Nearly Nirvana

Tea type
Green White Blend
Not available
Jasmine, Sweet, Astringent, Clay, Cut Grass, Floral, Mineral, Orange Blossom, Perfume, Spearmint, Mint, Vegetal, Flowers, Dry Grass, Hay, Apricot, Oats, Smoke, Smooth, Creamy, Grass, Thick, Airy, Cooling, Fresh, Honey, Light, Nectar, Clean, Green, Soft, Honeysuckle
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 g 12 oz / 352 ml

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From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Luxury white silver needle tea with heavenly jasmine & spiritual spearmint to help you reach nirvana. Zen Buddhism & tea have a long entwined history. Tea is said to embody the 4 Buddhist principles & Japanese monks brew a cuppa prior to meditation to stay alert & focused!

Ingredients: Chinese Green Tea, Jasmine Silver Needle White Tea, Spearmint, Jasmine Blossom, Orange Blossom

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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36 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

Dear Nearly Nirvana,

Thank you for staying true to your keeping grumbling tummies happy description. It is actually working. These jerks working on a condo across the NARROW road from my boyfriend’s garage are parked so much in the way that we cannot get his car out.

They are still here and they want to continuously argue with him. I might not have the lack of anger a monk does but hey, I’m surviving it being 2:15 now and I haven’t had lunch yet.

This was one of my samples from Bluebird, and it sounded like something I’d like so I had it. It was refreshing, the combination of citrus, mint, and jasmine really can do that. It would probably make a good iced tea too but I finished it off before it even got cold.

It was really relaxing too, I know I got more than enough sleep last night because I was bored enough to go to bed before 12:30am, and it still made me kind of sleepy when I had it.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1379 tasting notes

Part of my monthly club package.

This blend is so beautiful in appearance, very natural and pure. It has a strong spearmint aroma which is both fresh and very cooling but also sort of creamy and sweet.

Flavour wise it’s very thickly spearmint with some sweetness and floral tones. The floral tones are rather recognisable as being jasmine particularly in the after taste. It sounds like a bizarre combination (jasmine and spearmint) but they actually work very well together.

As it cools the blend becomes creamier and less sweet and thick. I can actually feel myself relaxing whilst sipping. :)

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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3294 tasting notes

This was actually ok.
Until I accidentally knocked my cup over, spilling tea all over the place


ARRGH! Spilled tea is the WORST! (And far more worth crying over than spilled milk!)

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73 tasting notes

Another quick note, as I didn’t want to leave my only Bluebird Tea Co tasting note the not-very positive one on Vicky’s Sponge Cake, after I’ve enjoyed some of the other teas I got from them. This is probably my favourite, as I’ve not had the jasmine & spearmint combo before in a green/white, and it’s a real winner. I may have been a bit over-cautious with water temp, as it was definitely below 80, and the smell is stronger than the taste, but it’s such an utterly wonderful smell that I’m not complaining. Nice blend of white (which I’d guess to be a white peony?) and green tea for the base, and overall balanced and delicate blend.

I didn’t want to edit the tea info (which is the same as the website) as I’m not positive about this, but the ingredients on the package say orange flowers, not orange, and I’m definitely not getting any orange taste. There are lots of beautiful flowers in with the tea & spearmint leaves, though I didn’t have time (or probably, knowledge!) to spread them out and decide what type they were.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Mike Turner

Ach thanks for pointing that out it should definitely say ORANGE BLOSSOMS! Whoops will get this updated asap!


Orange blossom is totally not orange and taste/smell is nothing related. That is a pet peeve of mine indeed.


Yup, totally different. (And orange blossom aroma is fantastic – we got the real thing in Tucson!) It was only a typo-type (?) mistake that the “blossoms” got left off in the website description, which was copied here. It was right on the tea though!


And no problem, Mike. It’s a lovely tea and orange would be all wrong! :)


Orange and lemon blossom is indeed fantastisc – it was in season a couple weeks ago. Orange blossom season in April, coinciding a bit with jasmine season (one jasmine plant can perfume a whole street) and then wisteria. Then the scents end, though jacaranda tree season (unscented but fantastical) is coming any moment now.

But even better than orange blossom, IMO, it´s the loquat trees blossom. They bloom November-ish and scent is a bit weaker, though not really weak. It´s even better than orange blossom, not as sweet but sweet, different and at a time of the year you need all the cheering up possible. Loquat blossom rules.


Oh wow, Teresa, I remember you talking about the the loquat blossoms before, and it sounded amazing then AND now. Fruit doesn’t grow in the UK (as I’ve just discovered) but the trees are grown as ornamentals, so they should flower. I think! I now must smell these flowers!,


The trick about loquat blossom is that They bloom even you do not expect anytthing else to be in bloom, it can take some looking around to figure what can possibly be smelling so sweet – here it is on late november. Not sure they do in the British islands at the same time ( but over there you can grow tulips and peonies which I can not ….)

I forgot one tree – soon lime or lindens will be blossom, those are also I incredibly fragrant and so many people go not notice the real origin of that scent.

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836 tasting notes

1 tablespoon for 248 ml

Great flavour combination. The spearmint is the predominant flavour which balances well with the jasmine. The white tea gives the slightest pleasant astringent edge.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2238 tasting notes


I still think spearmint and jasmine is an odd combination, which is probably what’s stopped me revisiting this blend before. This bag came as a sample with my last Bluebird order, though, so I figured I’d give it a go since it’s been literally placed in front of me.

There’s more jasmine here than I remember there being, to the extent that I can’t really taste the spearmint at all. You can find it in the aftertaste a little, and it adds a background sweetness, but in truth it’s barely discernible.

Which leaves jasmine. It’s floral and perfumey, as you might expect. It’s interesting to try it on a white/green base, rather than just a green base as is more usual, but it’s still not something I’d enjoy drinking every day. It’s not even overpowering, as jasmine goes, just…not for me.

Glad to have had the chance to try it again, though, because you never know!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp

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1733 tasting notes

This one worked for me better than expected. Nice with honey to bring the mint and jasmine together. Even without honey, this tea actually did not clash in the way I thought it would. Will have to write more notes on it.

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9 tasting notes

I got this tea as a sample in my last order. It is a sweet, gentle blend of white tea, jasmine and spearmint. The mint is a subtle flavour, not really a strong one – it adds a sweetness to the blend that it took me a moment to place. Delicious, light and definitely a tea I’d purchase in the future!

Flavors: Jasmine, Sweet


I love this one (:

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1654 tasting notes


What is that, like wintergreen or something? Yeah. No, it’s a mint. Huh, it’s peppermint. It’s got some kinda root in it. Maybe. It’s mellow, it’s very mellow. Does it have spearmint and peppermint? It’s like a linden or chamomile. burp Marigold. No. hahaha But it’s tasty, it’s not too bad. It’s at least a 7.5. Geran- no. Chrysanthemum. Is that it, the chrysanthemum? It tastes kinda soapy, the fragrance of soap, that must be lavender. That’s what it is.


hahahaha I’d say a solid 7.5. Huh, soap. Are you sure it’s not rose or something?


Arby nailed this one for me, even down to the undertone of pottery: I do get orange blossom. It’s pleasant and light, though rather perfumey.

Flavors: Astringent, Clay, Cut Grass, Floral, Jasmine, Mineral, Orange Blossom, Perfume, Spearmint

Cameron B.

“It’s got some kinda root in it” ba ha ha!


heh, she’s a nut

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2602 tasting notes

The flavor is mostly jasmine with a little mint in the background. It has a really clean, clear flavor. Not the sort of thing I often drink, but I thought it was a really great example of its category. High quality for sure.

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