoons for 8 ounces. With a healthy dose of rock sugar, this starts tasting more like carrot cake. This made for a very satisfying cup – one I look forward to having again!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

thank god for cooler weather!


You already have cool evenings? Lucky, in Florida it’s in the high 80’s low 90’s

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6119 tasting notes

Sheesh, reading about this tea on here has made me quite wary of it!

The dry tea has a VERY strong odour. I can’t quite place it. I don’t believe it smells like paint thinner, as others have mentioned, but it does smell kind of chemically. I can imagine it to be very strong cakey carrot cake if I try quite hard, but based on the smell alone I probably wouldn’t choose this tea.

Thankfully, steeped this one smells a whole lot better, more like a spice cake with a strong tea base.

The taste, although I’m not sure I would call it “carrot cake”, is actually quite pleasant. I think I can taste the carrot, and definitely the oolong, and if I try hard, I can envision myself eating a piece of carrot spice cake. Not really getting the cream cheese icing though. I also have to say that I’m picky about the carrot cake that I like, and this tastes like a mid-range sort to me – not good enough to be amazing without icing, but not so bad that one needs a large dose of icing for the cake to be palatable.

So this one definitely isn’t as bad for me as for other people. I actually find it somewhat enjoyable, although it’s not tasty enough to be a tea I crave. The take-home message from this tea would definitely be that carrot in tea can work! I just think the spicing isn’t quite right; I’m getting a sense of baked goods, but it’s quite bland. I think someone perhaps needs to attempt a carrot cake chai, with whatever flavouring used in 52teas cheesecake teas (which hopefully I will soon be trying!) for the icing.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

I am glad you liked it! : ) For me this is probably the worst tea I have ever had…


I honestly have to wonder if there was a bad batch of this or something. I’ll admit that the dry tea doesn’t smell great, but I don’t understand how people could have had such a negative reaction to what I drank last night! It just wasn’t that bad. But to each their own!


Yeah… Maybe it was a bad batch, or there is a flavor that agrees with some people and not with others. I bought this after reading a review by someone who really liked it, I just didn’t agree. It’s funner when people like different things, I think it would eventually be very dull if everyone liked the exact same thing.


Completely agree! That would take all the fun out of trying new things :)


Me too Ninavampi, the worst or close to it. I hated the dry smell and the taste was just aweful…too sweet like a ton of glucose in the mouth mixed with cat fur. BLECH!

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6444 tasting notes

This is another tea I picked up in Janelle’s stash sale and once again I am disappointed. I wonder if these teas are actually not great or if they are just a little old and thus not in their prime. Nothing in this tea says carrot cake. I am getting a nutty scent and a rose petal type taste. No frosting, no cake, no carrot. This tea is getting no love from me. Into the swap box it goes.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

This tea is not for you, it’s for naughty people!


you know, more and more i become disillusioned with david’s. i really liked spice cake when i first tried it…. but i loaded it with sugar and condensed milk. now that i’m sugar free i can really tell which teas a quality and which teas are…. well, NOT (i’ll be politic and not as opposed to a more colourful word).


I got into tea because I am on Jenny Craig so my food got monotonous and tea was a way to get new flavors into my diet without cheating. That means absolutely NO sugar gets put into my tea ever. DAVIDs and Teavana were all I knew and DAVIDs flavors really hit the spot and allowed me to have the sweet, delicious, cakey flavors that I was not allowed to have otherwise (although I do get dessert every night on Jenny). However, the more I try, the more I realize how DAVIDs and Teavana just don’t stand up to many of the more expertly blended teas. Like Della Terra’s Carrot Cake actually tastes like Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing and 52 teas made it so I could have pancakes which is insane. I think there will always be teas I love from DAVIDs (not so much Teavana) but I am quickly outgrowing them and realizing there are much better teas out there.


i am grateful for them as starting points…. and the odd bit of novelty. but honestly, if i only like a blend when it’s drowned in cr** that’s no good for me? hmmm, i think i’ll move on thanks. =0) you know, mandala teas have with nothing in them at all? very happily. others i only ever use xylitol. i am legitimately off sugar for a month now. my pants keep falling down, lol. congrats on your steadfastness with jenny!


Congratulations! Pants falling is definitely a good sign – although one of the more embarrassing depending where it happens. For months, I was wearing jeans that looked like I pooped myself for a while due to the excess fabric and when I finally went to buy new ones I realized I actually dropped 4 jean sizes. That was a fun discovery.

And I definitely understand that a tea that requires something added is not really a good tea. For me, I never added anything to DAVIDs teas so if I loved it when I first tried it, I loved the tea itself. Now I am realizing that some of the teas I “loved” were only loved because I didn’t have any other alternatives. Now that I do, I still enjoy some teas but more and more I realize how disappointing their blends are. Although occasionally I do happen to stumble upon a gem so I keep trying.


Over time I’ve lost 65 lbs. I started in the beginning with the flavored tea but soon changed to real flavors from companies who don’t use artificial flavors. Puerh is great for losing weight when you find the ones you like. Some milk and sweetener makes a caramel latte. SteapShoppe has a good cinnamon cake puerh. Love cocoa black tea’s that taste like chocolate and chai in Winter is great.


i know the steap shoppe puerh you’re talking about. i have a canister of it on my counter. very nice!


Someone is sending me a sample of the sTEAp shoppe tea that I am very excited to try. I always read such amazing reviews about it.


by the way Bonnie, 65 pounds is amazing. I am just under 55 lbs and still going strong. I am finally past my 1/2 way point which is definitely exciting.


Fantastic! I’ve gone from a 2X to size 12 (I’m 5’8"). My reason is all about feeling good. The only diet I’ve done has been a month of Bob’s (Biggest Loser) jumpstart to skinny diet. I collect recipes for vegetable dishes that I’m not allergic to through pinterest boards. Today, I made spaghetti squash pizza. (The squash was the crust).


Look for Bonnie Johnstone on pinterest for a few


Awesome! I will definitely do that :) I make vegetable sides to every meal and I am always looking for new and exciting recipes to try.


I need to find that pizza recipe, Bonnie. Is it on your Pinterest? (I’m gluten free, so alternate pizza recipes are ALWAYS tried!)


The recipes all look great. I actually made pizza bits out of cauliflower which was fun and surprisingly tasty.


Oh I found it! It just makes me sad that cheese is used so often as a binding ingredient. I can’t have a lot of dairy, but I think I’ll try it anyways.


Just squeeze out the squash liquid after baking and before mixing with the eggs. I often adapt recipes for my allergies. The binder is eggs, so use a cauliflower puree alfredo sauce or tofu instead of cheese or see what happens when you leave it out.
I love using cauliflower for crusts too.


Thanks, Bonnie. :)

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160 tasting notes

What a day for disappointments!!! Today, I am traveling for a few days to visit my brother in the US. I woke up early and when I got to the airport I found out that my flight had been delayed until 5:50pm!!! My connection got ruined, my short trip just got shorter, and worst of all, I am going to have to stay in a hotel in Miami and get up at 3am to catch a plane…. I am not a happy camper… And I am very annoyed at American Airlines for doing nothing to let me know about an entire days worth of delay… Oh well…

So, I spent the day at work and made some of this tea. I was very excited to try this one. I was hoping that I would love it. I did not. It was a sad experience. A days worth of disappointments…

The dry tea leaves smelled like paint thinner. I was very very confused. The more I sniffed, the more I was sure that it smelled very chemical. I was weary to brew it, but I went ahead and prepared it.

The brewed tea was a nice orange color. The scent, sadly, still strongly resembled paint thinner. My office smelled like it had just been painted. Was this tea really drinkable!?! Would I live through ingesting something resembling paint thinner? Time to find out.

Unsweetened it tasted very chemically with an aftertaste of freshly painted office. Sweetened with Splenda it tasted initially of dough and nuts, but quickly transitioned into paint… I gulped it down hanging on to the doughy flavor, but in the end my mouth was invaded by a chemical paint thinner ghost of a flavor. The scent of paint thinner that persisted in the empty cup was so strong that I had to get up and rinse it out. I simply could not sit and work to that smell… I can’t believe I actually drank the entire cup of this…

I think that this negative review is highly influenced by my terrible mood, but I am sure I will never try this again. If anyone is interested in this tea, I will gladly send it out to you!!!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

:( sorry about your bad day! I was driving down a street today and something smelled like chocolate chip cookies at first and then it turned out to be overwhelmingly PAINT. Can’t say now I ever want to try this tea after seeing a couple people say it smells like it, yikes.


Suddenly I feel better about my day. Hope things are looking up soon. Every tea I have tried with apple in it has that smell to me.


I did not really like this one either…


Sorry to hear about your travel woes… hope things go as smooth as they can from here on out!


I hope you find a better tea to drink in the evening :( Bad tea on a bad day is the worst.


after your misfortune, sounds like you really needed a decent tea to cheer up on…I think this tea is an aberration and should be forever removed from DT’s collection. Yurk, you reminded me how awful it tastes like! I hope you were able to indulge into something that made you feel better :-)


I think you are spot on!


You should’ve checked the reviews on this one before buying… A real bummer.


How long are you in the States?!


@ScottTeaMan- Only until today today! It was too quick and spontaneous of a trip to plan anything or order any tea… But at least I had a good brief vacation!

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470 tasting notes

Sometimes you just need cake. And when you don’t have cake, the next best thing is cake-flavored tea. Tonight, I really really needed a slice of moist, tasty cake smothered in cream cheese frosting… and this was pretty much the next best thing. I used up my whole sample from Krystaleyn on one gigantic steep of carrot-cakey goodness. I even broke out the big Starbucks mug!

The reason I needed cake is that I made the incredibly stupid mistake of watching The Body tonight. I’m re-watching Buffy in order and of course the day my kitty dies I happen to be smack-dab in the middle of season 5. Mourning often requires marathoning some of my favorite shows (it’s therapeutic!), and for some reason I decided not to skip the biggest tear-jerker of the show. My reasoning was “I can’t skip any episodes! It won’t be that bad!” Oh, how stupid I was. Much bawling happened, leading to a desire for cake, which I have to say this tea perfectly filled. It’s got the spiced taste you want, and I can actually taste the carrot—plus it’s an oolong base instead of a rooibos, which most carrot cake teas seem to be (and I hate rooibos). I’m not going to give this an actual rating as right now I think it’s the greatest thing on earth, but I’m not entirely objective at the moment. I think I might pick some up when I visit their store as this is definite “comfort tea.”


Awwww :( I’m glad you liked it and that it worked for what you needed tonight. The reviews for it are terrible, but I didn’t mind it when I tried it myself.


Most people hate this tea (me included) so glad you love it!


Yeah, it has some really bad reviews (and then a couple that are 100—puzzling). I enjoyed it, though there was an odd sour note going on once it cooled down. Definitely have to drink it piping hot.


Oh no, I’m so sorry for the loss of your kitty.

I love carrot cake but the wonky reviews scare me.

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658 tasting notes

I finally got around to making some (wheat- and sugar-free) carrot cake in muffin form with Carrot Cake-infused oil. They were seriously tasty (and seriously filling!). I think the tea helped add extra richness which played nicely with the walnuts I sprinkled in. I’m glad as I didn’t think it would make much difference, and it’s a shame to waste tasty tea.

Ashley Bain

how do you infuse oil with carrot cake o.O


The recipe I use calls for (melted) coconut oil. I just melted the oil down in a small pot on the stove, added the tea, let it simmer for about 5 minutes and then sit for a few more. Then I strained the tea out and added the oil to the batter. Yum! You can do the same with butter or any kind of oil in recipes. The fats carry the flavour better in food than water.

Ashley Bain

Neat! I bet infusing the butter in buttercream frosting with tea would be lovely! I love baking but I’ve never experimented with tea, I’m going to have to start.

Ashley Bain

BTW – love coconut oil! I use it for everything. Even virgin coconut oil for a moisturizer head to toe. Awesome stuff.


You’re right! Miracle product. Healthiest, most stable oil to cook with and also a lifesaver for dry winter skin. I’ve never infused buttercream but that sounds delicious! It’s a good excuse to make some cupcakes, anyway.

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1598 tasting notes

And here’s another one from Janelle!

I like how we can all try the same tea and get different things. For me, the coconut/oolong combination is just screaming butter. Every sip, that’s what I get – warm butter oozing down my throat.

No thanks!
I’ll wait for my second cup before I rate this.

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3008 tasting notes

Most of the David’s teas I’ve tried are dessert-based, and so far, they’re spot on. Grateful again to the tea friend that shared!

I guess it depends on your recipe—this one tastes like cake, for sure, enough carrot to get the intent. But the coconut gives it a tropical loop-de-loop I didn’t expect. My growing-up carrot cakes were more autumnal, spicy.

All the same, it’s a pretty tasty pastry treat. (Try to say that five times fast :) Little milk OK but not necessary.

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