Tea type
Herbal Tea
Peppermint, Herbaceous, Menthol, Mint, Spicy, Sweet, Bitter, Biting, Earth
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec 2 g 9 oz / 269 ml

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94 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’ve been drinking this one almost exclusively for the last week and a half due to a life-long digestion issue that has become more and more intense and disturbing. Because of this…I have changed...” Read full tasting note
  • “I steeped this for a good long while, and it came out really nice and strong. Very calming on the stomach, and a soothing herbal for the night. I happen to love the menthol feel that peppermint tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Confession first: this isn’t Celestial Seasonings; it’s looseleaf bulk from the local herb & indie grocery, but I’m too lazy to poke through 64 pages of peppermint brands trying to find what...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bizarre. This came in the herbal sampler pack. My friend bought it for when DEV came to sing at our school, but DEV didn’t want it, so she gave it to me instead. I didn’t really know what I wanted...” Read full tasting note

From Celestial Seasonings

“The aromatic Oregon- and Washington-grown peppermint we’ve selected for this tea tastes so fresh and delicious that it requires no accompaniment – it’s the only ingredient here. Once reserved for exclusive use in cakes and candies, the whistling cool freshness of pure peppermint from the great Pacific Northwest is yours to enjoy in this comforting brew."

—Charlie Baden, Celestial Seasonings Blendmaster

Hot Tea by the Cup

Pour freshly boiled water over one tea bag. Steep 4 to 6 minutes and remove tea bag. Sweeten if desired.

Iced Tea by the Glass

Pour 1 cup boiling water over two tea bags in a heat-resistant container. Steep 4 to 6 minutes and remove tea bags. If desired, add sweetener while tea is hot. Add 1 cup cold water and chill.

Iced Tea by the Pitcher

Pour 2 cups boiling water over four tea bags in a heat-resistant container. Steep 4 to 6 minutes and remove tea bags. If desired, add sweetener while tea is hot. Add 2 cups cold water and chill.


About Celestial Seasonings View company

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94 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this one almost exclusively for the last week and a half due to a life-long digestion issue that has become more and more intense and disturbing.

Because of this…I have changed to a HIGH Raw and near vegan diet. Roughly 90% of my food intake has been raw for the last week. I’m thinking this is my new norm. I have laid of the tea for a bit and have just done minty tisanes. BUT…I will be getting back into REAL tea SOON.

As for this one it’s Peppermint and nothing else. I have been drinking this to sooth my stomach and intestines, etc. It seems to be doing the trick. It’s minty and soothing yet cooling and comforting.


I hate to hear your stomaches bothering you that much. It ain’t right not seeing your notes pop up every 20 minutes or so- being nominated Most Teas Drank in a Day and all. Get better dang it!


stomache’s-oops. Unless you have more than one.


I still did it STOMACH’S


I bet you’ve done all the elimination diets like the nightshade family, dairy, etc right? As soon as I took out nightshade…better, then there were a couple more and no more stomach aches/intestinal upsets! I had suffered for years!!!


Oh, the rooibos, honeybush, licorice tea’s upset my intestines in a aweful way!


Feel better soon! We all miss your notes!


Thanks everyone!


TeaEqualsBliss laying off tea? Oh Lord, the Mayans were right! Wellness thoughts already headed your way.


I hope you feel better soon.

John Grebe

When you come back to regular tea if you have any ripe puerh I would recommend to start with that. Traditional Chinese medicine views it as a digestion tea and I can tell you from experience that ripe puerh is much easier on the stomach than any other type of tea that I’ve had.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

When I start getting sick, I always make a gallon of strong peppermint ginger tea, add some honey and refrigerate it, drink the whole thing over the next 24 hours, and repeat as necessary. Herbal healing is awesome!


I have long contended that straight, strong peppermint tea is more effective than any over-the-counter stomach remedy, and goes a loooong way during cold and flu season, too.


Thanks guys! I’m back :)

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187 tasting notes

I steeped this for a good long while, and it came out really nice and strong. Very calming on the stomach, and a soothing herbal for the night. I happen to love the menthol feel that peppermint tea leaves in your mouth!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

It’s a really clean and refreshing taste isn’t it?


I definitely enjoy a good mint. They’re fantastic after a huge meal.


Jilian and takgoti, is loose leaf mint really worth it? Is the flavor all that different from the bagged?


Well it depends, loose-leaf may be fresher, although I’m really not sure. I grow my own mint so I KNOW it’s fresh, but I have no idea how tea companies go about it. I do know that herbs tend to retain their essential oils better if they aren’t broken up until right before they’re used.

My advice would to maybe try some of each, bagged and loose, side-by-side and see if you can taste a difference yourself.


I’ve only had bagged mint…twice? I think that’s about right. One was from Tea Forte and one was from a company I don’t remember. Both of them were a sharper kind of a mint taste. Maybe edging on artificial a little.

That being said, mint is one of those things that I don’t think makes a huge difference from one to the other. For me, it’s more about the blend, and companies that know blend flavors well will likely have better mint tea.

This is just a very long winded-way of saying that you have a lot of choices, because all teas are going to vary from company to company.

If you want to read up on what some people are saying, a few that I can recommend with some authority are:

1. Tavalon’s Serenity. No one else on here seems to have tried it, but I had a sample of it and I rather liked it. The mint was subtle and worked very nicely everything else.

2. Samovar’s Moroccan Mint. This is my favorite mint tea because it’s got a prominent, but softer mint flavor. Sometimes it feels like I’m drinking mint chocolate chip ice cream.

3. Adagio’s Foxtrot. I haven’t tried this one yet, but a few number of people on Steepster swear by it.

Hope that helps?


Definitely helps from both of you. Thanks so much, guys! I can’t help but love the flavor of peppermint tea.

Jillian, fresh mint must be awesome to have! I bet you can make killer mojitos with it.

And tak, thanks for the super list! Tavalon used to have a tea lounge here in NYC; I’m pretty mad that they closed it and haven’t reopened yet, because I’d be able to go down and try this without shipping costs! And you are definitely the Samovar advocate, missy. :P


P.S. gasp Samovar’s shipping is $8.69 to my neck of the woods. That’s pretty steep!


I’ve got a bunch of fresh herbs that I grow and it’s really nice to have fresh ingredients for seasonings and whatnot. Actually, mint if dead-easy to grow if you want to give it a shot yourself. :)

P.S. $8.69 is nothing! Samovar’s shipping fees are something like $20 bucks to ship here in Canada (and they used to be $40!).


@teaplz Hee, Samovar is definitely my tea bff, but I wouldn’t recommend anything I didn’t think was worth recommending! I’ll admit that whenever I put an order through with them I usually go over whatever their free shipping quota is. I don’t think I’ve ever paid shipping from them.

If you’re thinking seriously about ordering from them, the coupon code cozytea will get you 20% off through December 1st. And if you REALLY want, I can send you some samples of some of the tea I have if you want to get a feel for looseleaf before you take the plunge. No pressure, I just know how intimidating it can be!

@Jillian I kill plants. It’s what I do. And hey, at least $20ish is a start! I think that’s pretty standard to ship out of/into here. I blame customs.


Okay, Jillian, your shipping cost woes beat the pants off of mine. :( That stinks!

takgoti, I cannot let you send me samples of your tea, because I’d have absolutely nothing to send back to you at the moment. It’d be tea giveaway, not tea swap! :( I might have to pass on Samovar for now and focus on cheaper loose leaf.


Hee, I made the offer knowing you probably wouldn’t. It’s really not an issue for me to send you a little bit of what I got, but I don’t want to guilt you in to anything. I’ve gotten started on many things because of the generosity of others to share what they had, and I really don’t mind paying it forward. If you’re game, take a look at my cupboard and see if anything interests you. If not, no worries!


@Takgoti, Yeah it IS better than fourty-friggin’ dollars but the fact is that I don’t see why they have to charge that much just to essentially go through customs. Shipping rates from other American tea companies like Harney and Sons and Adagio are quite reasonable. Not to mention that if companies in China (ie. Tea Spring) can ship their teas to ANYWHERE in the world for a flat rate of 5 or 6 bucks, then why the Hell are these few companies gouging international customers so badly?
/end rant


@Jillian I dunno, but I know that if I look up how much it would be to ship a 1 lb box from here to Canada it’s at or around $20 depending on size. I’m guessing that it all has to do with what they can work out with their shipping company/ies. I have zippy insight on the internal mechanics of how companies work that kind of stuff.

teaplz Also, I should add that my email's heather.takgotigmail.com if you want to reach me there.


Jillian, Golden Moon (http://www.goldenmoontea.com/Shipping_W304.cfm/) has shipping to Canada that’s $5 a pound. I’m getting their sampler set in the mail, and I just figured I’d tell you that that seems fairly reasonable a price.

takgoti, awesome! I’ll be e-mailing you soon, then! How much does it usually cost to package up/ship tea? I’ve been curious about this.


@Jillian herbals are always best home grown IMO as well. Definitely can’t beat the price, especially for an organic version:) While I don’t drink herbals solo, I REALLY want to get into planting herbs and edible flowers to blend w/ my store bought teas. Kind of like baking a cake yourself- you get even more satisfaction out of it when it comes time to eat (or in this case) drink it. I wish I could grow the tea myself too… :(


@teaplz I use boxes that I have lying around and other whatnot, so all I pay for is the shipping. Usually it’s somewhere around $7 domestic.


Sounds good teaplz nice review I do enjoy mint teas.

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3011 tasting notes

Confession first: this isn’t Celestial Seasonings; it’s looseleaf bulk from the local herb & indie grocery, but I’m too lazy to poke through 64 pages of peppermint brands trying to find what fits.


Stomach bug keeping me at home today. Much improved since 2 a.m. but need to be near the, uh, proper facilities.

But I can be under the weather just as easily sitting outside in cool sunshine as I can indoors.

Anyway, plain peppermint leaves—first thing I grabbed when I felt like I could ingest anything. Can’t beat it for tummy uglies, clogged sinuses, or other assorted miz’ries. Will contend further that there is no need to pay for anything upscale or brand name. Plain ol’ Cheapster Steepster peppermint leaves, steeped strong—-keep some in your medicine cabinet. Cold and flu season coming.




HAHAHA! For those of us who’ve been in the Peppermint room at Celestial Seasonings…it knocks you out anyway…the mint is soooo strong…you lose your senses.

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323 tasting notes


This came in the herbal sampler pack. My friend bought it for when DEV came to sing at our school, but DEV didn’t want it, so she gave it to me instead.

I didn’t really know what I wanted for tea, but I picked up this box, and there was a peppermint.

It doesn’t really taste like peppermint, though. It’s minty, but at the same time there’s a weird taste to it. It’s like it tastes like there’s tarragon and licorice in there as well. Maybe it’s not good quality peppermint? I never have this problem with Harney.

Oh well.

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814 tasting notes

drank this last night.
not exciting but not awful! so, yay.
the weather cooling off a bit in the evenings is really making herbal tea drinking much more desirable. i suspect my sister and i are really gonna tear through my stash. which is good because it’s true i need to get it a bit more under control before i can shop again.

i’ve learned a lot about what i like and don’t like in my teas. or basically, drinking all this tea has helped me to know what my preferences are. so i’m looking forward to rebuilding my tea stash once i have the space.

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244 tasting notes

I gave this box to Mum, who likes mint tea. I don’t, really, but kept two bags for myself: one to try hot, and one to try cold. If I loved mint tea, I would probably like this quite a lot. It’s a simple, straight-forward thing, with a soothing, pleasant flavour. I took a few sips and then dropped in an orange Airborne tablet, since I’m still feeling crummy. The resulting orangey, minty brew tasted better than “meh” but not as good as “num.” The important thing is, though, that it made me feel like I was giving those cooties a paddlin’.

Tea amount: 1 bag
Water amount: 6oz/~175mL

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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158 tasting notes

I’m still alive :) Busy times.
I’ve been getting hooked back on coffee since we haven’t had money to order tea online and there’s no good tea available to buy where I live.
Bought a box of this since I ran out of my organic peppermint from David’s. And it’s not too bad. Always got to have some peppermint around for digestive issues. I used to buy Twinings when I had to buy boxed, but sometimes it tastes so gross..very inconsistent. I’m going to call them about it.
Hope everyone’s doing well and enjoying a safe Halloween weekend. :)

180 °F / 82 °C 8 min or more

Happy Halloween!

Daisy Chubb

I miss you! Happy Halloween!!

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97 tasting notes

I am prone to migraine headaches. Very bad ones. My vision goes and I can barely move. I’ve been searching for a natural remedy for years because stuffing myself full of aspirin and sleeping it off just wasn’t working. A friend suggested trying peppermint tea. I don’t know why and she didn’t either. But it works. A couple of sips of this tea and my migraine was gone.

Even without the migraine eradicating properties—for which I am eternally grateful—-this was a lovely cup of tea. Flavorful and simple yet tasty. It was also quite strong with the mint which I really appreciated. I didn’t add any sweetener this time around but a pinch of rock sugar or honey would be lovely.

I did oversteep this by quite a bit because I needed it to be super strong but normally I’d steep it for 4 or 5 minutes.

Boiling 8 min or more

Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Feverfew are also said to help. I hope you can lick those headaches for good! They are no fun…


I shall have to try a blend of peppermint, tulsi and Feverfew next time.

Thanks. I hope I do too. They’re just such a pain. Literally :)

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67 tasting notes

I think the mint here is quite strong and extremely refreshing.A pleasure for those who adore peppermint a lot .The scent somehow reminds me of fine peppermint essential oil——a little piquant/sharp 、green&cooling,while the taste tend to be rounded 、sweet and soothing.I prefer it as the pick-me-up to start my day.

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189 tasting notes

Aroma when Dry: frosty sweet, crisp minty desserty
After water is first poured: sweet, spicy, powdery
At end of steep: delicate minty, crisp, slightly sweet
Tea liquor:
At beginning of steep: med minty green
At end of steep: brownish green
Staple? yes
Time of day preferred: any
At first: light mint, mild, crisp, sweet, slight bite closes
As it cools? mint crisps up a bit, bite lingers longer, distinct from the cooling closing notes
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Crisp clear, peppermint,cooling closing notes, mild bite
Lovely chilled

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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