Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Black Tea, Flavor, Lapsang Souchong, Yunnan Black Tea
Burnt Sugar, Butter, Toffee, Campfire, Smoke, Caramel, Malt, Pine, Resin, Vanilla, Whiskey, Cherry, Brown Sugar, Molasses, Sweet, Tobacco, Wood
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 oz / 305 ml

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35 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Another from my December haul at August Uncommon, and I’m feeling like the outlook is kind of bleak. While this was a lot better than the Low Country, it’s another one that’s just too artificial....” Read full tasting note
  • “I know I’m not a lapsang fan, but I bought this anyway since I was ordering all the flavors I hadn’t tried yet. Yep, as usual, the lapsang isn’t even that strong, but it’s too strong for me. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had some expiring AU rewards points to use up, so I ordered a few sample-sized bags of some blends I hadn’t yet tried. I’ve seen this one compared favorably to Low Country, which I enjoy, so I...” Read full tasting note
  • “SMOKE!!! Caramel, and vanilla. I seem to fall into the group that loves this tea. I find the smoke to be pretty front heavy and undeniable; I think it runs the risk of dominating the sweet dessert...” Read full tasting note

From August Uncommon Tea

Elegant black tea with burnt toffee notes

This is a potent blend of black teas with burnt toffee notes. It’s a powerful breakfast tea for those who enjoy smoky sweetness. Try it with milk to get a fantastic crème brûlée flavor. Ice it for an intense twist on classic iced tea.

INGREDIENTS: yunnan black tea, assam black tea, lapsang souchong black tea, flavoring

TASTES LIKE burnt sugar, walnut, mahogany
FEELS LIKE: belle époque train travel


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35 Tasting Notes

19 tasting notes

Another from my December haul at August Uncommon, and I’m feeling like the outlook is kind of bleak.

While this was a lot better than the Low Country, it’s another one that’s just too artificial. Even sweeter than Low Country, the advertised toffee flavor is there, but backed with a heavy cream / butter note that just doesn’t make sense.

It “makes sense” in the context of knowing that it’s been flavored, but otherwise, there’s nothing you’re scooping in that should normally have that flavor. So, I’m finding that to be a bit off-putting. And I know that’s weird, because I don’t have the same hangup with flavored coffee, but here we are.

Like Low Country, Golden Arrow hangs its hat on flavoring, without the underlying tea having a whole lot to offer. I guess it’s what you give someone who doesn’t like tea, when all you have is water and tea.

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Butter, Toffee

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 15 OZ / 443 ML

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2605 tasting notes

I know I’m not a lapsang fan, but I bought this anyway since I was ordering all the flavors I hadn’t tried yet. Yep, as usual, the lapsang isn’t even that strong, but it’s too strong for me. I don’t really taste any desserty flavors or anything else. It’s just that flavor that’s a bit too smoky for me, even with milk added in. I shared this cup with someone else who didn’t love it either. I left it in the fridge for two days, and now, actually I do taste something like burnt toffee. It’s sweet and nice but a bit too overshadowed by smoke.

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397 tasting notes

I had some expiring AU rewards points to use up, so I ordered a few sample-sized bags of some blends I hadn’t yet tried. I’ve seen this one compared favorably to Low Country, which I enjoy, so I was excited to give it a shot. It’s definitely got a similar flavor profile, but whereas the smokiness tends to get lost in Low Country, it’s really front and center in Golden Arrow. The blend has a really lovely scent of buttery toffee with a bit of smokiness, and it’s carrying through in the flavor. The first sip was very heavy on the campfire smoke, but as it’s cooled, I’m getting more sweet, caramelly notes. It’s flavorful without being overpowering. It could maaaybe have more buttery notes to evoke toffee a bit more strongly, but that’s nitpicking.

I really like this one. I prefer it to Low Country (which sometimes veers toward the cloying) and would definitely consider restocking in a larger size.

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Campfire, Smoke, Toffee

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1445 tasting notes

SMOKE!!! Caramel, and vanilla. I seem to fall into the group that loves this tea.

I find the smoke to be pretty front heavy and undeniable; I think it runs the risk of dominating the sweet dessert notes and ruining the blend if you’re lapsang souchong opposed. I like my campfire smoke tea though and think the addition of caramel and vanilla notes makes it even more drinkable. For those who want a tad less smoke but like the burnt sugar and vanilla – Low Country is similar but boozier and without the caramel toffee (I personally prefer the GA here).

Taken with oat milk. This tea can handle the thickness, and the grains emphasize sweet smoked malt goodness. Underleafing and a milk also helps minimize the smoke.

Steep Count: 2

I’m all out now, but If I order from AUT again this will be in the cart. EDIT I should also add that my mom, who hates Lapsang Souchong and loves to threaten to throw it out, found this to be pretty delicious.

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Malt, Pine, Resin, Smoke, Toffee, Vanilla, Whiskey

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

oh man, I always think of a smoky vanilla tea. Tried to mix two teas yesterday, just to try for a cup of smoky vanilla (didn’t work.)

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311 tasting notes

My third of the samples, and the one I enjoyed the most. Two other two are reviewed on notes on my phone, will have them up soon (it’s charging). I havent’ been that impressed so far with the samples, but I have a lot to try fortunately. This one is delicious!! Sweep and reminds me of maple syrup, sweet luxury, warmth, and pleasant nights. I added in two sugar cubes to really heighten the sweetness. It’s pleasant and not at all bitter. Brewed 4 minutes at boiling. Will be a keeper and a re-order.

Not getting any smoke in this first brew, though.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1013 tasting notes

Samurai TTB #4

Michelle kindly included this one in the TTB at my request and I’m so glad she did! I’ve really enjoyed some of the other August Uncommon teas I’ve tried in the past and have recently been really enjoying more smoked teas, so this sounded right up my alley. And sure enough…I love it! It’s so rich and nuanced with the perfect blend of sweet and smoky flavors. This is one I’ll definitely be ordering for myself in the future!

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Smoke, Toffee, Vanilla

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Phew. After reading your previous four notes, I was hoping you’d come into a delicious tea!

Lexie Aleah

I love this one too!


Haha, thanks, Courtney! Now that I’ve had time to sort through and pull out teas I really want to try, I think it will be better. I was kinda just grabbing off the top the first day!

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275 tasting notes

Wow, its been almost a year since I first reviewed Golden Arrow and I still have the same packet in my desk drawer. I was a little nervous about its age. It hasn’t been touched since maybe January, but the pack has been sealed and its been living in my desk drawer the whole time.

I am so unbelievably ready for fall. Colder temps, rain (rain, rain, I love rain), longer nights. We’re still not quite there weather wise, but I just needed something to help me feel a fall mood.

As I opened the pack, I noted that the smoke scent seemed stronger than I remembered and the flavoring less so. I’m not completely surprised. The smoke seems to stand out more in the flavor then I remembered as well. I don’t know if this is just due to the age or if its just my perception. Its still enjoyable, just not as balanced as it seemed before.

Because I am not much of a smoke fan, I don’t see myself drinking this very often. if I buy it again, it will likely be in the sample packs so it doesn’t have to sit around too long as before.

But the smoke did make me think of fall evenings and a nice fire. Just me and my cup and nothing else.

Lexie Aleah

I found the same thing happened to my tin of this one. The flavor seemed to have changed a bit.

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6444 tasting notes

I put off drinking this for so long since it’s never really well received. However, as one of the oldest teas in my stash, I figured I should at least try it. I was surprised that the first sip actually had the burnt toffee flavor August Uncommon promises. The next mouthful was just lapsang and one that was sort of metallic. It seems the key is small sips. It’s fine but not something I really care for.

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1968 tasting notes

Smoke, burnt caramel, delicious. Almost out and very sad about it. Definitely need to restock eventually.

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492 tasting notes

This tea brewed up rather weak the first time I drank it, so this time used double the leaf and it had a lot more taste. The tea can be steeped for 5+ minutes without getting bitter, but I’m not sure steeping longer makes for a better cup. There is definite smokyness here, not sure about the Assam or Yunnan. Sweet, burnt brown sugar lies under the smoky Lapsang Souchong; it reminds me of the top coating on a creme brulee or the sauce in bananas foster. While the caramel taste is interesting, it really doesn’t add much to the tea overall. I wanted to like this tea as it sounds yummy, but even adding honey to the second steeping didn’t change my opinion here. I won’t be drinking this again.

Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Smoke

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