Chocolate Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Black Tea, Cinnamon Bark, Cocoa Nibs, Ginger Root, Natural Chocolate Flavor, Natural Cinnamon Flavor
Chocolate, Cinnamon, Ginger, Creamy, Smooth, Sweet, Cardamom, Clove, Cocoa, Cloves, Whiskey, Sugar, Spices, Sweet Potatoes
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 3 g 13 oz / 374 ml

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From Adagio Teas

While the greatest chocolates may come from Switzerland, the best chocolate tea undoubtedly comes from Adagio. And we guarantee that you won’t choose to remain neutral. This decadent treat infuses the flavor of rich chocolate with the bright, full taste of Ceylon black tea. A rich sugar-free treat, delectable both hot and cold.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

84 Tasting Notes

243 tasting notes

Today being the cold and long day that it was, I was starting to get comfortable under some blankets watching TV while starting to fall asleep. It being barely 8pm, I decided that couldn’t happen. I brewed up some of my dirty chocolate chai with a slight twist: bring water to boil in a pot, add 1/2 tsp rock sugar, dissolve, add 2 tsps chocolate chai, let boil 3 minutes, lower temperature, add 1 tsp instant coffee (I know, I apologize, but desperate times call for desperate coffee), let cook one minute, add milk to taste, let warm through (about 20 seconds), strain and enjoy.

Blasphemous? Possibly. Delicious? Definitely. Best of all, I am wide awake and warm to the bone. Enjoy!

5 min, 0 sec

Freakin love this! Not blasphemous at all! But even better things are coming for you in the chai department- you ain’t drank nothin’ yet! TEAhe;)


i am so excited for that chocolate chai, i feel i can deplete this stash now, haha :)


I think this one is good for a regular chai, not feeling the chocolate so much though.


I picked up the chocolate chai sample recently but I haven’t tried it yet…this is a good reminder to make a point to do that! Maybe tomorrow…


the chocolate in the adagio chocolate chai is VERY mild, there is only a slight chocolatey/malty aftertaste of chocolate, i would call it more chai with a little chocolate, but that’s probably too long of a name.

Robert Godden

This is some sort of telepathy given the conversation I was having with Cofftea a few hours ago.
I will be adding some chocolate to my chai tonight to see what happens. Oh and its about 100 degrees F hotter here


chocolate and chai are universally wonderful, so everyone who has had them together always talks about them :). and it’s that hot out, wow, enjoy the chai, i probably couldn’t enjoy it as much if it was so hot…


Cinoi, when it’s hot steep the chai in 1/3 cup water, cool, and freeze. Once frozen, add 2/3 cup milk to a blender w/ the chai ice, and blend. Top w/ whipped cream? You can also add ice cream, but if you do I suggest making the chai ice 2x strength or the ice cream will dilute the chai flavor:)


@cofftea—That sounds wonderful!


@cofftea, definitely going to have to try this, should I aim to use plain chai or will the chocolate chai work?


Oh definitely use Mayan Chocolate Chai- it has me spoiled. That’s the only black based chai I’ll be drinking from now on:)

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2037 tasting notes

This is the fourth of six in the Adagio chai sampler. I made this on the stovetop with 1% milk, Splenda and the SpecialTeas Cream with Cocoa Pieces as the extra black tea.

I think using the SpecialTeas was the right choice, as this came out incredibly chocolaty and reading the notes here, one of the biggest complaints about this is that it isn’t chocolaty enough. It has been my practice in the past to add chocolate flavored black tea to chocolate chai for an extra flavor boost so I kept it up here.

The result is that my BF and no. 2 exclaimed that the entire house smells like chocolate. ;-)

Chocolate is indeed the dominant flavor, as it should be in my view given the name of this chai. I also get some spice against the chocolate, mostly ginger, but the cardamom, clove and cinnamon flavors as a blend are also there in the flavor.

It has been so long since I had any other chocolate chai (except at Starbucks) that I can’t remember them well enough to compare this to them, but it’s at least as good a representative of its genre as the Adagio masala chai is of its, so I’m rating it the same.


Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cloves

Boiling 8 min or more

Adding choc tea is a good idea. I will keep that in mind


I’ve had great success getting a good chocolate flavor with this and other chocolate chais using that method.

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27 tasting notes

Big thanks to the lovely Darby for this – since Adagio’s international shipping costs are ludicrous, a swap was the only way for me to try their stuff.
I seem to be in the minority, but I really like this, and this is surprising for me seeing as I don’t like chocolate.

You would NOT believe the kind of abuse I get for saying that I don’t like chocolate. Good lord. ‘Oh my god that can’t be true/you’re lying/How is that possible?/Do you mean, ever?/That’s because you haven’t tried the RIGHT one yet!/Are you sure/You’ll change your mind/More for me!/I’m not speaking to you again/We can’t be friends anymore/So, what do you eat then?/But, do you go out and stuff?/Oh my god do you watch TV?

I wish I were joking. I don’t like chocolate. Do you like oysters? I could live on them. There’s no accounting for taste. Now leave me alone.

This is great because the chocolate is really there to smell more so than to taste. It makes the chai a little bit more bitter than what I’m used to but it’s not a bad thing at all. The base isn’t the strongest and frankly isn’t spicy at all, it’s a mellow chai with just a hint of a woody feel because of the chocolate. I’m really enjoying my cup.


You’re very welcome!


there are a lot of people who aren’t very fond of chocolate and even don’t like chocolate at all. I was very reticent to the idea of tea flavored with chocolate and I just had one this week end and I should admit it was nice. But I don’t recommend it to you because it was really a pure chocolate taste.

Ruby Woo Scarlett

I saw your review of the chocolate tea you tried, Ysaurella and it definitely would be too much for me. If you ever find a chocolatea that has a top flavour that’s something else, I should really like to try it. In tea in small doses it seems to me it just sweetens the base and I enjoy that.


I get the same sort of thing when I tell people I know for certain sure that I don’t want to have children, not now, not ever. “You’ll change your mind!” No. I will not. Trust me.

I went to school with a girl who didn’t like ice cream. I believe she was met with much the same comments as you get.

Ruby Woo Scarlett

I’m childfree by choice too and get the same comments as you. It’s baffling that people ask me if I’m sure or promise me that I’ll change my mind when they wouldn’t say the same thing to someone who told them they did want children. I mean surely the decision that you need to be absolutely sure of and that has the most consequences on the world and yourself is having kids, not not having any. Sigh.


I agree. It’s like it’s not a valid choice and people just can’t seem to accept that some people just don’t like children. I don’t even want to babysit if I can help it. I don’t understand how some people can bring themselves to have children just because it ‘seemed the thing to do.’

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15620 tasting notes

sipdown thanks for sharing this with me terri! the last little bit of your tea. Sadly i don’t get much in the way of chocolate from this but it’s not a bad little chai.

Terri HarpLady

I didn’t really dig that one too much, but my son Leif loved it!
Glad you enjoyed it :)

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1629 tasting notes

I finished my tin of Chocolate Chai today. I’m on this decupboarding business too! I am going to finally try A&D’s DFTs. Anyhow, this one was nice and creamy since I added some milk and agave to it. The chocolate was nice. Good Morning!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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735 tasting notes

I got this in a sampler set from Kaliskaa for my birthday! I’ve been curious about it for years, since Adagio first released their line of chai. However, their Thai Chai and Spiced Apple Chai drew me away until now.

In my sample, I made this both as hot and iced, since I’m still on a bit of an iced chai kick. As an iced chai, it was nice first thing in the morning. It’s like the chai equivalent of a mocha, except spicier.

The cinnamon and ginger come forward strongly against the chocolate. The actual chocolate flavor is much more present in the dry leaf’s scent than the actual tea. In the tea, it’s not entirely recognizable since there’s so much else going on. It tastes more like a gingerbread man that was left in the oven too long. Still, I really enjoy it. It’s not my favorite chai, but it’s still nice.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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3294 tasting notes

A little something to savor in my Bubble Bath this morning.
Don’t tell Ms. Theresa…

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236 tasting notes

It’s an average chai, nothing special. I prefer the chais from Upton Teas.

One problem I’ve had with all of Adagio’s flavored teas has been that I get a splitting headache after drinking them. I didn’t want to blame the tea, but so far this has happened every single time I’ve tried an Adagio flavored tea and not at all with their non-flavored teas. (It also hasn’t happened with the Golden Moon or Upton Teas flavored blends.) I tried a number of them on my Chicago trip but didn’t log them because I didn’t want to be unfair to the tea. However it seems that I am probably sensitive to the base they use for their flavors. So, I will not be trying any other flavored teas from Adagio.


Wow, what a bummer. I wonder what it is that they put in there? Perhaps you could write and ask them just for informative purposes?


I probably could ask them but I don’t know that they would know the answer. Typically flavors are alchemy. They’re deep, dark secrets cooked up in flavor labs which do not need to reveal this information and typically don’t.

I’ve been a vegetarian for about 35 years and have learned over time what is likely possible to learn and what is likely not possible. Flavors are typically not possible to find out much about (but they’re usually not made with animal ingredients, either).


I kind of figured they might not… Oh well. As much as I like tea, I don’t know that there are any for which I would be willing to withstand a headache. Maybe I’m a wuss. Or maybe headaches just suck a big one.


Wow, that’s not fun at all! I wonder what they have in them that gives you a headache… too bad there’s no real way to find out.


I’ve never heard of anything like that! But its good to know. That’s what happens to me when I have anything caffeinated. I’ve always assumed the flavored teas are based on plain black tea so I’ve never tried them.


@pinkShaya: The flavored teas are based on plain black tea. It actually looks like a CTC Ceylon tea. The flavoring is added to that. So if you get headaches from caffeine, you’ll definitely get headaches from the caffeinated versions of the flavored teas. You might be able to tolerate the decaf versions, though.


@pinkShaya Disclaimer: I’ve never tried this myself, so if you WANT to test the waters you might want to do it on a day when you’ve got nothing important to do and medication or whatever you use handy. However, I’ve heard from a couple of different sources that if you steep a black tea for around 45 seconds and then toss that out it gets rid of a pretty big portion of the caffeine. I also found this as well, and they explain it in a little more detail:

Might be helpful?


@takgoti: Just found this info on Facts and Myths about Caffeine in Tea:

He says the short steep to remove caffeine is a myth and that it takes at least five minutes to remove a significant amount of caffeine from tea.

(There is a lot of other good info on caffeine in tea in this article/blog post as well.)


Oh wow! Super interesting stuff. Bookmarked that. Thanks for the link.


I’d email them, the person doing the live chat for Q & A probably wouldn’t know, but if you email them, your ? can be forwarded to a person who might. The worst that’ll happen is they’ll say they don’t know. But if you don’t ask, there’s a 100% chance you’ll never find out. Have you tried their straight ceylon? Does it happen w/ their vanilla rooibos chai and bengal green chai as well? What about their spiced green (which is basically a chai type tea)?

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1908 tasting notes

I had to double check the label on this sample because I’m not really getting any chocolate at all from this tea. When I opened the bag the smell that hit me was gingerbread – actually it reminded me very much of that Holiday Gingerbread Loaf they sell at Starbucks. It has a distinct gingerbread flavour as well – not surprise as there are big chunk of dried gingerroot and cinnamon bark in the tea. If it were marketed as a straight-up, regular chai or something, I’d rate this higher, but there is literally next to no chocolate involved in this tea and that feels like false advertising.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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921 tasting notes

It begins! My birthday weekend, ok it isn’t until Tuesday but since Ben has school that day and everyone will be out of town next weekend, we are celebrating this weekend. No idea what all we are doing except going to the British Faire held by the Daughters of the British Empire local chapter. I plan on talking to them about joining, my dad was English and on my mom’s side I can trace my genealogy back to English and Scottish royalty, I am a perfect candidate! A good way to start off the celebratory weekend is with a good chocolaty tea!

Chocolate Chai by Adagio Teas is a Chai blend featuring Chocolate flavored Ceylon tea, Cardamon, Ginger, Cloves and Cinnamon. The aroma is very chocolaty and reminds me a little of Xoclatl (Aztec drinking chocolate) with its blend of spices and chocolate. There are rich malty undertones and sweetness. This aroma is quite delicious, especially if you are craving some chocolate.

Once the tea is steeped the aroma becomes even spicier with the ginger and cinnamon being prominent with a touch of peppery spice. The chocolate is not as strong after steeping the blend, but there is still the malty aroma. The liquid without all the leafy goodness has a very sweet aroma with strong notes of chocolate and spices. No one spice stands out as dominant.

The taste perfectly hit the spot, creamy, spicy, chocolaty goodness! The blend of chocolate and spice makes for a balanced cup, I do wish that I could have a little bit more cardamon, but that spice is strong so I can see how getting it to be balanced would be a pain. The taste still reminds me of Xoclatl but with a bright tea taste instead of just the chocolate spice. Brewed with milk (whole milk in my case) and a bit of sugar this makes for an excellent chai with a chocolate twist.

For blog and photos:


Yay birthday weekend!


I hope the weekend is awesome for you! Happy birthday!


Have fun! Hope it’s a good one!


I have been to the Faire before, it’s pretty neat. I had lost track of it and didn’t realize it was today until my husband mentioned it. Not sure if I’ll get down there or not.

Have a great weekend and happy birthday!!!


Thank you guys! I appreciate all the birthday wishes :)

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