SOUR APPLE. Plain and simple. It’s the only thing I can taste. I suppose it would be ok iced…just can’t get past the hibiscus. It will seriously be the death of me. I wish I liked it because it’s very good for you…but…sigh…
It could be worse. Yeah…I should say at least I am drinking it…I under infused and used less of the amount. Still fruity, tarty, herbal…no actual tea.
I had no idea hibiscus is good for you. Hmm, I have a history of high blood pressure in my family. Better start finding a hibiscus tea that I like now!
Rich in Vitamin C, helps cool the body in hot weather, helps lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol and helps strengthen the immune system. It may help with coughing issues and may help reduce fever!
I really wish I liked it!
pats tea on head its ok little hibiscus tea she doesn’t like your tartyness (brought to you thanks to the rooibos rescue and hibiscus helpers)
drats. I’ll have to try this one, as I keep forgetting to try it. I love the Hibiscus Pineapple Lychee from RoT so I hope I Love this one too! Sorry it wasn’t your cuppa tea TeaEqualsBlis.
I had no idea hibiscus is good for you. Hmm, I have a history of high blood pressure in my family. Better start finding a hibiscus tea that I like now!
Rich in Vitamin C, helps cool the body in hot weather, helps lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol and helps strengthen the immune system. It may help with coughing issues and may help reduce fever!
I really wish I liked it!
Yes, but can it make french fries?
Hibiscus Fries…eeeeeweeeee ishy…ISHY!!!!
pats tea on head its ok little hibiscus tea she doesn’t like your tartyness (brought to you thanks to the rooibos rescue and hibiscus helpers)
drats. I’ll have to try this one, as I keep forgetting to try it. I love the Hibiscus Pineapple Lychee from RoT so I hope I Love this one too! Sorry it wasn’t your cuppa tea TeaEqualsBlis.
Ewa-the fries would be a nice pretty crimson color, just wouldn’t taste great.
@ Ewa & AmazonV: ROFL!
And the return of Ishy!!! :D