14 Tasting Notes
i just pulled this out of the tea stash that i had just like everyone else it was a free bag from R of T catalog and i didn’t like it at all! i will never get it i don’t know if it was the rooibos , the pomegranate , or me being pregnant but it so didn’t taste good at all i was hoping it was too since i only have a few that are caffeine free or really low on the caffeine range of tea well i think i would like to figure out what i didn’t like unfortunately i don’t know i have never had rooibos tea before so who know :S
this tea was good the first time it’s not setting well with me at all i don’t know why it tastes like licorice and i just can not stand that taste. I’ll try it another time to see if the staste changes any when i think i can stand the taste again
because of the research of the herb that is in this tea i have decided to use this tea as a easy way to get the nutrition for my pregnancy
p.s. thank you Susan Weed for all your knowledge on women heath and teas I am going to open my mind to the experience and try not to connect it to anything to avoid attaching the taste to any thing else. so I’m not minding the smell though one sec and i tell you if i like the taste :)…. actually hot i don’t mind it at all i was trying at all odds no to hate the taste i can’t really explain how it tastes but nothing like it smells. i could summon it all up to being pregnant but I’m betting it’s just all how you go in .. if u have an open mind and know why you’re drinking it i guess it’s not as bad. I defendanty like it compared to some of the other herbal tastes I have endured in the past lol i will be keeping this in my cupboard and using it regularlyPreparation
Good Morning everyone:) OK this is my first time making this so I am going the the directions exactly. I have never had the pearls and i wanted to try them before i go crazy ordering stuff online. The pearls were small i don’t know why i was expecting them to be a little bigger.20 pearls in the bag. I boiled the water to a boil and let cool to 180 deg. and let steep for 2mins. wow from the first time I open the package the air is fills with jasmine it’s smell so floral but so wonderful. after steeping. I see that the pearls have expanded to fill the room of the bag. I allow it to cool down to a temp. that I can drink it XD I can’t wait to take that first sip. And the first sip is wonderful! but i don’t have much to compare it too. I did notice i keep putting the glass closer to my nose so i can sniff the aroma.
side notes: no sugar or milk needed
I would like to try more pearls (just for kicks)
I will be finding a loose leaf version for me to try next(local)
I agree with steep time and temp was good.
this tea saved me it was relaxing to me when I was pregnant. and i still have it in my cupboard to enjoy once and a while i haven’t had many of the yogi teas but they seem to be enjoyable to me. once i have a cup i will tell you more of what i taste in it.. TBC
this was my first loose leaf tea. I am very surprised to see it on here i didn’t know it still existed! when i would go to a friends house she would have coffee and she had this in her tea selection. i noticed i liked putting more of it in there and i couldn’t get enough. but it’s what started me my journey. I’m sure it’s not the best jasmine tea out there but it’s notes of jasmine are light and enjoyable for a person that doesn’t know any better at the moment. i did not have to use any sweetener or milk and i would like to try steeping it longer to see if that would help. until next time i try it
lol thanks and no i didn’t use any milks in it or sugars for that matter I’m sorry for the mix up but yes i agree i can dream of dulling the taste of the jasmine with a cream of any sort
yes I agree this is one of my (when I’m sick teas) it’s much easier to do this then trying to make your own when sick. the notes of ginger are stronger the longer you steep and i did add a lemon slice to make the lemon stronger. I guess i made it stronger that way but oh well.XD and when i’m sick i make my water a little hotter for some odd reason.
I’m not big on chamomile at all. but I tried this thinking that it would help me on my journey to become closer to liking Chamomile. The sweetness of H.V. Chamomile did add more flavor and did appeal to my taste buds and help with that grassy taste at the end of the first chamomile i had tasted in the past of tasting regular chamomile. yes i did buy the herbal tea sampler also. Over all I think this is good for night tea for relaxing.
side notes
yes this is a bag tea but i think i don’t mind it this way actually. I didn’t use any sugar or milk when tasting this but usually don’t add any so i don’t even think about saying this part but reading others tasting blogs. I will add this to make it more complete