Creamy Eggnog Dusted with Nutmeg

Tea type
Green Tea
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Creamy, Nutmeg, Dry Grass, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Cream, Green, Spices, Sweet
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Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by lizwykys
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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From 52teas

Last year about this time, I discovered custard pie that had been dusted in nutmeg. It tasted like eggnog in pie form. I ate way too much of this amazing discovery because OH.MY! it’s so good!

This year, I decided I needed to make something like this in tea form if for no other reason than to help me hopefully curb my obsession with the pie. See, my thinking is this: if I’m drinking this, my tea equivalent, I hopefully won’t be craving the pie and I won’t put said pie into my shopping cart.

I wanted to focus primarily on the creaminess of the custard and the egg-y flavor of it so I went in an eggnog direction rather than custard. To help highlight the creaminess, I chose an organic Chinese Sencha for it’s light, buttery notes. Then I added eggnog essence and freshly shaved nutmeg – as well as a light scattering of calendula petals for some color.

So here it is, my tea substitution for the custard pie without the pie crust (because really, when I ate the custard pie, I wasn’t thinking about the crust, only the creamy, dreamy custard that had been dusted with just the right amount of nutmeg): Creamy Eggnog Dusted With Eggnog!

And yes, it’s VEGAN, gluten-free & allergen-free!

organic ingredients: green tea, nutmeg, calendula petals & natural flavors

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

20 Tasting Notes

16956 tasting notes

Sipdown (630)!

Thanks VariaTEA for the share!

I was hoping that this might be something similar to Butiki’s eggnog green tea blend, but I found this very lacking in flavour. That meant that while it wasn’t really good it also wasn’t really bad either. Just sort of… there? It was a little disappointing, but definitely better than it tasting poorly.

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986 tasting notes

TTB #2

This is a nice smooth, creamy green tea, but didn’t seem to have much eggnog flavor for me. I do pick up on just a hint of nutmeg, but not much else.

Flavors: Creamy, Nutmeg

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1403 tasting notes

I am no-way no-how getting eggnog or nutmeg here. That said, the creamy green base is lovely and I am enjoying it very much as a creaminess-enhanced green tea.

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63 tasting notes

I’m not getting the ‘nog taste? It’s a creamy vanilla sort of green tea, which I’m loving. But it’s so light! And I get the nutmeg ever so slightly at the end. What I think is going on is that my bag was stuffed full (my bags from 52teas always are) so I didn’t have room to really shake it. I expect to encounter more flavor from other cups. I’m not giving up on this one!

Flavors: Creamy, Dry Grass, Nutmeg, Vanilla

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2987 tasting notes

I decided to try this with a tiny bit of vanilla almond milk and it really brings everything together. Creamy, smooth, spices (cinnamon and nutmeg), and the green tea came out more in the longer steep giving a nutty, sweet flavour.

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1780 tasting notes

This tea is quite subtle and a little elusive. Being a fan of black tea, this is a little on the light side for me. I do get the creamy eggnog in the sip and a little nutmeg on the end. The aftertaste is nice. My cup has cooled and it is tasting flatter than when it was hot. I’m not crazy about it at the moment, but I’d love to try it cold steeped. Adding creamer brightens it up a bit for me and really cranks up the creaminess. I’ll have to play around with this tea a bit more and see what it can do.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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15575 tasting notes

Lovely tea for a lovely afternoon. Although i’m downright swamped at work, it’s been a good friday. I’m off next week, i managed to trade 3 of my board games in a no ship swap for things that i’m happier with, we pick up new jams this weekend AND it’s sunny enough that i think i might actually get decent weather next week AND doggo adventures this weekend.

This tea is still a happy place for me, so that’s good. Love it when i don’t fall out of favour with teas, especially these days when i barely have any in my cupboard lol.

Evol Ving Ness

This sounds kind of fab. Sorry I missed this one. Maybe next time around. Is it very nutmeggy?


no, there’s just a hint of nutmeg.

Evol Ving Ness

Oh, good. Thanks.

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314 tasting notes

This is the 8th TEA of Christmas – when I first set out to create this blend, the flavor profile that I had in my head was a custard pie with a dusting of nutmeg on top. I love those pies – but I’ve also come to the point where I know I need to avoid the bakery because I will end up buying said pie and I don’t need the pie – and neither does my pocketbook (they aren’t cheap!)

So I wanted a tea that was creamy and custardy sweet like that – but not so much like it that it made me wish for the real thing. I wanted something that would curb my craving for something creamy and sweet without something that would remind me so much of the pie that I had to go out and buy one.

And I think I managed to do that with this tea. It’s sweet and creamy and custard-y. The nutmeg adds a nice dimension to it. But it also definitely tastes like tea. Similar enough to the pie to curb the craving for it without tasting so similar that I feel I must have the pie.

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6444 tasting notes

When I was little and it was Chanukah, I used to get beautifully wrapped presents every night that my mom would spend hours wrapping after my siblings and I went to bed. Then when we got older our beautifully wrapped presents turned into “do you want your Chanukah money via check or direct deposit this year?”

However it seems my mom is feeling festive this year because she even left the house to go buy presents and along with presents she returned with gift wrap to the hilt. So for over an hour my mom and I have been wrapping presents and tying bows and feeling pretty festive which made this tea the perfect accompaniment during our gift wrapping (which still continues (we’re taking a break).

It’s vegetal from the base but I find that blends with the slightly spiced creaminess of this tea. Tbh it almost reminds me of the Butiki eggnog tea which I tried forever ago and was aged a little so my interpretation might be off but whether it’s subconscious because of the name or the actual flavor, that’s what I am getting and for that I am happy.

Evol Ving Ness

Beautiful. Somehow I missed this one.

What a lovely holiday memory! Glad that your mom has decided to resurrect the gift and gift wrap tradition. Happy Hanukah to you and yours, VariaTEA!


It’s part of the 12 Teas of Christmas and thank you. Happy holidays to you and your family as well!

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you! I’m a bit late getting started with that. Oops.

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