drank Melon Cooler by DAVIDsTEA
316 tasting notes

I was relatively excited for this one, but really for all of the Oasis collection as a whole. I really love melon teas though, so this one I was looking forward to. It smells very strange dry and while steeping, and I can’t really figure out what that strange smell is, but when I tasted it (iced) it tastes much much better than it smelled. Also it steeps a bright red colour – which I wasn’t expecting at all really. It’s almost like watermelon juice, but I’m also getting a different flavour in there too, I wanna say cucumber, but I know there’s none in this. Maybe it’s the figs. Overall this is a good refreshing tea for the summer days.
Also – this is my 200th tasting note! WOOP

Flavors: Cucumber, Fig, Melon

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Roswell Strange

Congrats on 200!



Stefanie Roy

It’s awesome hot as well! I was a bit sceptical when I smelled it but it tastes SO different to how it smells!


I shall have to give it a try hot!

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Roswell Strange

Congrats on 200!



Stefanie Roy

It’s awesome hot as well! I was a bit sceptical when I smelled it but it tastes SO different to how it smells!


I shall have to give it a try hot!

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Hi, I’m Michelle and I am pretty much obsessed with tea. Some people say I have a problem. I mostly drink DavidsTea – but I am open to trying other ones too.

Things I LOVE in tea:
-Fruits (especially peach, melon, strawberry, banana, berries etc)

Things I don’t MIND in tea:
—Mint & Peppermint

Things/ingredients I HATE in tea:
-Coconut (Rare exceptions)
-Nuts (Some exceptions)
-Earl Grey (Bergamot)
-Coffee beans

I am quite picky with my teas. If the primary ingredients are mixed with something I don’t tend to like – I will try it and its possible I’ll like it. But if the tea is mostly/primarily something I hate – I won’t even try it.
I mostly like Herbals, Green, Oolong, White and Black teas.


St. Thomas, ON

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