Shae’s “swap” Advent Calendar, December 2 brings …
London Calling by Cup of Té
A black tea blend, and London — that would be probably some kind of Earl Grey, right? But probably not a pure EG, so there will be something extra. Oh yeah… it is. Minty? What? It is bergamot black tea with mint? No, there aren’t any green flakes. Another sniff. It’s still minty, but there is a creamy note beneath.
Haven’t checked the steeping parameters before brewing, as I was quite in a hurry to finish the cup before lecture starts. So, stove-top kettle on the stove, quickly making some picture… water is boiling! Quick photo made (only 3 minutes today to set everything up and make the photo I liked) I changed the lens as well. Used external light source. Photo taken hour later too.
But back to the tea. I get a pretty common black tea base with bergamot, creamy notes and I feel like there is a lavender in. Doesn’t look like at all though. While I wasn’t getting any flaws, I am not happy (nor sad!) as it was quite… mediocre.
Maybe I should make it as a London Fog? Never tried that, but this tea seems like a good idea to try that. Thanks anyway Shae!
Flavors: Bergamot, Creamy, Mint