Earl Grey Cupcake

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Teas, Natural Bergamot Oil, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Organic Vanilla Beans, Sprinkles
Bergamot, Cake, Citrus, Creamy, Floral, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla, Cream, Fruity, Lemon, Earl Grey, Powdered Sugar, Tannin
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 13 oz / 384 ml

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36 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Breakfast tea – but only just opened so I am going to pick something else to be my sipdown challenge Earl Grey plus. The bergamot in this is light and very well-behaved. I dislike bergamot on a...” Read full tasting note
  • “3rd Tea of Christmas 2022 Smells like advertised. Also tastes like advertised (cake; bergamot; vanilla; tea)! Yesterday, I added milk but felt it drowned the “cake-ness” out somewhat. Today I drank...” Read full tasting note
  • “12 Teas of Christmas: Day 3 Reviewing this a day late, though I did drink it yesterday! I’m never gonna be excited to see an Earl Grey, but this was lovely. The bergamot is so delicate, and it’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “TeaTiff Traveling Tea Box | No. 17 I thought I’d had this before, but I don’t have any tasting notes for it. It looks and smells so good though! It’s pretty tasty but not as flavorful to me as it...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Tea of the Week for February 26, 2018!

I’ve never kept it a secret that one of my all-time favorite teas is Earl Grey – I love bergamot! I haven’t made (nor do I plan to make) a simple Earl Grey because I feel like there are so many out there that my contribution to the heap of Earl Grey teas that exist would not be unique – and we like to keep things unique here!

Instead, I decided to do an Earl Grey CUPCAKE tea. I started with black teas: Yunnan & Assam – with just a touch of Vietnamese Black to help round out the flavor a bit. Then I added some bergamot along with vanilla bean and some additional essence to create a cupcake-y flavor in your teacup. And since we’re talking cupcakes, what cupcake would be complete without some festive sprinkles? These sprinkles are vegan, gluten-free & nut free – so no worries!

A fun way to enjoy your bergamot!

ingredients: vegan candy sprinkles (sugar, potato starch, coconut oil, maltodextrin, spirulina extract, carnauba wax)

organic ingredients: black teas, bergamot, vanilla bean & natural flavors

About 52teas View company

At 52teas.com, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

36 Tasting Notes

3503 tasting notes

Breakfast tea – but only just opened so I am going to pick something else to be my sipdown challenge Earl Grey plus.

The bergamot in this is light and very well-behaved. I dislike bergamot on a Ceylon base – I find most Ceylon a bit lemony and I prefer my bergamot on a base that contrasts with it, as this ones does.

I read through the other notes and I have to agree that I would have pegged this more as a macaron flavor today than cupcake, although I think as it cools it began to lean in the cupcake direction.

Either way, it was a good tea and I enjoyed it!

As expected, the doc thought a biopsy was in order. Results next Monday when I go to get my stitch removed.

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1445 tasting notes

3rd Tea of Christmas 2022

Smells like advertised. Also tastes like advertised (cake; bergamot; vanilla; tea)! Yesterday, I added milk but felt it drowned the “cake-ness” out somewhat. Today I drank it plain and, yes, it’s creamy enough on its own. A little strange to have a creamy earl grey latte experience without the milk but here we are! I’m a fan though.

Flavors: Bergamot, Cake, Citrus, Creamy, Floral, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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397 tasting notes

12 Teas of Christmas: Day 3

Reviewing this a day late, though I did drink it yesterday!

I’m never gonna be excited to see an Earl Grey, but this was lovely. The bergamot is so delicate, and it’s balanced out by a dose of creamy vanilla. I feel like it’s Earl Grey Lite, and I’m down with that!

Flavors: Bergamot, Creamy, Vanilla

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2172 tasting notes

TeaTiff Traveling Tea Box | No. 17

I thought I’d had this before, but I don’t have any tasting notes for it. It looks and smells so good though! It’s pretty tasty but not as flavorful to me as it smells I think. It’s a good EG, but not a keeper for me.

Flavors: Bergamot

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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6119 tasting notes

2021 Sipdown 112/365!

Not my top EG from 52teas, but certainly one I’d jump at the chance to get more of. A lightly flavoured cream EG with a nice, smooth and flavourful black base. No astringency here. A really lovely cup. I would prefer it to be a bit stronger, but it’s still good as is. One packet left!

Evol Ving Ness

One of my favourites too.

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448 tasting notes

2021 Sipdown #7!

I love Earl Greys and I’m a sucker for fun things like sprinkles so I’m sad to see this one go! I’ll have to find some new fun Earl Grey to replace this one

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2593 tasting notes

This was one of the flavors from the advent calendar that I was the most excited for. I’m not sure it totally accomplished its goal though. It’s sort of like a very mild earl grey creme. But I’m not sure I’d even know it’s early grey if I hadn’t been told. I definitely can taste the extra desserty flavor that’s in there, but it’s more like a macaron than a cupcake. And flavors are often milder in macarons anyway. So if I think of this as being an earl grey macaron, I’d say it does a pretty good job. I’m drinking it with milk, which definitely helps bring out those flavors.

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201 tasting notes

So, trying this again as my morning brew (I know it’s almost 3PM, this is just my life, ok) and I have to say, I think it was my prep that was off last time. This time I actually measured out the water and leaf (12oz, 1.5 Tsp), but sort of eyeballed it (is that the right term) on the time. It was somewhere around 2 minutes though.

Taste is so much better! No licorice present at ALL! Instead, it tastes just like the package states: an Earl Grey Cupcake. I can taste the sweetness of the frosting, and the bergamot, and the tea, all wrapped up into one. This is amazing! I think I’m going to need to order a few more pouches of this. I could drink this all day!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1968 tasting notes

12 Teas of Christmas- Day 1

This is SO GOOD. When I first tried it a few years ago, I referred to it as one of the best EGs I had ever tried, and that still stands. It’s an absolutely delicious cakey flavor, and the bergamot isn’t overwhelming. Just delicious.

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314 tasting notes

The 3rd Tea of Christmas!

I realize I’m a little late to the party today – as on the east coast, it’s already time for the 4th Tea of Christmas – my last 24 hours have been a little weird & as a result, I haven’t had the time to sit back and enjoy a cuppa & write a post about it.

PS: I apologize if this ends up being a double post. Steepster was acting weird.

I am CRAZY for Earl Grey. I love bergamot. So, I’m often thinking of ways to bring a new Earl Grey blend to the 52Teas lineup & I’m always happy when the opportunity arrives to reblend one of my previous EG blends.

As I mentioned earlier in a comment on another post for this tea – my original blend had pastel blue & white snowflake sprinkles – while this blend has the rainbow sprinkles & a quick look into photo album tells me that I also did a version with green, red & white sprinkles for a previous holiday box. Ideally, I would have chosen either of those sprinkles for this blend, however, I had purchased these sprinkles a couple of months ago when I had planned on reblending it – however at the time of blending, my cold-pressed bergamot oil had not yet arrived and you can’t very well blend an EG tea without bergamot oil. So, I had to shelf that plan & since this blend did so well in the holiday poll, I decided to just reblend it for the 12 Teas of Christmas box – but I didn’t think it was necessary to buy a new batch of sprinkles since I seldom utilize sprinkles in my teas – but for a cupcake tea, I felt it necessary to add sprinkles. :)

So, that was probably more than you needed to know about why the rainbow sprinkles. Anyway, this tea: I love it. It’s Earl Grey, it’s vanilla, there’s a richness to it that is evocative of cake batter. YUMMY!

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